Research and Creative Activity
Intellectual Property
Division of Research & Economic Development
Research Facilities
Research Safety & Compliance
University Research Council
The University Research Council’s mission is to foster and stimulate the research mission of the University by studying and recommending policies; recommending priorities for support; recommending faculty research appointments, and publicizing research efforts at the University. The URC consists of 12 faculty members representing the various scholarly disciplines of the University.
University Research Council
Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award
This award is given to a faculty member each year, based on his/her research and/or creative activities, by the Provost’s office after recommendation from the URC.
Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award
Research Support
Types of Support sponsored by the URC include Speaker Support; Research Travel Support; Publication of Research; Scholarship and Creative Activity; Page Charge Support; Subvention; Conference Travel Support; Reprint Support; Copy Support; Computer Equipment Support; Development of Extramural Funding; Undergraduate Research Supplement for Conduct of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity; Undergraduate Research Scholars Program; Summer and Academic Year Research Appointments; Interdisciplinary Research Projects
Research Support
University Teaching Council (UTC)
The mission of the University Teaching Council (UTC) is to support and facilitate the teaching mission of the University by studying and recommending policies to enrich and enhance teaching and curriculum development, recommending priorities for support of teaching and curriculum development, recommending faculty teaching development awards, collecting information on teaching and curriculum development, and publicizing teaching and curriculum development of the University.
University Teaching Council
Funding Opportunities
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
CTL’s mission is to provide opportunities, leadership and support for faculty development in their scholarly and professional work. The long term aim is to engage these agents of change, both individually and in community, in transforming ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø's environments for learning into spaces where all students succeed.
The Center's four main areas of service are to:
• Connect, network, and support continuity in opportunities for professional and staff development.
• Communicate opportunities for professional and staff development.
• Provide advocacy and support for professional development as members work with individual colleagues, committees, and groups to enhance opportunities for long and short-term growth.
• Offer expertise and consultation related to specific areas of scholarship and professional work.The Center is designed to provide leadership and support for cultivating environments and relationships for innovative and successful learning, for building networks and communities of practice and learning, and for communicating and creating opportunities for professional and staff development.
Center for Teaching and Learning
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Institutional Review Board, which is comprised of administrative staff, faculty, and community representatives, meets regularly to review applications for research using human participants. The University requires research training for investigators.
Administrative Policy Regarding Research Involving Human Subjects
IRB Website
Required Training for Researchers
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
The ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee reviews proposals to use animals for research. The University requires research training for investigators.
Administrative Policy Regarding Animal Care and Use
IACUC Website
Required Training for Researchers
Research Personnel