College of the Arts

Artist Dakota Mace and a print of a mountain shape that is red and black

Dakota Mace: Badahani

Dakota Mace is a Diné (Navajo) photographer and textile artist who focuses on translating the language of Diné weaving history and beliefs through her artwork. The exhibition’s title "Badahani" translates to “Their Stories” and will be on view Nov. 5 through Dec. 18 at the KSU Downtown Gallery. Artist talk and reception on Dec. 3.

Tags: School of Art, College of the Arts

School of Art Collection and Galleries

Dr. Jungho Kim conducting the KSU Orchestra

Orchestra Celebrates Halloween with Family-Friendly Concert

Come dressed in your Halloween best for the Orchestra’s Oct. 31, 3 p.m. concert. The members of the orchestra will be decked out in costume, performing spooky, family-friendly favorites. Candy will be handed out at the end of the performance to kick off Kent city’s official trick-or-treat that night.

Tags: concert, Orchestra, College of the Arts, Glauser School of Music, Events

School of Music

Graphic featuring Dr. Jay Dorfman and Dr. Wendy K. Matthews

Music Education Faculty and Doctoral Students Share Research at National Symposium

In late Sept., several Glauser School Music Education faculty members presented their latest work during research poster sessions at the biennial Symposium of the Society for Music Teacher Education (SMTE). The 2021 symposium was held virtually.

Tags: Faculty News, Music Research, Music Education, Glauser School of Music, College of the Arts

School of Music

Three prints by David Driskell

Exhibition Explores the Collaborative Relationship Between Two Trailblazing African American Artists

“A Collaboration of Creativity” features a wide range of prints by distinguished artist David C. Driskell and master printer Curlee Raven Holton. The work will be on view at the CVA Gallery from Oct. 6 through Nov. 10, 2021. This exhibition is presented in partnership with the David C. Driskell Center at the University of Maryland. 

Tags: School of Art, School of Art Galleries, College of the Arts

School of Art Collection and Galleries

Digital Green Book landing page with description and TEXTURES logo

Museum and Wick Poetry Center at Kent State Announce the Release of the Digital Green Book Project

The Museum and the Wick Poetry Center at Kent State announce the launch of the “Digital Green Book” created in support of the exhibition “TEXTURES: the history and art of Black hair.”

Tags: Arts & Culture, Community & Society, Museum, KSU Museum, Wick Poetry Center, Exhibit, College of the Arts


Left image of stone tools by Peter Holmes from Pixabay and right image of a bowl of fruit from Couleur on Pixabay

Kent State Announces Winners of the New Faculty Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award

Kent State has announced the winners of the 2021 New Faculty Outstanding Research and Scholarship Awards (ORSAs). The ORSAs recognize the hard work of junior faculty members who have been with Kent State for less than 10 years. The 2021 winners are Shana Klein, Ph.D., in the School of Art and Metin Eren, Ph.D., in the Department of Anthropology. 

Tags: Research & Science, School of Art, College of the Arts, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Anthropology, Brain Health Research Institute, Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal Institute, Institutes and Initiatives

Division of Research & Economic Development