College of the Arts
- Miskinis, Alena. (2023). . Advisor: Joshua Albrecht.
- Kubek, Kristen. (2023). . Advisor: Catherine Leslie.
- Noll, Emma M. (2021). Advisor: Kim Hahn.
- White Taylor L. (2021). A Study of Non-Profit, Ethical Fashion and the Employment of Artisans. Advisor: No毛l Palomo-Lovinski.
- Chau-Dang, Tiffanie T. (2020). Advisor: Nicholas Drashner.
- Pandrea, Brooke A. (2020). Alexei Savrasov and His Wanders Through the West. Advisor: Marie Gasper-Hulvat.
- Thompson, Ashlynn E. (2020). Advisor: Catherine Leslie.
- Pickard, Olivia R. (2019). Intricate Proportions: Defining Silhouette Through Unconventional Construction Methods. Advisor: Linda Ohrn-McDaniel.
- DePalma, Julia E. (2018). Advisor: Linda Ohrn-McDaniel.
- Merritt, Kelsey A. (2018). Advisors: William Perrine and Uma Krishnan.
- Park, Michelle S. (2018). Advisor: No毛l Palomo-Lovinski.
- Saeli, Ashley N. (2018). Advisor: Linda Ohrn-McDaniel.
- Skitzki, Miranda R. (2018). Advisor: Linda Ohrn-McDaniel.
- Stater, Lydia M. (2018). Advisor: Linda Ohrn-McDaniel.
- Vollbrecht, Tracy A. (2018). Advisor: Linda Ohrn-McDaniel.
- Hilt, Devin. (2017). . Advisor: Linda Ohrn-McDaniel.
- Likouris, Arianna. (2017). . Advisor: Linda Ohrn-McDaniel.
- Seeburger, Katryn. (2017). . Advisor: Linda Ohrn-McDaniel.
- Heredos, Rosemary. (2016). . Advisor: Theodore Albrecht.
- Loutzenheiser, Max. (2016). . Advisor: Frank Wiley.
- Muffitt, Nicole. (2016). Advisor: David Mitchell.
- Parry, Arianna. (2016). Advisor: Jack McWhorter.
- Risinger, Cody. (2016). . Advisor: Catherline Leslie.
- Schlusser, Audrey. (2016). . Advisor: Richard Devore.
- Binkhorst, Caitlin. (2013). Advisor: Diane Scillia.
- Clarke-Alexander, Lorianna. (2013). Advisor: Diane Scillia.
- Groom, Natalie. (2013).Advisor: Dennis Nygren.
- Lindsay, Carolyn. (2013). Advisor: Isabel Farnsworth.
- Banta, Courtney. (2012). Advisor: Patricia Grutzmacher.
- Cannon, Robert. (2012). Advisor: Patricia Grutzmacher.
- Chang, Joanne. (2012). . Advisor: Jerry Wong.
- Coon, Sarah. (2012). Advisor: Eric van Baars.
- Heidenreich, Claire. (2012). Side by Side: A Comparison of Works by Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin from their Time in Arles. Advisor: Carol Salus.
- O'Keefe, Ciaran. (2012).Advisor: Gianna Commito.
- Petrosky, Natalie. (2012). Advisor: Sean Mercer.
- Weiher, Colleen. (2012). Advisor: Barbara Verlezza.
- Williams, Holly. (2012). Control in the Life and Work of Marina Abramovic. Advisors: Albert Reischuck, Diane Scillia.
- Bachtel, April. (2011).Advisor: Gianna Commito.
- Barnes, Brittany. (2011). Advisor: Richard Adams.
- Gan, Ying Han. (2011). . Advisor: Donna Lee.
- Jeric, Richard. (2011). Advisor: Jerry Wong.
- McClennan, Kelsey. (2011). Advisor: Jean Druesedow.
- McManus, Erin. (2011). Advisor: Charles Richie.
- Orians, Emily. (2011). Advisor: Jean Druesedow.
