Peggy Nzomo, University Libraries, is the 2016 recipient of the American Library Association (ALA) International Relations Committee’s “Bogle-Pratt International Library Travel Fund.” She received this award at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) World Library and Information Congress held Aug. 13-19 in Columbus, Ohio. She also was one of 50 librarians who received the 2016 IFLA Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Fellows scholarship.
Peggy Nzomo, University Libraries

A student’s interpretive sign project is helping the university become more environmentally friendly.

Several trees, up to 20 feet tall, were relocated from Summit Street to the area around the Center for the Performing Arts on Main Street to prepare for road expansions and other construction as part of the Summit Street Improvement Project.
Lala Hajibayova, School of Library and Information Science, presented "Participatory Knowledge Representation and Organization Systems" at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) SIG/CR Workshop.
Susanna Fein, Department of English, edited The Auchinleck Manuscript: New Perspectives, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: York Medieval Press/Boydell and Brewwer, (2016), xi, 253 pp.

Associate Professor Molly Merryman and the Wick Poetry Center are recipients of the university's diversity awards, presented during the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has granted an extension on producing and filing the 1095-C tax form. As such, the 1095-C tax form is not required for full-time, benefits-eligible employees to file 2015 taxes.
will still make the 1095-C form available to employees as soon as possible, and will file the forms with the IRS once they are completed.
There is a box on the 1040 tax form that should be checked if you had “qualifying health care coverage” for all of 2015.
is currently offering employees the opportunity to apply for guaranteed-issue Aflac short-term disability coverage (up to $3,000) to supplement any existing benefits. That means no medical questionnaire is required*.
Short-term disability coverage is designed to provide, to persons insured, coverage for disabilities resulting from a covered accident or sickness, subject to any limitations set forth in the policy. Coverage is not provided for basic hospital, basic medical-surgical or major medical expenses.

Familiar Face
robin selinger
Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, Liquid Crystal Institute
Kent Campus

Steve Nameth, dean and chief administrative office of at Salem, recently hosted a luncheon for business students to learn more about the insurance industry and the degree that could help get them through its doors.
The Board of Trustees today established a comprehensive, national search to recruit and select the university’s 13th president.
The events of May 4, 1970, placed in an international spotlight after a student protest against the Vietnam War and the presence of the Ohio National Guard ended in tragedy with four students losing their lives and nine others being wounded. From a perspective of nearly 50 years, Kent State remembers the tragedy and leads a contemporary discussion and understanding of how the community, nation and world can benefit from understanding the profound impact of the event.