
Faculty Absence and Travel Policy

Faculty members who will be absent from campus for professional or personal reasons must submit a Request for Absence Form to the Chair. The request should be made at least one (1) month prior to the planned absence and is subject to the approval of the Chair and the Dean. Arrangements for any classes to be missed during the absence must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Chair before approval will be granted.

Attendance at professional meetings is encouraged and approved travel expenses incurred in attending such meetings may be reimbursed when approved prior to travel according to the University's travel policies and are subject to the availability of Department funds. It is assumed that Faculty members who are applying for travel funding from University Research Council will submit a completed form at least one (1) month prior to the professional travel date for review by the Chair. Requests for Absence Forms and Requests for University Research Council Travel Support which are inaccurate or incomplete will be declined by the Chair. The Faculty member is responsible for submitting all pertinent supporting materials with the application.