Success Stories

The community is invited to take part in the second KENTtalks discussion to share in an open dialogue about race relations, specifically to ensure that every member of the university community feels respected, valued and safe.
E. Timothy Moore, Assistant Dean Emeritus in Kent State’s College of Arts and Sciences and Associate Professor Emeritus in the Department of Pan-African Studies, will facilitate the discussion on April 14 at 6 p.m. in the Kent Student Center, Room 306.

has earned the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree Campus USA recognition for its commitment to effective urban forest management for the seventh consecutive year.
Tree Campus USA, a national program launched in 2008 by the Arbor Day Foundation and Toyota, honors colleges and universities and their leaders for promoting healthy trees and engaging students and staff in the spirit of conservation.
What do sleep quality, post-traumatic stress disorder and smoking have in common?
That’s the question on which Celeste Weise, a senior psychology and sociology major, presented her research at the university’s second annual Undergraduate Research Symposium held March 11.

Have too much stress? There is an app for coping.
Researchers from ’s College of Arts and Sciences worked together to develop an app that not only measures stress levels in teenagers, but also teaches them how to manage anxiety.
The app gathers data in real time using two teen favorites: technology and music.

President Beverly Warren signed two agreements with Dankook University of Seoul, South Korea, expanding existing partnerships. Dankook University President Chang Ho-sung joined Warren at the signing, which took place on March 12.
“A top priority for Kent State is to expand our global reach and enhance opportunities for international exchange and collaboration,” Warren said.

members of Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity and Alpha Phi Omega, a co-ed service fraternity, spent their afternoon on Feb. 27 digging out snow-covered fire hydrants in Kent neighborhoods.
WKYC Channel 3 Producer Jon Adkins approached the Kent Fire Department and Kent State’s Greek Life to participate in this community service project, which was dubbed the #ShovelChallenge. Adkins is hoping students at other universities will take similar initiatives in their communities.

’s first Latina sorority, Lambda Theta Nu Sorority Inc., introduced themselves to the Kent State and Greek community in its step out show on Feb. 20 at the Kent Student Center Kiva. The sorority’s purpose is to give the population of identified Latina students on campus support and a sense of community.
At the show, the sorority announced its coming out to the community with stepping, strolling and bringing out traditional Latino machetes during their performance.

Scholar of the Month
Gregory Smith
Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
College of Education, Health and Human Services

’s 11th annual Rock the Runway student fashion competition, hosted by Kent Student Center Programming, will take place on Saturday, March 7, in the Kent Student Center Ballroom. The event gives amateur designers, not just fashion design or merchandising majors, a chance to display their creative talents on stage during a fun and energetic evening.

chemistry senior Caitlin Crosier combined creativity and science for her yearlong project on circadian rhythms and will present those findings at the university’s Undergraduate Research Symposium on March 11.
“The main goal of my research is to validate this method as a way to look at the circadian rhythm structure of an entire population because most current human circadian research is conducted on very small populations and controlled environments,” Crosier said.