School of Communication Studies

Junior ROTC Student Excels in Organizational Communication Course
School of Communication Studies

School Honors Top Students at Scholarships and Awards Reception
School of Communication Studies

Students Turn Personal Experiences into Persuasive Speeches at Annual Hyde Park Forum
School of Communication Studies
Spring 2018 CCI Research Colloquium to Discuss PTSD in Journalists from Hurricane Harvey
School of Communication Studies
COMM Professor to Host Webinar on Best Social Media Practices
School of Communication Studies
Emeritus Professor to be Featured in the 2018 CSCA Convention "Scholar Conversations" Series
School of Communication Studies
CCI Spring 2018 Research Colloquium to Highlight the Process of a Research Agenda
School of Communication Studies

Students to Compete for Scholarships in Annual Speech Competition
School of Communication Studies
COMM Professor Nominated for Kent State Mothers, Mentors and Muses
School of Communication Studies

Environmental Journalist Shares Thoughts on Career, Climate Change
School of Communication Studies