Proposal Resources

Sponsored Programs provides assistance to faculty, staff, and students in the preparation of proposals for external funding in areas such as guideline interpretation, budget preparation, and compliance with university policies and federal and state regulations. When agencies issue new regulations or revise old ones, we keep the University community informed and check proposals for required adjustments. If you need access to an agency's electronic system such as NIH's eRA Commons, Sponsored Programs staff will help you set up a user account.

, Kent State’s electronic system for proposal preparation and submission, research compliance, and grants management.

Proposal Resources

General Proposal Resources
Proposal Submission Workflow (PDF)Flow chart that provides an overview of steps for a successful proposal submission, including internal deadlines.
Institutional Fact SheetA list of commonly requested data for use in proposal applications (ex. UEI, EIN, IDC rates, fringe benefit rates, contact information).
KSU TravelKent State policies concerning travel including domestic and foreign per diem rates. Used in budgeting travel costs.
University Libraries web page that provides resources related to data management, including links to funding agency policies, how to write a data management plan (DMP Tool), contact information for subject librarians, and more.
For local help with ORCID iD or SciENcv. You may also send questions to orcid@kent.edu or Yuening Zhang (yzhan121@kent.edu), STEM Librarian, University Libraries.
Indirect Cost Waiver FormForm for requesting the VP of Research approve a reduction in Kent State's federally negotiated indirect cost rate when the sponsor allows indirect costs. Request needs to be submitted and approved prior to proposal submission. Contact Sponsored Programs to initiate a request in Dynamic Forms.
A Dynamic Forms form for Investigators interested in submitting to a funding opportunity which limits the number of applications an institution may submit. A list of available opportunities and instructions for internal letter of intent (LOI) submission are available on the Office of Research Development website.
Proposal Document Templates, National Science Foundation
Biographical Sketch

Required document for all named senior/key personnel. Must be created using current NSF template in . 

NSF Instructions:

Current and Pending Support

Required document for all named senior/key personnel. Must be created using .

NSF Instructions:

Collaborator and Other Affiliations

Required document for all named senior/key personnel. Always use the current template.

NSF Instructions and template:  

Synergistic Activities

Required document for all named senior/key personnel.

NSF Instructions:

Template: /research/sponsored-programs/nsf-synergistic-activities-template-0

Mentoring Plan

Required document for all proposals requesting support for post-doctoral scholars and/or graduate students.

NSF Instructions:

Template: /research/sponsored-programs/nsf-mentoring-plan-template

Proposal Document Templates, National Institutes of Health
Biographical Sketch

Required document for all named senior/key personnel. 
NIH Instructions and templates:

Note: For proposals submitted on or after May 25, 2025, NIH biosketches must be created in , and require the inclusion of an ORCID iD.  


How to Read RFPs (01/27/2022)

(Use Flashline credentials if asked to log in)

Presentation Slides (PDF)


Applying for Grant Funding (for Graduate Students) (01/30/2023)

Presentation Slides (PDF)