- Corrigan, Carolyn. (2010). Painted Books: 妻友社区's Fore-Edge Painting Collection as a Reflection of Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century British. Advisor: Cara Gilgenbach.
- Newbacher, Audrey. (2010). Costuming the Chester Cycle. Advisor: Jean Druesedow.
- Swing, Amanda. (2010). A Collaborative Costume Design for KSU's Production of Oklahoma!. Advisor: Sharon Campbell.
- Sproule, Keeley. (2009). The Effect of Music Experience on Performance with Music Technology Tasks. Advisor: Ben Ayling.
- Coate, Matthew. (2008). Le Viol et Le Violon: Prohibition and the Male Gaze in the Face of the Sublime. Advisor: Diane Scillia.
- Dreher, Alison. (2008). Racism and the Art Classroom: An Art Educator's Resource. Advisor: Linda Hoeptner-Poling.
- Harrison, Katie. (2008). The Effects of School Setting and Other Variables on Performance with Music Technology Tasks. Advisor: Jay Dorfman.
- St. George, Elizabeth. (2008). In Bloom: Patterned Silk Design Innovations in Eighteenth Century France. Advisor: Jean Druesedow.
- Cook, Leeanne. (2007). Beauty: A Reflection of Self, or a Mirror of Social Identity? Advisor: Catherine Leslie.
- Costilow, Abby. (2007). The Process and Conceptual Development of my Thesis Show: Cellar Door: A Look into the Past. Advisor: Linda Hoeptner-Poling.
- Haning, Marshall. (2007). The Standard Which Created Variety: The Developments and Workings of the Equal Temperament System, Together with a Historical Survey of the Tunings and Temperaments That Proceeded It. Advisor: Ted Albrecht.
- Hill, Kristina. (2007). Sleuthing at the Seams: A 1750's Blue and Silver Dress. Advisor: Jean Druesedow.
- Johnson, Lisa Nicole. (2007). The Practical Application of Ribbon Work and Beading as Inspired by the House of Lesage. Advisor: Jean Druesedow.
- Mohr, Misty. (2007). Art in the College World: A General Reference for Future Visual Arts Majors. Advisor: Koon Hwee-Kan.
- Hullihen, Elaine. (2007). Homemade Space. Advisor: Paul O'Keeffe.
- Gray, Brian. (2007). Portage County Glass: The 19th Century Glass Industry in Mantua, Kent, New Portage, and Ravenna, Ohio. Advisor: Christina McVay.
- Emilianowicz, Kimberly. (2007). Precious, Semiprecious, and Non-precious Materials. Advisor: Kathleen Browne.
- Faris, Laura. (2006). The Impact of Goddesses, Madonas, and Heroines on Women of the Italian Renaissance. Advisor: Janice Lessman-Moss.
- Jackson, Daniel. (2006). Hail Discordia. Advisor: Marya Bednerik.
- Steiner, Elizabeth. (2006). Punks on Hope: Punk, Postmodernism, and Political Change. Advisor: Gianna Commito.
- Vincent, Susan. (2005). Experiencing the Body: Private Records Becoming Public Installation. Advisor: Noel Reifel.
- Crouse, Madeline. (2004). Reconstructed Memories. Advisor: Craig Lucas.
- Gill, Jillianne. (2004). Theatre as Psychology: The Effects of Catharsis. Advisor: Rosemarie Bank.
- Rusick, Erica. (2004). Menagerie. Advisor: Craig Lucas.
- Schorgl, Ann. (2004). The Devotional Image of Mary Magdalene. Advisor: Gustav Medicus.
- Smith, Kristen. (2004). A Reflective Journey Through Personal Change. Advisor: N/A.
- Al-Hadid, Diana. (2003). Digital D@D@: Internet Artists Reviving the Dada Spirit. Advisors: Carol Salus, Albert Reischuck.
- Gould, Angelite. (2003). Inspired: How Movies Can Influence the Development of a Fashion Collection. Advisor: Noel Palomo-Lovinski.
