Nursing Education & Transition to Practice

We develop breakthroughs in the science of nursing education.

Today, nurse educators are facing unique challenges with preparing nurses to enter an increasingly complex healthcare system. A shortage of nurse educators and clinical placement opportunities, advancements in technology, inadequate education of students in math and sciences, and the gap between education and entry to practice are just some of these challenges – innovative approaches are needed to keep apace.

Kent State nurse researchers are investigating these challenges and working to develop leading-edge solutions, including programs to help nurses transitioning into practice and those who are just beginning their careers.

Our research and scholarship in this area is acknowledged by the National League for Nursing (NLN). The for Advancing the Science of Nursing Education twice (2013-2017, 2017-2022).

Affiliated Faculty

  • Loretta Aller, Ph.D., RN
    Focus: The development of a contemporary model of undergraduate nursing education centered on decision-making and self-efficacy.
  • Tracey Motter, DNP, RN
    Focus: Diversity of the nursing student population and transition-to-practice for new graduates.
  • Denice Sheehan, Ph.D., RN
    Focus: The development of a layered mentoring program with nursing students across academic programs and clinicians to advance the science and practice of end-of-life care.
  • James Tudhope, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC
    Focus: Better alignment for early entry APRNs in community mental health with patients who have established complex integrative needs.

Recent Publications 

Dodson, T., & Reed, J. M. (2024). Enhancing simulation preparation: Presimulation role rubrics and expert modeling videos. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 87, 1-4. 

Reed, J. M., Ferdig, R. E., Karpinksi, A. C., & Zsido, A. (2024). A short form for measuring anxiety in nursing education. Journal of Nursing Measurement. doi.10.1891/JNM-2022-0131 

Robinson, L., Mulvey, B., & Aller, L.(2024). Early prelicensure nursing students’ perceptions of case studies through the lens of the Clinical Judgement Measurement Model. Nurse Educator, 49(1), E12-E16. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000001539

Sauers, B., Dyal, B. W., Johnson-Mallard, V., Ezenwa, M. O., Halan, S., Fillingim, R. B., Kalyanaraman, S., & Wilkie, D. J. (2024). Feasibility of nurse-led development of custom virtual reality experiences for healthcare interventions: A case study. Journal of Nursing Education, 63(4), 261-264. doi:10.3928/01484834-20230712-10

Reed, J. M., & Dodson, T. M. (2024). Generative AI backstories for simulation preparation. Nurse Educator. doi.10.1097/NNE.0000000000001590 

Reed, J. M. (2024). Students’ fears of the nursing profession through AI-generated artistic images. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 46(1), suppl, 1S-57S.

Dodson, T. M., Nibling, M., & Evans, S. (2023). Developing expert modeling videos: Practical guidance for nurse educators. Teaching and Learning in Nursing. 1-4. 

Dodson, T. M., Reed, J. M., & Cleveland, K. (2023). Exploring undergraduate nursing students’ ineffective communication behaviors in simulation: A thematic analysis. Teaching and Learning in Nursing. 23-51. 

Johnson-Mallard, V., Alexander-Delpech, P. P., & Parker, P. B. M. (2023). Mentoring for the next generation of nurse scholars. In L. Taylor & M. Terharr (Eds.), Preparing for doctoral study in nursing e-book. Elsevier. 

Reed, J. M., & Aebersold, M. (2023). Beyond the mannikin: Charting research trajectories for nursing simulation’s virtual frontier (editorial). Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 34(3), 429-441. 

Reed, J. M., Alterio, B., Coblenz, H., O’Lear, T., & Metz, T. (2023). AI image generation as a teaching strategy in nursing. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 34(2), 369-399. 

Kim, J. W., Jarzembak, J., & Kim, K. (2023). Bimanual intravenous needle insertion simulation using nonhomogeneous haptic device integrated into mixed reality. Sensors, 23(15), 6697. 

Aller, L., Arnoldussen, B., Burckhardt, J. A., Compton, S., Dobish, B., Finesilver, C., Gardner, P., Goble, J. R., Harbison, R., Irwin, B. J., Kennedy, A., Mahoney, E., Redemske, M., & Spaulding, K. (2023). NCLEX-PN content review guide. Kaplan North America, LLC dba Kaplan Publishing.

