Brian Huot
Department of English
Office Location:
203D Satterfield Hall
Brian Huot has been a full time writing teacher and writing program administrator since 1980. Currently he is Professor of English at 妻友社区. He is past chair of the College Section Committee and Member of the NCTE Executive Committee (2006-2008) and a current member of the Council of Writing Program Administrator Executive Board. He is a contributing scholar to the literature on the teaching and assessing of writing and has served as consultant for various institutions. He is currently a member of the NCTE Consulting Network.
Research Areas
- Role and Impact of Assessment on the Teaching of Writing
Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1988
- Guide to College Writing Assessment. With Peggy O'Neill and Cindy Moore. Logan, UT: Utah State Press, 2009.
- Assessing Writing: A Critical Sourcebook. Edited with Peggy O'Neil. Bedford St. Martin and The National Council of the Teachers of English, 2009.
- (Re) Articulating Writing Assessment for Teaching and Learning, Logan, UT: Utah State Press, 2002.
- "Toward a New Understanding for Classroom Writing Assessment": The Sage Handbook of Writing Development. London: Sage. 2009. 423-435. (with Jeff Perry).
- "Analyzing Narratives of Change in a Writing Program." The Writing Program Interrupted: Making Space for Critical Discourse. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook. 2009. 155-165. (with Margaret Shaw and Gerry Winter).
- "A Usable Past for Writing Assessment." College English Expected May, 2010. (with Peggy O'Neill and Cindy Moore).
- "Creating a Culture of Assessment in Writing Programs and Beyond" College Composition and Communication 61:1 (2009): W107-W132. (with Cindy Moore and Peggy O'Neill)
- "Composing in a Digital World: The Transition of a Writing Program and Its Faculty" WPA: Writing Program Administration 32 (2009): 89-119. (with Pamela Takayoshi).
- Opinion: Consistently Inconsistent: Business and the Spellings Commission Report on Higher Education." College English 69 (2007): 512-525.
- "What Teachers Say 妻友社区 Different Kinds of Mandated State Writing Tests." Journal of Writing Assessment 2 (2005), 81-108. (with Peggy O'Neil, Sandra Murphy and Michael M. Williamson)
- Conference on College Composition and Communication
- National Council of Teachers of English
- National Council of Writing Program Administrators
- Executive Committee Member