Reappointment and Promotion Criteria for Full-Time NTT Faculty
Appointments for full-time non-tenure track (NTT) faculty are governed by the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement and are made annually. Renewal of appointment is contingent upon programmatic need, satisfactory performance of previously assigned responsibilities, and budgeted resources to support the position.
Review Criteria: The nature of NTT faculty appointments is primarily instructional. Thus, excellence in teaching is the principal criterion in the performance review. If the contract specifies that the candidate will have other, non-instructional responsibilities, or if the faculty member has been granted teaching load equivalencies for non-instructional activities, performance in those areas should figure in the evaluation. However, excellence in the instructional area is the most important factor in the review, no matter what the nature and extent of non-instructional activities.
All first- and second-year NTT faculty will submit review materials no later than February 15 of any academic year (See below for criteria). Faculty in these years of appointment will be notified of any performance problems no later than April 15, in advance of the standard May 1 notification of reappointment. A rigorous performance review, requiring the submission of a file, will take place in the third and sixth years of reappointment.
Review Process: NTT faculty standing for third-year review shall present review files to the Department Chairperson for certification of completeness according to CBA guidelines according to CBA guidelines. Faculty members are encouraged to consult with the Department Chairperson about the contents of the file before submission. The Chairperson will make the files available to members of the Reappointment Committee, which shall be constituted in the same manner as the Reappointment Committee for full-time TT faculty, that is, all tenured members of FAC with the addition of one full-time NTT faculty member appointed (if necessary from among the English faculty who teach in PAS) by the Chairperson in consultation with FAC. The committee will review files, meet to discuss them and vote to advise the Chairperson on reappointment. The Chairperson will inform the candidate of the Committee vote and will make an independent recommendation to the College and/or Regional Campus dean. The Chairperson will give a copy of this recommendation to the candidate and invite him/her to meet to discuss it.
First- and Second- Year NTT Performance Review Criteria
The candidate will present the following materials for each annual review:
猞 An up-to-date curriculum vitae;
猞 A recent peer evaluation based on a class visit (The faculty member conducting the evaluation will be nominated by the candidate after consultation with the Chairperson or the Campus Dean);
猞 Syllabi and other instructional materials for one class;
猞 Student evaluations (SEI summary sheets and other comments) for all classes in the preceding semester. -
Third-Year Review Criteria
The candidate will present the following materials for the first and second third-year reviews:
猞 An up-to-date curriculum vitae;
猞 Student evaluations (SEI summary sheets and student comments) from all classes taught at 妻友社区 during the preceding two and one-half years;
猞 Syllabi and other instructional materials for one or more classes, including copies of representative marked student papers;
猞 A recent peer evaluation based on a class visit (The faculty member conducting the evaluation will be nominated by the candidate after consultation with the Chairperson or the Campus Dean);
猞 Materials that bear upon assigned administrative or other responsibilities for which equivalencies are given;
猞 A self-evaluation statement;
猞 Other materials that may bear upon the evaluation of teaching performance, such as evidence of student achievement, analysis of student records, evidence of involvement in curricular development, etc.In addition, the Department recognizes that significant aspects of instructional activity take place outside the classroom, and candidates are encouraged to include evidence of success in non-classroom teaching in the file.
Candidates who receive a positive recommendation for reappointment are eligible for but are not guaranteed reappointment. As the FTNTT CBA specifies, other factors (besides teaching performance) are involved in the reappointment decision, specifically the availability of funding and programmatic need. Candidates who receive a recommendation for reappointment after the third year may, under circumstances specified in the CBA, be eligible for a three-year term contract.
Three-year Term Appointments after completion of six (6) years of consecutive employment and two (2) Full Performance Reviews.
Absent written notification prior to October 1 of an academic year that the appointment is not to be renewed for the next academic year, the appointment for the next academic year within the three-year term shall be regarded as renewed. The basis for failure to reappoint, which shall be stated in the notification letter, shall be the absence of one or more of continuing satisfactory performance of instructional and related faculty responsibilities, of continuing programmatic and/or staffing need within the unit, or of anticipated budgeted resources sufficient to support the position for the coming year.
Performance Reviews after (9) years of consecutive employment and (2) Full Performance Reviews
After nine (9) years of consecutive appointments, and every three (3) years thereafter, bargaining unit members shall undergo a performance review. The performance review will follow the procedures and timelines established by the University, as annually distributed through the Office of Faculty Affairs, concluding with the college or, if applicable, the division of the regional campuses鈥 level of review and determination. Members will electronically submit to the unit administrator a vita, summaries of student surveys of instruction, if applicable, and a narrative of up to five (5) pages in which the faculty member describes her or his professional activities during the past three (3) years. A member of the bargaining unit who successfully completes this performance review is eligible for a three-year term of annually renewable appointments which is conditional from year to year only upon continued satisfaction with demonstrated performance, continued programmatic and staffing need within the academic unit, and continued budgetary resources supporting the position.
At the conclusion of the performance review, the member of the bargaining unit is to be provided with a written summary of its outcome and conclusions and an indication of whether an additional appointment may be anticipated and, if so, under what programmatic, budgetary and/or anticipated staffing or projected enrollment circumstances.
