Student Rights and Responsibilities
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records. FERPA governs the disclosure of student records maintained by an educational institution as well as access to those records.
Operational Procedures and Regulations
Code of Student Conduct
All ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø students are expected to demonstrate responsible behavior. The Code of Student Conduct translates these expectations into specific policies and describes the process through which claims of violations are resolved.
The Code of Student Conduct
Office of Student Conduct
Honor Pledge
Judicial Processes & Procedures
Class Attendance
Instructors have both the responsibility and prerogative for managing student attendance. The policy provides a procedural framework for both faculty and students to address an absence from class.
Administrative Policy Regarding Class Attendance and Class Absence
Unit Handbooks
Unit Handbooks will be available.
Student Use of Information Technology
Undergraduate Catalog
Enrollment Management & Related Student Services (330) 672-6000
University Registrar
University Bursar (330) 672-2626
Student Financial Aid
The Student Financial Aid office administers all federal financial aid programs for all ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø campuses.
Student Financial Aid
Academic Advising
Academic advising at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø supports the teaching and learning mission of the University. All freshman and sophomore students are required to meet with an advisor once per semester. Students at junior standing and beyond will be required to meet at least once per year.
Graduation Planning System
The Graduation Planning System (GPS) tracks student progress to graduation. GPS includes all requirements for earning a degree in the declared program (Roadmaps).
Graduation Planning System
Residence Services (Kent Campus)
Dining Services (Kent Campus)
The FLASHcard Office is located on the Kent Campus at the Bursar's Office in the Michael Schwartz Center, Room 138. Regional Campuses also produce FLASHcards for the faculty and students. The FLASHcard is the University I.D. for faculty, staff, and students. It doubles as a meal card and debit card. A FLASHcard is needed to check materials out of the library.
Student Support Services & Resources
University Research Council
It is the URC’s charge to foster and stimulate research efforts and creative projects by providing financial support for artistic and scholarly work.
University Research Council
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
The mission of the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office is to ensure access to a post-secondary education to qualified students with disabilities at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
SAS Handbook
The Student Accessibility Services Faculty Handbook provides general guidelines for working with any student who learns differently or requires some kind of accommodation in order to achieve his or her potential.
SAS Handbook
Early Alert Referral System
The Early Alert system helps instructors to reach out to students in their courses who are experiencing difficulties. The Early Alert system is a referral tool in Flashline. This system allows instructors a way to share the information with the Student Success Program staff so that additional interventions can be provided.
Early Alert System
Save My Semester
Academic Success Center
Career Exploration and Development
Student Ombuds
The primary goal of the Office of the Student Ombuds is to provide students confidential consultation in assisting with the possible resolution of any University-related concern, grievance or appeal.
Student Ombuds
University Health Services (Kent Campus)
University Health Services (Kent Campus) provides non-emergency outpatient care to all eligible students, faculty and staff. It is also a full-service primary care medical facility.
University Health Services
Psychological Services (Kent Campus)
Psychological Services is staffed by licensed psychologists and provides high quality, personalized care to all KSU students, while also providing consultation to the University community regarding mental health concerns.
Psychological Services
Counseling and Human Development Center (Kent Campus)
The Counseling and Human Development Center provides confidential counseling. Located at 325 White Hall on the Kent Campus, the Center offers individual and group counseling services. All services are provided free of cost to Kent State students, staff and faculty and at very little cost to the community.
Counseling and Human Development Center
Information Technology (IT) HelpDesk
The Information Services Helpdesk at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø can assist students and faculty with a variety of computer-related problems.
Information Services Helpdesk
Student Life
Center for Student Involvement
ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø has over 200 student organizations. The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) offers an array of resources that provide opportunities for leadership and participation in student-initiated projects and organizations.
Center for Student Involvement
Community-Based Learning & Volunteerism
ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø engages students in their communities in a wide variety of ways, such as student service organizations, University service programs, service-learning classes, and interactions with our community partners.
Community-Based Learning & Volunteerism
Office of Global Studies
The Office of Global Education plans, coordinates, sustains, and monitors the University's global initiatives, exchange programs, and support services for international students and scholars.
Office of Global Education
Intercollegiate Athletics
ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø’s athletics program, NCAA Division I, includes baseball, basketball (women’s), basketball (men’s), cross country, field hockey, football, golf (women’s), golf (men’s), gymnastics, soccer, softball, track and field, volleyball, wrestling.
Intercollegiate Athletics (Kent Campus)
Recreational Services (Kent Campus)
This office encompasses comprehensive recreational services housed in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center. The Kent State Ice Arena includes two rinks, which are used for learn-to-skate, hockey, broomball, and open skating programs for the community.