- Hamilton, Chad. (2003). Plague Mass. Advisor: Isabel Farnsworth.
- Kelm, Rebecca. (2003). A Brief History of Lindy Hop. Advisor: Darwin Prioleau.
- Solon, Chad. (2003). Politics and Purgatory: A New Look at Michelangelo's Medici Chapel. Advisor: Gustav Medicus.
- Helm, Cory. (2002). Sex and the Suit: A Study of Gender Roles in Dress. Advisor: Noel Palomo-Lovinski.
- Johnston, Joshua. (2002). Playwriting as Theatrical Experimentation. Advisor: Marya Bednerik.
- Lueckenotte, Jenna. (2002). Scandinavian Folk Costume: A Living Tradition. Advisor: Noel Palomo-Lovinski.
- Mutchler, Leslie. (2002). Stuff. Advisor: Noel Reifel.
- Ryan, Sara. (2002). Confessions of a Self-Proclaimed Hedonist. Advisor: Martin Ball.
- Sinsley, Erin. (2002). An Offering. Advisor: Andrea Shearer.
- Woodhall, Katie. (2002). Franz Marc: Spirituality and Abstraction 1912-1914. Advisor: Carol Salus.
- Zoltowski, Carrie. (2002). Ethereal Color, Light and Form: Millinery Accessories to Accent my Senior Line. Advisor: Elizabeth Rhodes.
- Stann, David. (2001). Directing Postmodern Ibsen: An Enemy of the People in Performance. Advisor: Charles Richie.
- Watson, Margaret. (2001). Ritual for an Awkward Time: Examining the Role of Ritual in Industrialized Society. Advisor: Janice Lessman-Moss.
- Jones, Jessica. (2000). Diary Paintings: A Visual Journal. Advisor: N/A.
- Wiseman, Jeffrey. (2000). Making Performance with Ping Chong. Advisor: Marya Bednerik.
- Nisius, Matthew. (1999). Mysterium Tremendum: The Relevance of Native North American Mythology in Modern Society. Advisor: N/A.
- Riley, Kara. (1999). Rose: A Critical Introduction and Play. Advisor: Marya Bednerik.
- Farkas, Linden. (1998). Retail Entrepreneurship: A Comprehensive Business Plan for a Small Specialty Store. Advisor: Roxanne Precopia.
- Deyling, Heather. (1997). Nature and Abstraction. Advisor: Noel Reifel.
- Harper, Melissa. (1997). A Compendium for Beginning Clarinet Instruction. Advisor: N/A.
- Kloss, Kristi. (1997). Metamorphosis: Life in Transition. Advisor: Kathleen Browne.
- Artzner Wolf, Mari. (1995). Circles of Stone, Circles of Power: A Comparative Study of Stonehenge and Big Horn Medicine Wheel as Original Works of Earth Art. Advisor: Fred Smith.
- Lenz, Heather. (1995). Tables and Prams. Advisor: N/A.
- Marunowski, Kenneth. (1995). Passage: A Process of Understanding. Advisor: Craig Lucas.
- Amon, Kelly. (1994). Fine Art and Potential Insight in Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady. Advisors: Diane Culbertson, Gustav Medicus.
- Mast, Ester. (1994). Paintings: The Unpainted Surface. Advisor: Craig Lucas.
- Hogan, Mary Kathleen. (1992). Shakespearean Performance: The Relation of Prosody to Vocal Support and Character Development. Advisor: Alan Benson.
- Russel, Hugh. (1992). Ground State. Advisors: Brinsley Tyrrell, Ben Bassham.
- Schreier, Susan. (1992). Edward Hopper's Office at Night and Women in the Clerical Force (1940). Advisor: Carol Salus.
- Schultz, Kirsten. (1992). The Commedia Dell'Arte in the Twentieth Century: A Study of Igor Stravinsky's Pulcinella. Advisor: Jane Dressler.
