Porthouse Star

Porthouse Star

Look to the sky and see the Porthouse Star! The star with coordinates RA: 18h 20m 16.0s.  DEC: -35° 25' 43.3" was entered into the star-naming registry in 2024. Porthouse Star is a bright reminder of our dreams and our community. 

Registration Number: 5DEAC48E5

Magnitude: 6.87

Distance: 2313.17 light years

Ra/Dec: 18h 20m 16.0s.   -35° 25' 43.3"

Az/Alt: 133° 47' 23.0"    +06° 05' 21.7"

POSTED: Monday, June 24, 2024 08:00 AM
Updated: Monday, June 24, 2024 08:13 AM