
SPCS Newsletters

The School of Peace and Conflict Studies produced its first newsletter in April 2022.   This was the first newsletter in an ongoing series, designed to highlight the work being done by faculty, students and alumni, as well as the different events the school has hosted or been involved with.

This first issue principally concentrates on the faculty and staff in SPCS, but for future issues we hope that our students and alumni will contact us with updates on achievements, experiences and career paths that can be included in the SPCS Newsletter. 

SPCS newsletter #1 thumbnail



The online version of the April 2022 newsletter can be accessed at:  /spcs/spcs-newsletter-issue-1-april-2022-test

Downloadable PDF version:   /spcs/spcs-newsletter-issue-1-april-2022





SPCS Newsletter Issue 2 image

Our second and most recent newsletter came out in October 22.  

This newsletter highlights events that we’ve sponsored, some special classes offered, our upcoming Community Dialogue Workshop and our Peace Conference that will be held in Rwanda this year, and  other work being done by faculty, students and alumni.

The online version of the October 2022 newsletter can be accessed at:  /spcs/spcs-newsletter-issue-2-october-2022-0


Downloadable PDF version:   


For future issues of the newsletter, we hope that our students and alumni will contact us with updates on achievements, experiences and career paths that can be included in the SPCS Newsletter. 

If you would like to suggest an item to be included in our newsletter  please contact Dina Rathburn at: drathbur@kent.edu