Community Impact

Fashion Merchandising Student Sold on Campus and Downtown Charm
From her perch in Rockwell Hall, where she takes classes as a fashion merchandising major, ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø student Lucia Perry has a perfect view of the Lefton Esplanade leading to downtown Kent.

Award-Winning Dissertation Focuses on How Black Men Develop as Leaders
Michael Daniels, Ph.D., director of the E. Timothy Moore Student Multicultural Center, is recognized for outstanding dissertation research by receiving NASPA's Melvene D. Hardee Dissertation of the Year Award.

Kent State’s Comedy Improv Troupe Entertains Audiences at Stand-Up Festival
Did you know Kent State has its own improvisation group? It does. What does the troupe do, you ask? Improv. ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø. Everything.

Skating Through a Record Year
The Kent Skates ice rink in downtown Kent ends its season this weekend.

IN A FLASH: A Passion for Teaching

Kent State Alum's Mill Fire Photo on Cover of National Magazine
A fiery image, taken by photographer and ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø alumnus Jerry Jividen at the December Star of the West mill fire in downtown Kent, is featured on the cover of a national firefighter magazine.

Now We’re Cooking with STEM
Engaging young students in cooking activities can promote lifelong learning in science and math.

What Makes Someone 'a Math Person' or Not?
Building a "sense of belonging to math" in underrepresented students.

Research Forum Discusses Injection Training, Math Belonging and Cooking with STEM
Forum highlights on-campus research in new ways of teaching in nursing, math and STEM.

How to Talk to Your Neighbor: Workshop Will Teach the Art of Community Dialogue
You know how at Thanksgiving dinner, everyone is trained to avoid the touchy subjects – politics, religion, money?