Cognitive/Cognitive Development
The cognitive/cognitive development program at 妻友社区 is comprised of an active and collaborative group of faculty and students whose research focuses on higher level cognitive processes such as learning and memory, cognitive development, reading and spelling, text comprehension, and metacognition.
妻友社区 The Cognitive/Cognitive Development Program
Overarching themes involve investigating cognition with respect to lifespan development, and to improving education. Accordingly, a key goal is the generation of basic knowledge about cognitive processes and the application of that knowledge to real world issues and situations, such as methods for improving student achievement and individual differences in student learning.
The cognitive/cognitive development program maintains active laboratories with state of the art equipment for research and graduate training. Our newly renovated facility includes ample office and laboratory space for graduate students. Laboratory facilities include access to an eyetracker for studying online processing during reading, multimedia work stations for presenting stimuli and collecting data, computer-controlled experimental stations for testing participants, and interview rooms for testing adults. Faculty and students conduct a sizeable amount of research with the Psychology Department's large pool of student participants. Many other studies are conducted with special populations such as children, older adults, and patients with cognitive disorders as a result of brain injury or trauma.
Most graduates are employed in colleges and universities across the country, where they are engaged in research and teaching. Other graduates have pursued more applied goals and are employed in research institutes, laboratories, and human service settings. The chief aim of the program is to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to attain their own goals as researchers and teachers in psychology.