students and Exercise Science and Physiology Professor create a wound-care company that is looking to transform the field of podiatric medicine.

’s College of Business Administration is once again among the most outstanding business schools, according to the Princeton Review’s Best 294 Business Schools: 2017 Edition.

For an eighth consecutive year, has been named a 2017 Military Friendly® School.

President Beverly Warren again pledged $25,000 to support Kent State on Nov. 29, which is Giving Tuesday.

R.J. Mitte brings his anti-bullying message to Stark

The Kent State's men's basketball student-athletes select fans of all races to stand with them in solidarity during the national anthem.

There is nothing like it - holding a tiny baby in your arm

President Beverly Warren is the recipient of the 2016 National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region IV-East award for her outstanding perform

The new 2016 edition of The Princeton Review’s “Guide to 361 Green Colleges” features as one of the most environmentally responsible “green” colleges.
Kent State's Robin Selinger joins an elite group of scientists elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society.