Community Impact

Students hanging flyers on bulletin boards

Do You Post With a Purpose?

As excitement builds for the upcoming event hosted by your student group, you plaster posters on lamp posts and the sides of campus buildings to promote it. While Kent State supports events created by student organizations, there is a right way and a right place to hang posters on campus.

Tags: Student Life, Community Impact

Kent State Today

Professor Dave Foster works with students

Building Support for Affordable Course Materials

ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø understands the financial impact course materials have on students and is taking measures to reduce those costs to Golden Flashes. University Libraries hosted the 2024 Affordable Course Materials Summit, the fourth of its kind, aiming to promote the use of inexpensive course materials among faculty.  

Tags: Students First, Community Impact, Student Life

Kent State Today

Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs Diamond Anniversary

IN A FLASH: Celebrating 60 Years of Graduate Studies

ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø awarded its first three doctoral degrees in 1964 and recently celebrated that anniversary at the ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Hotel and Conference Center.

Tags: University News, Community Impact, higher education administration, College of Education Health and Human Services, School of Foundations, Leadership and Administration

Kent State Today

Kent State student and first-time voter

IN A FLASH: Kent State Votes!

Kent State students – many of them first-time voters, were proud to go to the polls on Tuesday. 

Tags: Elections, Voting, Community & Society, Community Impact, Student Life

Kent State Today

Members of ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Air Force and Army ROTC programs salute the American flag during the university’s 2023 Veterans Day Commemoration.

Honoring All Those Who Serve: Kent State Holds Annual Veterans Day Observance

ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø invites all to pay tribute to those who have served in the U.S. armed forces and attend the university’s annual Veterans Day Commemoration. The event will take place at 11 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 8, at the Student Green on the Kent Campus. 

Tags: Community & Society, University News, Community Impact, Veterans Day, Events

Kent State Today

Zach Graves helps students understanding voting at event

Kent State Fellows Rally Student Voter Participation

Welcoming a multitude of perspectives, Kent State Votes and the students behind it rally for registration and information this election season. Meet two of the Kent State students instrumental in driving the voting engagement on campus. 

Tags: Community Impact, Students First, Student Life, Community & Society

Kent State Today

Members of the Greater Cleveland LGBTQ+ research team and guest presenters pose for a group picture at the Oct. 19 community event. (Photo credit: Bridget Caswell)

Greater Cleveland LGBTQ+ Community Needs Assessment Identifies Critical Insights for Local Empowerment

The Greater Cleveland LGBTQ+ Community Needs Assessment findings are in. Led by ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø’s College of Public Health, in collaboration with 120 local organizations and nonprofits, this groundbreaking initiative marks a significant stride toward understanding and addressing the unmet needs of LGBTQ+ individuals across Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake and Lorain counties. 

Tags: Community & Society, Community Impact, College of Public Health, LGBTQ+

Kent State Today

Pumpkin in the Herrick Conservatory

It's the Great Pumpkin, Kent State!

There's a massive pumpkin inviting visitors to guess its weight inside the Herrick Conservatory. It's an annual tradition presented by student volunteers studying in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Tags: Student Life, Community Impact, Department of Biological Sciences, Student Organizations, Research & Science

Kent State Today

Students in an Econ class

Invest in Your Future: The Case for Young Women Saving Early for Retirement

For many American women, saving for retirement can be challenging for many reasons. A recent USA Today article noted that women have less than half the retirement savings of men. ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø values setting their students up for success, but what does this mean for women at the university?


Tags: Community & Society, Community Impact, Students First

Kent State Today