- Tait, Kristen. (1992). The Development of the Marimba, and its Technique, Solo Literature, and Performers, From the Start of the Twentieth Century to the Present Day. Advisor: Michael Burritt.
- Bair, Elizabeth. (1991). The History of the Viola: Its Physical Evolution and Its Development as a Solo and Ensemble Instrument. Advisor: W. Richard Single.
- Foong, Koh. (1990). Art and Music of the French Impressionists. Advisor: Margaret Baxtresser.
- Argiry, Lisa. (1989). The Creative Process of a Fashion Designer. Advisor: Elizabeth Davic.
- Harris, Jenni. (1989). The Influence of Sports on Fashion. Advisors: June Mohler, Elizabeth Davic.
- Rettig, Barbara. (1989). Towards Gaining Precise Clarinet Articulation. Advisors: Stanley Schleuter, Dennis Nygren.
- Dukeman, Patrick. (1988). Crimes of the Heart: A Production Through Process. Advisor: Jim Bob Stephenson.
- Hew, Siew Chin. (1988). Malaysia Through Original Stories and Arrangements of Malaysian Folk Tunes. Advisor: Margaret Baxtresser.
- Hickey, Paula. (1988). Mozart: a Stylistic Comparison, Analysis, and Performance of Three Chamber Works for Clarinet: The First Movement of the Quintet in A, KV. 581: The Allegro in B-Flat, KV. AMN. 91 (516c); and The Allegro in F, FV. ANH. 90 (580b). Advisors: Richard Devore, Dennis Nygren.
- Hochhauser, Sharon. (1988). Music Censorship in the 1980's: Is Rock Music Just Sax and Violins? Advisor: Byron Lander.
- Jannsohn, Ingrid. (1988). My Eye Vessels. Advisor: Kirk Mangus.
- Jannsohn, Irene. (1988). The Egyptians and the Pseudo-Egyptian. Advisor: Bruce Metcalf.
- Jelen, Janette. (1988). The Realm of the Reflected Window in Dutch Memento-Mori Still Life Painting. Advisor: Diane Scillia.
- Simons, Jeffrey. (1988). Writing 'The Minnesota Twins'. Advisor: Jim Bob Stephenson.
- Tan, Chin Chin. (1988). The Influence of Jazz Elements on American's Classical Piano Music Between 1850-1950. Advisor: Margaret Baxtresser.
- Cobbledick, Susie. (1987). Art, Pattern and the Primordial Soup. Advisor: Janice Lessman-Moss.
- MacDougall, Gerald. (1987). Senior Recital: Trio in Two Movements with Interlude: Essay and Analysis. Advisor: Thomas Jansen.
- Madaffer, Lisa. (1987). Brahms Piano Sonata Op. 5: A Performance and Analysis of Selected Movements. Advisors: Richard Devore, Margaret Baxtresser.
- Mollison, Elizabeth. (1987). A Comparison between Performing Solo Piano Music and Chamber Piano Music. Advisor: Margaret Baxtresser.
- Elko, Stacy. (1986). Alienation. Advisor: Mort Grossman.
- Medley, Susan. (1986). Women Composers. A Lecture Recital. Advisor: Margaret Baxtresser.
- Farmer, Jeffrey. (1985). Sculpture. Advisor: Paul O'Keeffe.
- Reed, Angela. (1985). Look at Us: Art Experiences with Developmentally Disabled and Physically Handicapped Children. Advisor: N/A.
- Tamny, Sandi. (1985). Emergence. Advisor: Mort Grossman.
- Tighe, Cathy. (1985). Landscape Drawings and Paintings. Advisor: N/A.
- Stephenson, Geoffrey. (1984). The Musical Theatre of Stephen Sondheim: An Overview of His Work as Composer-Lyricist. Advisors: William Zucchero, Ron Spangler.
- Young, Edward. (1984). The Phenomenology of Space: Translating Merleau-Ponty's Philosophical Suggestions in the Context of Dance. Advisor: Gene Pendleton.
