Teaching/Research Assignments, Kent Campus

Early in the academic year the Program Coordinators will make recommendations to the Chair for particular teaching assignments, based upon programmatic needs.  Ordinarily, faculty will teach a range of courses, including upper-division and (when appropriate) graduate courses in their area of specialization, but also including lower-division and CORE courses.  Faculty will also have an opportunity to express preferences for particular times and days they wish to teach.  It is the responsibility of the Chair to finalize the teaching schedule, using programmatic need as the final criterion for assignments.  Final notification of teaching assignments will come on the workload notification statement issued no less than thirty (30) days before the beginning of any academic year, as required by the full-time TT and NTT faculty Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Ordinarily, faculty are expected to remain active in scholarship, research, and creative activity appropriate to their appointments.  Teaching and research assignments for Regional Campus faculty are determined by the Campus Dean.  Teaching assignments for Kent Campus full-time NTT faculty generally will be distributed at the same time as those for full-time TT faculty.  Final notification of teaching assignments (and any equivalencies, if appropriate) will be provided in the annual workload notification statement issued no later than thirty (30) days before the beginning of the academic year, as required by the full-time NTT faculty CBA (Article VIII.1D).