Recreational Services
Women's Center
ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø’s Women’s Center exists to advance and enhance the educational experience and professional life of women students, faculty and staff at all campuses. The Women’s Center serves as a resource for advocacy by providing education, information, and referral programs and services.
Women's Center
Student Multicultural Center
The Student Multicultural Center develops and implements holistic retention programs, shares information and ideas that assist individuals in embracing diversity, and encourages mutual respect through educational, cultural and social programming.
Student Multicultural Center
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Student Center
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Student Center was created to provide resources and support for LGBTQ students and their allies. The Center educates the campus community (students, faculty, and staff) about sexual orientation and gender identity in order to make ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø a Safe Space for all of our students.
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Student Center
The Office of Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services (SRVSS)
SRVSS Office (pronounced "serves"), The Office of Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø, offers resources and education for students on personal safety, sexual assault and rape, relationship violence, and stalking.
Office of Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services
Center for Adult & Veteran Services
The Center provides specialized services and resources, such as academic advising, career guidance, Adult Student Orientation, advocacy, and referrals to meet the needs of adult students and veterans.
Center for Adult & Veteran Services
Graduation and Academic Excellence
Application for Graduation
Students applying for graduation should complete the online graduation application available through Flashline by the published deadlines. The online graduation application is used for all degree and certificate programs.
Graduation and Honors
Questions regarding faculty roles in the commencement ceremony, where to line up, and when to arrive are best answered by senior colleagues or administrative staff within a faculty member’s respective department, academic unit, or regional campus.
Kent Campus Commencement
Ashtabula Campus
East Liverpool Campus
Stark Campus
Tuscarawas Campus
Academic Standing - Undergraduate Student
Academic standing designations include President’s List, Dean’s List for Full-Time Students, Dean’s List for Part-Time Students, In Good Academic Standing, Midterm Warning, Semester Warning, Selected Academic Program Warning, Not Permitted to Continue, Academic Probation, and Academic Dismissal.
Academic Standing - Undergraduate Student
Graduate Students
More than 6,000 graduate students are enrolled in more than 150 graduate degree and certificate programs. Partnerships between students and our nationally and internationally renowned faculty extend scholarship in important areas of research, creativity and practice.
Graduate Studies
The Division of Graduate Studies at KSU organizationally resides in the office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. Its primary functions are: admitting highly qualified and diverse graduate students, providing services to enhance the quality of life for KSU graduate students and ensuring that KSU’s graduate programs are cutting edge and meet the highest standards of academic excellence. Responsibility for these functions lies with the dean of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Studies administrative staff
Guide to Graduate Education
This annual guide contains the policies and procedures applicable to the University’s graduate education community. Although most of the information contained in this guide appears in the University Catalog and/or University Policy Register, this guide is intended to make graduate policies and procedures easily accessible to potential and current students, faculty, staff and administrators. The guide covers topics ranging from applying to a graduate program to graduating.
Graduate Catalog
The ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Catalog is the official document of record for undergraduate and graduate programs, courses, academic policies and special programs.
Graduate Aid & Assistantships
Many graduate programs offer one of three types of graduate assistantships: administrative, teaching or research. Most assistantships are awarded to doctoral students, and some programs fund 100% of their graduate students while others do not. These competitive awards typically provide compensation in the form of a full tuition waiver in addition to a monthly stipend for 10-20 hours of work per week.
Awards & Fellowships
The Division of Graduate Studies at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø administers a number of fellowships and awards for new and continuing students.
Graduate Student Services & Resources
Graduate Student Forms Library
The forms library contains a collection of paper work and application forms for faculty, staff, and students (prospective and current). From application to registration to thesis and dissertation documents.
Graduate Student Senate
The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) is comprised of senators from all departments and programs on campus that have graduate programs on the master and doctoral level. Through regular meetings, the senate seeks to improve graduate student life and research on campus through student initiatives and research grant funding.
Black Graduate Student Association
Black Graduate Student Association’s (BGSA) purpose is to meet the professional, social, and academic needs of Black graduate students. BGSA recognizes graduation with Masters or Ph.D. as a top priority. Subsequently, this organization is dedicated to the promotion of academic excellence, mentoring, professional guidance, and social support that will enhance the scholarship of Black graduate students at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø.
Graduate Professional and Academic Development
The Division of Graduate Studies offers professional development workshops for KSU graduate students of all academic programs. The free, one-hour Graduate Professional and Academic Development (GPAD) workshops are offered during a one-week block in the Fall and Spring semesters.