Simplified Performance Review
In accordance with the FTNTT CBA, Article X, Section 8, after nine (9), twelve (12) and fifteen (15) years of consecutive appointments, FTNTT Faculty members shall undergo a simplified performance review. The review will follow the format, procedures and timelines established by the University, as annually distributed through the Office of Faculty Affairs, concluding with the college.
FTNTT Faculty members will submit to the Chair, a vitae, summaries of student surveys of instruction, if applicable, and a narrative of up to five (5) pages in which the FTNTT Faculty member describes her/his professional activities during the past three (3) years. A FTNTT Faculty member who successfully completes this performance review is eligible for a three (3) year term of annually renewable appointments which is conditional from year to year only upon continued satisfaction with demonstrated performance, continued programmatic and staffing need within the academic unit, and continued budgetary resources supporting the position.
At the conclusion of the simplified performance review and after consultation with the College Dean, if applicable, the Chair will provide the FTNTT Faculty member with a written summary of its outcome and conclusions and an indication of whether an additional appointment may be anticipated and, if so, under what programmatic, budgetary and/or anticipated staffing or projected enrollment circumstances. FTNTT Faculty members are encouraged to meet with Chair, at the conclusion of a successful review if they would like to discuss any issues and/or concerns about the review process.
In the event that an additional appointment is not indicated, the Chair will include in the written summary provided to the FTNTT Faculty member an explanation of whether lack of adequate satisfaction with performance or the absence of anticipated continuing programmatic need or budgeted resources to support the position is the reason.
The FTNTT Faculty member may consult the Chair and, if desired, seek review by the established Faculty Advisory Committee, and by the College Dean or his/her designee, if applicable, as provided for in Article VII, Section 1. of the FTNTT CBA
An additional appointment immediately subsequent to the completion of the performance review normally is expected to be part of a three-year term of renewable annual appointments, provided that continuing programmatic need and budgeted resources supporting the position can be anticipated for the term in question.
When a FTNTT Faculty member is approved for a three-year term of annually renewable appointments, and the Chair determines that a subsequent review is needed due to performance concerns, the Chair will include a performance plan and timeline for this subsequent review in the written summary of the review provided to the FTNTT Faculty member as described in the FTNTT CBA, B.1. of Section 8.
NTT faculty hold appointments at one of the following ranks: Lecturer, Associate Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor. The academic ranks of Lecturer, Associate Lecturer and Senior lecturer are reserved for members of the bargaining unit who have not earned a terminal degree in their discipline, but whose professional experience and demonstrated performance warrant these ranks. The academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor are reserved for bargaining unit members who have earned the terminal degree in their discipline and whose professional experience and demonstrated performance warrant these ranks.
Administrative Performance Review
In accordance with the FTNTT CBA Article X. Section 9. after eighteen (18) years of consecutive appointments, and every three (3) years thereafter, FTNTT Faculty members shall be reviewed by their academic unit administrator. This administrative performance review will follow the format, procedures and timelines established by the University, as annually distributed through the Office of Faculty Affairs.
To complete this review, the academic unit administrator will schedule a meeting with the FTNTT Faculty member who will submit, prior to the meeting, a current vitae and a narrative of 1-3 pages in which the FTNTT Faculty member describes her/his professional activities during the past three (3) years prior to the meeting. A FTNTT Faculty member who successfully completes this review is eligible for a three (3) year term of annually renewable appointments which is conditional from year to year only upon continued satisfaction with demonstrated performance, continued programmatic and staffing need within the academic unit, and continued budgetary resources supporting the position.
At the conclusion of this review and after consultation with the Dean, if applicable, the academic unit administrator will provide the FTNTT Faculty member with a written summary of its outcome and conclusions and an indication of whether an additional appointment may be anticipated and, if so, under what programmatic, budgetary and/or anticipated staffing or projected enrollment circumstances.
1. In the event that an additional appointment is not indicated, the academic unit administrator will include in the written summary provided to the FTNTT Faculty member an explanation of whether lack of adequate satisfaction with performance or the absence of anticipated continuing programmatic need or budgeted resources to support the position is the reason.
2. The FTNTT Faculty member may, if desired, seek review of the decision by the established Faculty Advisory Committee or Faculty Council of a regional campus and by the College Dean or his/her designee, if applicable, as provided for in Article VII, Section 1. of this Agreement. 38
3. An additional appointment immediately subsequent to the completion of this administrative performance review normally is expected to be part of a three-year term of renewable annual appointments as defined in Section 6 of the FTNTT CBA, provided that continuing programmatic need and budgeted resources supporting the position can be anticipated for the term in question.
4. In the unusual case when a FTNTT Faculty member is approved for a three-year term of annually renewable appointments, as defined in Section 6 of the FTNTT CBA, and the unit administrator determines that a subsequent review is needed due to performance concerns, the academic unit administrator will include a performance plan and timeline for this subsequent review in the written summary of the review provided to the FTNTT Faculty member as described in B.1. above of this Section 9.