Call to Action List

Minimum: 3, Maximum: 6

Required Action Items

To support recruitment and retention, it is required that ’s academic units include standard call-to-action items on their websites in this order:

Requirements for Colleges

Colleges must include:

  1. Find Majors & Degrees
  2. Schedule Visit (only if department-specific visits are offered and information is captured in the CRM)
  3. Apply Now
  4. Why xxx? - optional due to the academic program page integration if careers are included in the catalog program page
    1. * Note: with the summer/fall 2023 academic program page implementation, this component/content will be tied into the implementation
  5. Schedule advising appointment
CTA Example
Requirements for Academic Programs/Departments

Academic Programs/Departments must include:

  1. Schedule Visit (only if program/department-specific visits are offered and information is captured in the CRM)
  2. Apply Now
  3. Why xxx? - optional due to the academic program page integration if careers are included in the catalog program page
    1. * Note: with the summer/fall 2023 academic program page implementation, this component/content will be tied into the implementation
  4. Schedule advising appointment
Additional Requirements

Administrative Units

Administrative units have the option to exclude, if not applicable

Other Notes

  • Study Abroad & Online Learning information, if offered
    • Location of button or content is optional
  • Refrain from using the term roadmaps as it has no meaning for prospective students
  • Breadcrumbs, location optional for custom designs
  • Primary navigation requirements


Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


Promotion Box

Promotion Box Title Promotion Box Body Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vehicula nisl nunc, vel lobortis urna pretium vel.

Important Date Box

TitleHighlight Box Body Content
TitleHighlight Box Body Content
TitleHighlight Box Body Content


Options: 1px Blue Rule, 1px Yellow Rule, 5px Blue Rule - Short, 5px Yellow Rule - Short, Angled Dashes - Yellow, Angled Dashes - Blue, Squirrel Icon, Gold Bolt Icon with Line, Gold Bolt Icon, Mosaic Tiles Icons, 1em Space, 3em Space, 5em Space


A variety of layouts that work in different ways. 

Multi-Column Grid

Multiple columns with custom linked titles, selectable icons, and WYSIWYG content

3 Column Node Reference

Displays nodes in 3 columns with thumbnails, titles, summaries, and link to the node.

100 Promoted Content

Full-width feed of events or news. Optional title; optional link (button);

50/50 Promoted Content

Customizable blocks display events or news side by side.

Layout Selector

Versatile two-column way of loading other paragraphs.

Layout Selector Options

Layout selector allows for a number of two-column ratios, and each column can have a number of nested paragraph types. This is a very useful BP Paragraph.

Regional Facts & Figures

Blue block with optional text and link, plus columns featuring image, title, attribute text, and link

Adding some test to the left of the facts is an option. Maximum number of characters is 255. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostru
More than 245,000 alumni worldwide
Winner of the prestigious 2018 Healthy Campus Award
#104 Kent State holds the #104 spot in the 2019 U.S. News & World Report’s annual rankings of Top Public Schools

Highlighted Text Blurb

Full-width blue block with parallax image, custom title, text, linked buttons.

Highlighted Text Title

Highlighted text area. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book

Image Grid

Create grid layout of images with optional titles and links.

Optional Image Grid Title

Optional Title
This is a longer title. It's probably best to keep them short.
Image on Top (option doesn't work)


Create a testimonial with an Internal Basic Page. Displays photo, copy, link.

Sam Cooke
Fashion '77

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non lacus sollicitudin, molestie sem at, pharetra ipsum. Vestibulum tristique sodales ipsum, in pretium nisl euismod quis. Vivamus laoreet tempus ligula, vitae commodo magna tempor in. Donec aliquam eros lorem, ut interdum nunc cursus vel.

Former Notre Dame Student Jake Arnold
Jakob Arnold 
Notre Dame College Transfer Student

“Kent State has a big, diverse population of people, which is one of the reasons why I chose Kent State. It is a great place to immerse myself in different cultures. I like to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people.” 

Nathalie Taghaboni
Nathalie Taghaboni
Eastern Gateway Community College Transfer Student

“I am only half-way through my first semester at Kent, and I am doing well. I am once again taking a class that speaks to my strengths. I certainly notice a difference in the caliber of teaching here at Kent State.”

Grace McCombs Notre Dame College
Grace McCombs
Notre Dame College Transfer Student

“Kent State was the school that I found to be the most helpful and supportive during the entire process of Notre Dame’s closing. It had the easiest process.” 



Select an image, infographic, or icon accompanied by optional large and small text fields.

 in Ohio
Large Display Text
Small Display Text
 in Ohio
Large Display Text
Small Display Text
A blue and gold graduation cap
Large Display Text
Small Display Text

Contact Us Block

Selectable full-width background image, 'Contact Us' block with title and two-column content.

Contact Us


College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Affairs
108 Bowman Hall

Associate Dean

Keiran Dunne

Administrative Office

Michelle Etling

Blank Node Reference

Displays raw referenced node content with optional title.

Internal Basic Page for Testing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam massa nibh, auctor tempus urna vitae, euismod congue eros. Praesent at mi ac arcu feugiat mattis. Donec commodo finibus mi et consequat. Etiam dolor eros, auctor quis suscipit eget, suscipit malesuada leo. Duis nec pharetra massa. Nam interdum ultricies varius. Sed ante ligula, laoreet eu ornare in, lacinia at nisl.

Image / Text 50-50

A wide banner element with an image on one side and a title/body/button on the other.

Highlight Text Title

Ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam. Orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis. Arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse.

Highlight Text Title

Ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam. Orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis. Arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse.

Highlight Text Title

Ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam. Orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis. Arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse.

Featured Events Paragraph

Teaser Progress Paragraph

  • Internal Basic Page for Testing

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam massa nibh, auctor tempus urna vitae, euismod congue eros. Praesent at mi ac arcu feugiat mattis. Donec commodo finibus mi et consequat. Etiam dolor eros, auctor quis suscipit eget, suscipit malesuada leo. Duis nec pharetra massa. Nam interdum ultricies varius. Sed ante ligula, laoreet eu ornare in, lacinia at nisl.

  • 67%