University News

Kent State LaunchNET Celebrates 10 Years, Unveils New Space in DI Hub

Kent State LaunchNET Celebrates 10 Years, Unveils New Space in DI Hub
ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø’s LaunchNET celebrated its 10th anniversary on Thursday and cut the ribbon on its new office suite in the Design Innovation Hub.

SURE Fellows Demonstrate Kent State's R1 Status in Action
SURE presenters represented the 122 students who participated in the program during summer 2022, an increase of 50 students from the previous year. SURE is sponsored by the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs and the office of President Todd Diacon, as well as several individuals, departments, colleges, institutes and others.

Kent State Nursing Student Named ‘Big Sister of the Year’
Kent State College of Nursing student Ashlee Frymier has been selected as Big Sister of the Year by Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Summit, Medina and Stark Counties.

Alumna Morgan Dawson’s Construction Pants Combine Comfort and Utility
Alumna Morgan Dawson created Dawson Workwear, a line of pants specifically for women in construction, to provide comfort and an appropriate fit for the female body.

University Libraries Receives Donation of Only Known Portrait of Ohio-Born Poet
ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Libraries on Monday accepted a donation of a portrait of Hart Crane, the only painting believed to exist of the 20th century American poet.

First Star Kent State Academy Provides Umbrella of Protection for Foster Care AlumniÂ
First Star Kent State Academy has created a resource, the Purple Umbrella Network, to offer support to students transitioning from foster care.

Dredging the Cuyahoga Will Clean River Sediment of Petroleum, Improve Water Quality Along Hike and Bike Trail in Kent Park
Members of the ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø community who enjoy kayaking along the Cuyahoga River or taking a walk or jog along the adjacent Portage Hike and Bike Trail may have noticed the river dredging work near Fred Fuller Park in Kent.

Bowman Breakfast Celebrates Town and Gown Connection Between Kent State and City
Officials from ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø and the greater Kent and Portage County community came together Wednesday morning for the annual Bowman Breakfast, an event that has been bringing university and town officials together since 1963.

IN A FLASH: A Flash Is Born!
A "baby picture" of Flash, the Kent State mascot, shortly after he was hatched at Homecoming 1985.