School of Communication Studies
Graduate Students Have Opportunity to Study Abroad at the Catholic University of Portugal
School of Communication Studies
Fourth Spring 2018 CCI Research Colloquium to be Held on Sports Media and Health Issues
School of Communication Studies
Professors to Host Teaching Colloquium on Student Motivation
School of Communication Studies

School Seeks Two New Faculty Members
School of Communication Studies
Professor Publishes Chapter Highlighting Identity Themes Portrayed in Diasporic Films
School of Communication Studies

Researchers Focus on Parent-Child Relationships in Upcoming Lecture on Family Communication
School of Communication Studies

Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Panel Discussion to be on Climate Change
School of Communication Studies

Instructor to be Featured Speaker at TedxKentState
School of Communication Studies

College of Communication and Information to Host Industry Exclusive Career Expo ’18
School of Communication Studies
Successful Christmas for Adopted Families at Battered Women's Shelter
School of Communication Studies