Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar is ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø's official schedule for class beginning and end dates, commencement, spring break, and holidays for fall, spring and summer semesters.
Academic Calendar
Scheduling of Classes
Schedules are established at the unit level and sent to the Academic Scheduling Center located within the Office of the Registrar. Courses are scheduled to permit access to available offerings by the greatest number of students, and to allow the most suitable instructional arrangement to meet the needs of the faculty and courses offerings within the existing facilities.
In most cases the Academic Unit Administrator will retain responsibility for course scheduling in the Academic Unit.
Academic Scheduling Center
University Practices
Kent State follows a semester academic year. In addition, Intersession classes may be offered at the end of fall and spring semesters. Summer courses are offered during one of three segments: summer I and III, which run 5 weeks, and summer II, which runs 8 weeks.
University Registrar
Unit Handbooks
Unit Handbooks regarding scheduling classes will be available here.
On the website of the Office of the University Registrar you will find important dates about registration and links to the schedule of classes, majors and degrees, and distance learning.
On this site, you will find answers to commonly asked questions about registration and links to Advising Services, Course Scheduling, Enrollment Certification, Final Exam Schedules, How to Register Using FlashFAST, Petition for Exception to Registration Form, Time to Register Dates and Entry Schedules by Term, and Registration Processes and Options, Transcript requests, Credit by Exam, Ohio Residency Status, other forms and additional dates and deadlines.
Only students who have been formally admitted to ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø may register for coursework and pay the appropriate fees.
Office of the University Registrar
Classroom Management
Course Syllabus Guidelines may be provided by the Provost, College, and/or Unit. Kent State does not have a standardized template for syllabi. For questions about what to include in a syllabus, consult with your unit or campus administrator and colleagues.
Office Hours
Each faculty member is required to have stated office hours published in the departmental office. Instructors should notify each class of hours during which they are available for conferences. It is expected that each faculty member will hold a minimum of five office hours per week.
Policy Register, Chapter 6 - 8.101 Operational procedures and regulations regarding faculty office hours
Classes are conducted on the premise that regular attendance is expected. The individual instructor has both the responsibility and the prerogative for managing student attendance. If students anticipate an absence, they should consult with the instructor individually. In the event the absence was due to illness or injury, verification from the medical professional treating the illness or injury should be presented to the instructor.
Policy Register, Chapter 3-01.2 Administrative policy regarding class attendance and class absence
Student proficiency in coursework is recorded by letter grades. The University Registrar Policies and Procedures site includes information on midterm/final semester grades and Pass-Fail grade options.
Student Evaluations
There is no current policy. Topic is under review by Faculty Senate.
Classroom Support (Information Technology)
Teaching, research and public service are greatly enhanced through the use of computing systems and software, access to the World Wide Web, and other technology resources. Authorized users of campus computing and network resources shall be faculty, staff, students and other affiliated individuals or organizations authorized by the vice president for information services.
Policy Register, Chapter 9-01 University policy on responsible use of information technology
An overview of computing resource uses can found in the Policy Register, Chapter 9-01 University policy on responsible use of information technology.
The Division of Information Services
Early Alert Referral System
Faculty and staff may be in positions where they are able to identify students who are in crisis or who are recovering from a physical or mental trauma. Information from the Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services may provide members of the University community with guidance in recognizing and helping a student in distress, as well as provide referrals and support.
Early Alert Referral System
The University has adopted Canvas as its learning management system (LMS). Canvas supports a wide range of teaching and learning activities within a unified platform, which can be accessed from any device. Canvas can be used in both traditional and online classrooms, and all courses can be completely or partially managed through this platform. Access to Canvas as well as information and tutorials about Canvas are available.
Accessing Canvas
Library Programs
University Libraries support the overall mission of the University by assisting faculty, staff, students, and the community with resource identification and acquisition. Thus, University Libraries help facilitate scholarly and leisurely research, teaching and service activities.
University Libraries
Access to Student Records
The University has the responsibility to protect student information as it pertains to educational records. Educational records are defined as those records, files, documents, and other materials (for example, official academic records, advisement records, student conduct records, health records, and placement bureau records) which contain information directly related to the student and are maintained by a college, school, department, office or other University organizational subdivision, or by a person acting for the University or any of its subdivisions.
