Departmental Criteria for Faculty and Professional Staff Recruitment and Employment

All faculty and staff are recruited in accordance with the Affirmative Action policy stated in the University Policy Register, 3342-06-02 through 3342-06-04.

Before transmitting recommendations concerning appointments, non-reappointments within limited or probationary appointments, dismissals or promotions, the Department Chairperson should consult with the FAC.  Within the recommendation, the Department Chairperson will review all parties’ responses to the proposals.  All participants should present supporting reasons for their responses and opinions regarding candidates and recommendations.

Standard procedures require that the Chairperson document all recommendations fully.

The following are the criteria for assessing the credentials of potential faculty and staff:

1. Full- or part-time faculty should have some college teaching experience and an advance or terminal degree or the equivalent in experience and scholarly productivity.

2. Full- or part-time IAAA, CPAC or ACT staff need not fulfill any specific educational requirement beyond the baccalaureate degree, if the appointment does not include teaching. If teaching is required, the candidate for the position must have a terminal degree.  However, he or she should have demonstrated interest and at least three years’ experience in working with the lives and affairs of African American and/or African peoples or in relevant professional equivalent fields requiring skills necessary to the post in question.

3. Graduate Assistants should have an academic area and or interest related to Pan-African Studies, have demonstrated academic potential and motivation, and demonstrated interest and skill in communicating salient topics in the discipline.  They should also be able to serve in various capacities.  Teaching, research, student recruitment, tutoring and conference coordination are all critical skills that may be required of Graduate Assistants.  It is also possible for Graduate Assistants to have a split appointment involving more than one of these skills.