Aller, L., Arnoldussen, B., Burckhardt, J. A., Compton, S., Dobish, B., Finesilver, C., Gardner, P., Goble, J. R., Harbison, R., Irwin, B. J., Kennedy, A., Mahoney, E., Redemske, M., & Spaulding, K. (2023). NCLEX-RN content review guide. Kaplan North America, LLC dba Kaplan Publishing

Aller, L., Brown, J., Burckhardt, J. A., Compton, S., Gardner, P., Goble, J. R., Harbison, R., Irwin, B. J., Kennedy, Redemske, M., & Spaulding, K. (2023). The basics: A comprehensive outline of nursing school content. Kaplan North America, LLC dba Kaplan Publishing.      

Aller, L., Shelestak, D., Phillips, L., Reed, J., & Allen, B. (2023). Measuring nursing student development through computer-based simulation activities. Nurse Educator. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000001423 [online ahead of print].   

Dodson, T. M. (2023). Use of expert modeling videos in nursing education: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Education, 62(2):89-96. doi:10.3928/01484834-20221213-04

Reed, J. M. (2023). Using generative AI to produce images for nursing education. Nurse Educator

Aul, K., Curry, K., & Johnson-Mallard, V. (2023). Outcomes of a holistic admissions process in a baccalaureate nursing program. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 17(4), 350-356. 

Woo, J., Kim, J. W., Mahmood, N., Simpson, L., Kwangtaek, K., Jarzembak, J., James, A., Biggs, J., Clements, R., & Dunlosky. (2023). Evaluating variability in a haptic mixed reality IV needle insertion simulation. 2023 5th International Conference on Bioengineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART), 1-6. doi.10.1109/Bi- oSMART58455.2023.10162097

Stephenson, P., Hansen, D., Lalani, N., & Shanholtzer, J. (in press). Student responses reveal educational opportunities for spiritual care. Journal of Nursing Education.

Aller, L., & Almarwani, A. (2022). Self-doubt in nursing students: An evolutionary concept analysis. Advances in Nursing Science. doi:10.1097/ANS.0000000000000475 [online ahead of print].       

Hansen, D. M., Motter, T., Keeley, M. P., Shanholtzer , J., Aultman, J., & Woodward, C. (2022). Interdisciplinary simulation for nursing and medical students about final conversations: Catalyzing relationships at the end of life (CAREol). Palliative and Supportive Care, 1–7. 

Hansen, D., Stephenson, P., Lalani, N., & Shanholtzer, J. (2022). Reflective journaling as preparation for spiritual care of patients. 

Reed, J. M. (2022). Communication when values differ: Navigating differing opinions in the workplace. Med-Surg Nurse Life Magazine, 3(5), 6–7. 

Reed, J. M. (2022). Learning from non-practicing registered nurses. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 53(11), 486-490. doi:10.3928/00220124-20221006-05 

Reed, J. M. (2022). Simulation anxiety and its effect on clinical judgment for undergraduate nursing students. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 73, 21-28. 

Recent Grants & Funding Awards

InvestigatorsGrant TitleFunding Agency
Jim Tudhope, Wendy Umberger, Jeffrey Moore and Vikil GirdharAdvanced Nursing Education Nurse Practitioner Residency Integration ProgramHealth Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Lisa OneskoAwarded scholarship funding to support DNP studentJonas Philanthropies Jonas Nursing and Veterans Healthcare program
Corey Hukill and  Jim TudhopeReceived a generous gift of $50,000 to create the Psychiatric Mental Health Impact fund and two fully endowed scholarships for students interested in palliative care/hospice. Ali Dariushnia, a ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø College of Arts and Science alumni, created the fund in memory of his mother Cheryl Swinehart Dariushnia. Cheryl was a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and graduate of the College of Nursing.
Katie Robertson, Jennifer Shanholtzer, Kellie Jarzembak and Jeremy JarzembakLearning in Action Through High-Impact SimulationElisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation
Tracey Motter and Christine KauthLinked-In to Practice (LIP) BSN Program for Undergraduate Scholarships (Choose Ohio First)  continuation awardOhio Department of Higher Education