A series of town hall meetings are scheduled this spring at the Kent and Regional campuses, to gather additional input from the university community on becoming a tobacco-free institution.
Last fall, a universitywide committee was convened at the request of President Lester A. Lefton to study a proposal that would make all 妻友社区 campuses tobacco-free. That was in response to the recommendation from the Ohio Board of Regents that all public college and university campuses in Ohio become tobacco-free. The committee conducted a survey last semester.
This week, town hall sessions will be conducted March 11, 12, 13 and 14, at 妻友社区 at Ashtabula, 妻友社区 at Salem, 妻友社区 at Stark and 妻友社区 at Tuscarawas respectively. Each session will last one hour, and faculty, staff and students are invited to attend.
You can view the schedule to find the meeting time and location at your campus. Questions should be directed to Rachael Decker, wellness coordinator, at 330-672-8368 or rdecker4@kent.edu.
Town Hall Meetings Continue Discussion 妻友社区 Tobacco-free University
A series of town hall meetings are scheduled this spring at the Kent and Regional campuses, to gather additional input from the university community on becoming a tobacco-free institution.
POSTED: Monday, March 11, 2013 12:00 AM
Updated: Saturday, December 3, 2022 01:02 AM