Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Ranks
The basic definitions of faculty ranks are as follows:
Assistant Professor
This rank is normally the entry level rank for tenure-track faculty holding the doctorate in philosophy.
For the initial appointment to the rank of Assistant Professor, a candidate must hold a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree in philosophy.
Further, for initial appointment, a candidate must have potential for excellence in teaching. Evidence for such potential is:
a. Letters of recommendation, and where possible, student evaluations.
b. The candidate's submission of class plans, syllabi, requirements, readings upon request of the Chairperson.
c. The candidate's performance in reading and defending a paper before the Department.
d. The candidate's performance in presenting to the Department faculty a class session on some topic set by the Department; or giving a session of some undergraduate class or graduate colloquium, with the faculty in attendance.
Finally, the candidate must have potential for writing publishable material. Evidence for such potential is:
a. One or more publications.
b. The quality of the candidate's dissertation.
c. The quality of any manuscript the candidate may submit.
d. Letters of recommendation from publishing scholars.
Associate Professor
Criteria for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor are covered below in Subsection C under Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion. A candidate whose initial appointment at 妻友社区 is to the rank of Associate Professor must possess the Ph.D. or its equivalent in philosophy. Initial appointment at this rank presumes prior service as an Assistant Professor.
Further, the candidate must have demonstrated excellence in teaching. Evidence for such potential is:
a. The candidate's performance in reading and defending a paper before the Department.
b. The candidate's performance in presenting to the Department faculty a class session on some topic set by the Department; or giving a session of an undergraduate class or graduate colloquium, with the faculty in attendance.
c. The candidate's submission of class plans, syllabi, requirements, readings upon request of the Chairperson.
d. Letters of recommendation, and where possible, student evaluations.
In addition, the candidate for initial appointment at this rank must have a substantial and quality publication record consistent with departmental criteria and evidence for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor (see below, Subsections C and D under Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion). Reviews and letters, solicited by the Chairperson from experts in the candidate's field, are also to be used in assessing the candidate's scholarly record.
Criteria for promotion to the rank of Full Professor are covered below in Subsection C under Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion.
A candidate whose initial appointment at 妻友社区 is to Full Professor must have a Ph.D. or its equivalent in philosophy, should have at least a decade of experience teaching in the field, must have demonstrated excellence in teaching, and must have an excellent sustained publication record. Section V of this handbook should be consulted for the criteria and evidence for excellence in teaching.
The candidate for initial appointment at the rank of Full Professor must have a substantial and quality publication record consistent with departmental criteria and evidence for promotion to the rank of Full Professor (see below, Subsections C and D under Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion). Reviews and letters, solicited by the Chairperson from experts in the candidate's field, are also to be used in assessing the candidate's scholarly record.
Reviews and letters, solicited by the Chairperson from experts in the candidate's field, are to be used in assessing the candidate's scholarly record.