
Which Program Should I Choose?

Struggling to choose between one of our programs? Please view the comparison chart below to help you get started on your academic journey.

Program Prior experience required? Preparation for state licensure? Practicum abroad? Degree granting? Foreign language proficiency required? Program requirements
B.A. in TESL No No Optional Yes Yes B.A. in TESL Requirements
B.A. TESL with Education Minor No Yes Optional Yes Yes B.A. TESL and
Undergraduate TEFL Certificate No No Required No No Undergraduate TEFL Certificate
Endorsement (Undergraduate) Yes (concurrent enrollment in a teacher education program) Yes No No No Endorsement (Undergraduate)
M.A. in TESL   No (but recommended) No Optional Yes Yes M.A. in TESL  
M.A. in TESL for Teachers (P-12) No (but recommended) Yes No Yes Yes
Endorsement (Graduate)  Yes (licensure in another subject) Yes No No No Endorsement (Graduate) 
Graduate TEFL Certificate No No Optional No Yes Graduate TEFL Certificate