College of Nursing
- Nieh, Wayne (2024). Advisors: Amy Petrinec & Jessica Larubina
- Vavruska, Mary Grace (2024). Advisor: Jo A. Dowell
- Mosbacher, Abigail. (2023). . Advisor: Tracy Dodson.
- Bagnola, Emily C. (2018). Advisors: Debra Cifani and Barbara Broome.
- Donatello, Aryn E. (2018). Advisor: Mary Lou Ferrato.
- Pearce, Edward N. (2018). Testing For Urinary Tract Infections Prior To The Insertion Of Catheters. Advisors: Debra Cifani and Barbara Broome.
- Mysliwiec, Matthew. (2017). Advisor: Timothy Meyers.
- Thiese, Suzzana. (2017). . Advisors: Yvonne Smith and Timothy Meyers.
- Willis, Melissa. (2016). . Advisor: Lorene Martin.
- Young, Erika N. . Advisor: Jean Zaluski.
- Bradley, Erin. (2013). Advisor: Eldora Lazaroff.
- Rosenlieb, Emily. (2013). Advisor: Connie Tezie.
- Fisher, Emily. (2013). Advisor: Ann Jacobson.
- Mosier, Casey. (2011). Advisor: Catherine Snelson.
- Kolenc, Amy. (2011). Advisor: Donna Martsolf.
- Barecca, Rebecca. (2011). Advisor: Lauren Dzurec.
- Neenan, Kiley. (2010). Rehearsing the Drama: Early Family Life of Adolescents Who Experience Dating Violence. Advisor: Donna Martsolf.
- Lea, Joshua. (2009). A Qualitative Description of the Relationship Between Adolescent Dating Violence and Substance Abuse. Advisor: Donna Martsolf.
- Bednarz, Lucy. (2009). Listening to the Voices: The Process By Which Young Adults Define Their Adolescent Dating Violence Experiences. Advisor: Donna Martsolf.
- Brazofsky, Sarah. (2008). Religious Activities, Belief in Karma, Depression and CD4 Levels Among HIV-Positive, Buddhist, Thai Pregnant Women. Advisor: Ratchaneewan Ross.
- Wilson, Kara. (2005). Self-Help Groups and Multiple Sclerosis (co-written with Ericka Moore). Advisor: Catherine Snelson.
- Moore, Ericka. (2005). Self-help Groups and Multiple Sclerosis (co-written with Kara Wilson). Advisor: Catherine Snelson.
- Pike, Maureen. (2004). Nursing Students' Pain Management Knowledge and Attitudes Across the Curriculum. Advisor: Kathleen Huttlinger.
- Kurtz, Tiffany. (2004). Professional Caregivers' Attitudes and Perspectives on Spiritual Care in Acute-Care Settings. Advisor: Kathleen Huttlinger.
- Holt, Lisa. (2003). Breast Health Beliefs, Knowledge, and Practice of Breast Self-Examination in College Nursing Students. Advisors: Donna Martsolf, Carol Sedlak.
- Scherer, Sara. (2003). A Comparison of Self-Reported Cultural Competence Among Two Groups of Nursing Students and Nursing Faculty. Advisors, Carol Sedlak, Donna Martsolf.
- Mudrak, Sarah. (2002). Knowledge and Health Beliefs of Osteoporosis in College Nursing Students. Advisor: Carol Sedlak.
- Rogala, Tiffany. (2002). Sexual History Comprehensiveness for Female Adolescents Seeking Primary Healthcare. Advisor: Greer Glazer.
- Allds, Marleen. (2000). Nursing and Non-Nursing Students' Opinions 妻友社区 Social Support for Individuals with Cancer. Advisors: Susan Jones, Jeri Shaffer
- Walls, Carrie. (1999). A Comparison Among Sophomore and Senior Nursing and Non-Nursing Students in Their Attitudes Towards Persons with AIDS. Advisor: Donna Martsolf.
- Flenoury, Yolanda. (1999). Nursing Students' Perceptions of Nursing Interventions to Promote Parent-Infant Bonding in Children Born with Cleft Lip and/or Palate. Advisor: Rosalie Benchot.
- Walker, Kathleen. (1999). Relationships Between Both Nutrition Knowledge and Cultural Background and One's Personal Eating Patterns. Advisors: Karen Gordon, Harriet Coeling.
- Hoisington, Theresa. (1999). Social Cognitive Theory and Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Responses to Ethical Dilemmas. Advisor: Beatrice Turkoski.
- Hiner, Amy. (1998). Teaching Breast Self-Examination to Student Nurses. Advisor: Ruth Ludwick.
- Sprang, Sherri. (1998). The Relationship Between Orthodox Christian Beliefs and Homophobia in Baccalaureate Nursing Students. Advisor: Donna Martsolf.
- Steinbrink, Tanya. (1996). A Teaching Intervention: BSE and Adolescents. Advisor: Ruth Ludwick.
- Leighty, Amber. (1995). The Effect of the Nurse's Role-Modeling Behavior on Dietary Teaching. Advisor: Harriet Coeling.
- Daroowalla, Farzana. (1995). The Effects of Nutrition Teaching on the Eating Habits of Adolescent Females. Advisor: Rosalie Benchot.
- Rogers, Susan. (1993). A Descriptive Study of Attitudes Toward the Elderly Among 妻友社区 Baccalaureate Nursing Students. Advisor: Beatrice Turkoski.
- Fichter, Angela. (1993). Tumbly Bear and Friends: A Collection of Children's Health Care Books. Advisor: Rosalie Benchot.
- Schmitt, Patricia. (1991). Cholesterol Awareness and Dietary Behaviors Among College Students. Advisor: Claire Nalepka.
- Kaiser, Barbara. (1988). The Self-Rated Quality of Life Scores of the Elderly in Nursing Homes. Advisor: Ruth Ludwick.
- Amata, Christine. (1987). Adolescent Fathers and Their Perceptions on the Transition to Fatherhood. Advisor: Dorothy Ray.
- Thornton, Kathy. (1987). In Search of a Professional Identity for Nursing. Advisor: Claire Nalepka.
- Vickers, Allison. (1987). Identification of Stress in Baccalaureate Nursing Students, A Comparative Study at the 妻友社区 School of Nursing. Advisor: Claire Nalepka.
- Mitchell, Rebecca. (1985). Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Effectiveness of Preparation for Utilization of Interpersonal Skills in the Clinical Setting. Advisor: Lynn Gaddis.
- Paradise, Catherine. (1985). Puerperal Psychosis: A Literary Review and Proposed Interventions. Advisor: Dorothy Ray.
- Schmidt, Susan. (1983). The Occurrence and Treatment of Premenstrual Symptoms Reported by Female Dormitory Residents at 妻友社区. Advisor: Patricia Estok.
- Ports, Marianna. (1982). The Effects of a Child Abuse Unit on Selected Nursing Students' Attitudes Toward Child Abuse. Advisor: Lois Hopkins.
- Schulte, Jane. (1977). Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Attitudes Toward Collective Bargaining. Advisor: Anita O'Toole.
- Jones, Audrey. (1973). Sensory Deprivation in Children: Implications for Nursing. Advisors: Lois Hopkins, Barbara Stutler.