- Greene, Jeffrey. (1983). The Lighting Design of the 1982 Blossom Festival School of Theatre Production of The Runner Stumbles. Advisor: Alan Benson.
- Harrison, Mary. (1983). The Suzuki Approach: Its Philosophy, Methods, and Implementation in a Head Start Preschool. Advisor: Margaret Baxtresser.
- Salerno, Joseph. (1983). Works from the Visible World. Advisor: William Quinn.
- Sylvester, Andrea. (1983). Blossom Festival School Theatre 1982--A Marketing Research Analysis. Advisor: Richard Skinner.
- Dodd, John. (1982). A Study of the Toy Market, Videogame Industry, Psychological Role of Toys, and Toy Construction in Relation to a Proposed Promotion Campaign for Mattel Electronics Intellivision Video System. Advisor: Charles Walker.
- Sober, Antoinette. (1982). The Written and Illustrated Tales of Adonis, Hyacinth, and Narcissus. Advisor: N/A.
- Wilkins, Angela. (1982). Dynamics in Active Figural Forms. Advisor: William Quinn.
- Badertscher, Leslie. (1981). Costuming the 1981 妻友社区 Trumbull Branch Campus Production of Moliere's Tartuffe. Advisor: Daniel Hannon.
- Williams, Beth. (1981). The Iconographic Filing System of 妻友社区's Theatre Division. Advisor: N/A.
- Anderson, Winston. (1980). Secondary School Students and Art--The Attitudes of Secondary School Students in Guyana Toward Art. Advisor: N/A.
- Balish, Denise. (1980). Production and Documentation of an Original Dance from Concept to Performance. Advisors: Louis Erdmann, Eugena Schoettler.
- Delcos, Connie. (1980). Light in Painting. Advisor: N/A.
- Inderhees, Joan. (1980). Designing the NEOUCOM Catalog: The Process. Advisor: Eric May.
- Madsen, Linda. (1980). Selected Special Effects Used in Unaccompanied Flute Music Since 1936. Advisors: Jenne Rubin, Kay Slocum.
- Soltesz, David. (1980). Avant-Garde Art in Mid-Twentieth Century America: Greenburg's Formalism and Post-Painterly Abstraction. Advisor: Paul Kalinch.
- Eby, James. (1979). Childhood Fantasies: An Expression in Metals. Advisor: George van Duinwyk.
- Forrester, Eileen. (1979). Theatre for the Hearing Impaired: An Investigation into the Communication Interchange. Advisor: William Zuccaro.
- McQuilkin, Susan. (1979). The Use of the B-A-C-H Motif and Related Number Symbolism in Die Kunst der Fuge by Johann Sebastian Bach. Advisor: Larry Smith.
- Shiley, Rick. (1979). A Study of Synclastic and Anticlastic Shell Form Structures. Advisor: Rod McCormick.
- Snitch, Kathleen. (1979). The Creative Process: A Theoretical Analysis. Advisor: N/A.
- Devore, Richard. (1978). The Year 1900: Compositional Trends in Western Music. Advisor: Walter Watson.
- Judd, Robert. (1978). The Organ Toccatas of J. S. Bach. Advisor: John Ferguson.
- Bonfiglio, Debra. (1976). Paintings and Prints--An Exhibit. Advisors: William Quinn, Craig Lucas.
- Block, Beth. (1974). Titles. Advisor: L. Myers.
- Cooper, Cynthia. (1974). A Study in Drawing and Painting. Advisor: N/A.
- Blum, Harold. (1973). Compositional Research in Electronic Media. Advisor: Marvin Johnson.
- Wojno, Geraldine. (1973). Hazel Janicki Shock, 1973: the Artist and her Work. Advisor: Richard Trump.
- Givens, Robert. (1970). A Project--Study in Welded Steel Sculpture. Advisor: N/A.
- Luther, Mary. (1968). The Complete Beginning Oboe Tutor. Advisor: N/A.
- Leath, Mary. (1966). The Influence of Japanese Prints Upon the French Impressionists. Advisor: N/A.