Policy Register, Chapter 5-08 University policy regarding collection, retention and dissemination of information about students
Policy Register, Chapter 5-08.101 Operational procedures and regulations regarding collection, retention and dissemination of information about students
Students with Disabilities
The University shall make reasonable accommodations in its academic requirements to ensure that such requirements do not discriminate on the basis of disability against a qualified individual with a disability, whether applicant or student. To this end, specific accommodations can be made for students appropriately evaluated by Student Accessibility Services or other certified or licensed provider.
Policy Register, Chapter 3-01.3 Administrative policy regarding nondiscrimination and access to university programs for qualified students with disabilities
Academic Advising at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø supports the teaching and learning mission of the University by helping students understand the value of achieving their educational goals. Advising is an on-going partnership among students, advisors, and the University community. The University has an advising program to assist students in achieving timely progress toward degree; demonstrate an understanding of University and program requirements; and identify and utilize appropriate resources in achieving academic, personal, and career goals.
Academic Advising
Graduation Planning System
The Graduation Planning System, or GPS, tracks student progress to graduation. GPS includes all requirements for earning a degree in the declared program. It also includes a student's individualized plan of study, which is created in consultation between the student and an advisor and which outlines semester by semester, what the student must complete to graduate.
Graduation Planning System
College Advisors
Advising at the College level takes place at the Office of Advising & Academic Services, which is responsible for academic advising, assistance with registration issues, probation/dismissal, and graduation for all undergraduate students.
Office of Advising and Academic Services
Faculty/Unit Advisors
Faculty help by meeting with students to advise them on courses to take, course topics, and solutions to particular problems in their major.
Policy Register, Chapter 6-17 University policy regarding faculty code of professional ethics
Access to Student Records
Policy Register, Chapter 5-08 Operational procedures and regulations regarding collection, retention and dissemination of information about students
Student Records Policy (FERPA)
Information about the Office of the University Registrar
Information about the Office of the University Registrar may be found at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Us
Curricular Processes
Faculty in departments and schools have a primary role in the curriculum development process and are responsible for the delivery and maintenance of their curriculum and instructional programs. Departments and schools are charged to develop and maintain current instructional programs and course syllabi, as well as to promote changes, approve internal modifications, and establish and utilize procedures for reviewing and evaluating existing and new courses, programs and policies.
Curriculum Approval Process
All curricular approval processes start at the academic unit level by a faculty member submitting a basic data sheet (BDS) that contains the subject matter of the intended process (a course/program revision, approval, or inactivation). The proposal is reviewed and approved by the following faculty committees as appropriate:
Program Curricular Group
Regional Campuses Faculty Councils
Departmental/School Curriculum Committee
College Curriculum Committee (CCC)
Educational Policies Council (EPC)
Faculty Senate -
A detailed flowchart of the curricular approval process is presented in Curriculum Services' Curriculum Guidelines.
Educational Policies Council
The Educational Policies Council is concerned with conceptual and structural aspects of long-range academic and curricular planning. The Council consists of two bodies, one responsible for undergraduate education called the Undergraduate Council and the other responsible for graduate education called the Graduate Council.
The ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Catalog is the official document of record for undergraduate and graduate programs, courses, academic policies and special programs. Courses listed in the Catalog include a description of the course along with the number of credit hours and pre- or co-requisites. The University Catalog is an online-only publication available as an Academic Resource.
Academic Continuous Improvement Processes
Academic Program Review (APR)
ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø engages in ongoing Academic Program Review (APR) to facilitate an academic unit’s continuous improvement, ensure academic quality and to inform the unit’s strategic planning process to reflect relevant trends and institutional priorities. Systematic reviews also serve to satisfy expectations from external entities such as the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) and Kent State’s institutional accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The overall result of APR supports quality education for all students.
Assessment of Student Learning
At ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø, assessment is the process of providing credible evidence of student learning outcomes and student development undertaken for improvement. Kent State is committed to using assessment to improve quality, while promoting accountability to provide our students with the best educational experience possible. Results gleaned from thoughtful assessments are used and put into action.
Office of Global Education