
Paralegal Studies Testimonials

Professor Peterson,

I cannot express how grateful I am for the impact you have had on my time at Kent State.

Both academically & personally, you have been a supporting figure in my life who has constantly pushed me to work hard.

The knowledge you have given me about the law will truly prepare me for my future. I want to thank you for making such an impact on my life. I will carry the skills you have given me and apply them to all future work. I will miss learning from you & promise to keep in touch & let you know where I decide to attend law school.

Thank you so much again for everything you have done for me!
I am forever grateful.

Professor Peterson,

Thank you so much for all that you have done for me this semester. Between my honors project (and my rec letter!!), giving me advice about law school, reading my personal statement, and being so helpful and understanding when I was having a hard time in my personal life, you really helped me successfully get through what has undoubtedly been the hardest semester of my college career. I don't think that many professors, let alone one who is as busy as you are, would take so much time to help just one student, and I truly appreciate you doing so & have really enjoyed working with you.

I've said this before & I'll say it again, you truly are the type of professor that all professors should aspire to be

& I think that most people in the Paralegal program would agree with me. Although I will only have you online next semester, I'll be sure to stop in & say hello every once in a while. Thank you SO much again, and I hope you have a safe, relaxing, & happy holidays!

Prof. Peterson-

Thank you so much for your letter of recommendation for law school; I know this note is delayed, but I didn't want to write until I had good news.

In January, 2021, I will begin my law education at the University of Akron! I am thrilled and truly could not have done any of this without you. Your letter was extremely kind and endorsing.

The education that you provided me with, however, is what got me to where I am. I'm not sure if you know this, but you were the one that suggested an internship at the SCPO. Had you not, I would not have gained the experience that ultimately got me hired at a criminal defense firm (which, by the way, will be the law I will practice in the future). You are one of the best teachers I have ever had + I can't thank you enough for your support.

Go Zips!

Dear Professors Paar and Peterson,

The current situation of our country, and the entire world, has made me feel incredibly anxious over the past few weeks. I've lost my job and had to move home with my big family in our not-so-big house. It's brought out anxiety in me that I was not even aware that I had. For the past five days, I've struggled to take real, deep breaths. It's felt like I've only had access to a percentage of my lungs, and while it's probably still around 75%, it's still quite scary and uncomfortable. I know shortness of breath is a hot topic right now, but I promise you I am okay. I wake up breathing normally until I remember everything going on in the world and become stressed again. However, I am writing this email to thank you both. Despite everything that is going on, we still have our usual assignments due every week. While some students may be upset about this and wish for them to be rescheduled, I am so grateful. Today I sat on my couch and worked on my assignments and for the first time in almost a week I had a few hours of feeling normal again. I never thought that doing homework would be something that would help my stress rather than add to it, but here we are! I'm sure you are both also incredibly stressed with work and everything going on, but I do hope you get a chance to read my email and know that you've helped one student out tremendously!

Thank you again for keeping part of my life normal and helping me get through this time. I appreciate you both!

Hi Professor Peterson,

Today solidified the end of my fifth week of law school here at Capital, and midterms are next week so as you could imagine moral is low. However, I鈥檝e learned to value the little things. We received our grades for our first assignment (worth 5% of our overall grade) of the semester today in Legal Writing. Our professor sent out an email telling us the class average for the assignment was a 68% and the highest score was a 92%. I was the student who received the 92%. I wanted to write this email to thank you. I couldn鈥檛 have done that without taking your classes in undergrad. I was able to earn that grade because of the hard work and time you put into your classes. So, thank you.

I鈥檓 sure I speak for nearly all of your students when I say your efforts really do make a difference in our lives.

Hi Professor Peterson,

Long time no talk! I just wanted to email you to thank you. I'm currently in legal writing for my 1L year at Cleveland-Marshall and no offense to my professor but she isn't the best at explaining what is going on, especially over zoom. My friends who haven't ever taken a legal writing course before are very clueless on IRAC and how to write a memo in general and I would be too if I never took a legal writing class and if I came into law school having the professor that I do!

Thank god you told me how important taking a legal writing class is in undergrad.

I've thought about emailing you for a while but I always forget. I just wanted to thank you for talking me into taking your legal writing class because I couldn't imagine where I would be right now if I didn't considering the way things are being taught right now.

I hope you're staying safe and doing well! :)

Hi Professor Peterson,

I just wanted to let you know while watching the notes for Chapter 8 in Law of Corps and Associations, I thought it was cool how you put that in there about Delaware and Corporations. I used to work for a company a little over a year ago and they closed their doors and moved to Delaware! I could not at the time understand why they wanted to move there so badly, they had mentioned numerous times it will be very beneficial to the company. Anyway, this slide makes a lot of sense to me and I see why the company made that. So I thank you for placing that slide in there.

Professor Peterson:

I don't know where to begin- I know I still have a couple finals left to submit for you, but I just read the note you left on my final internship report and had to reply to it! Your words were so kind, and I have you (and Prof Paar) to thank for it all! I SO appreciate you for everything you've done over the past two semesters, and I'm so sad (yet relieved and ready to start working full-time) that I am finished with the post-bach paralegal studies program. It truly was the greatest decision I could have made, and I'm so thankful to have found a lifelong passion in law and to have landed such a great opportunity with the Lions.

I'm going to miss your weekly encouragement left on internship time cards, and I hope to get back to Kent in the near future to say hi and take a class or two I didn't have the chance to during my time in the program. And please don't hesitate to reach out to me if there is anything I can do for you! 馃榾

Again, thank you SO much for everything- the program you and Prof Paar run is phenomenal and I felt fully prepared starting my internship and now starting my career through the courses and learning materials I came across.

I will definitely keep in touch, and I hope you enjoy a nice break after finals finish up next week!

Good afternoon Professor Peterson,

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to send you a note because I thought that you would find it interesting that my Contracts II professor referenced the same Sofia Vergara embryo case that you talked about in the Family Law class. He deconstructed the contract that the two of them had regarding the ownership of the embryos and how each party needed to consent to bringing them into fruition.