A peer-reviewed article by Meghan Harper, Ph.D., School of Library and Information Science, titled “Using Literature to Help Students Who Hurt,” has been published in Ohio Media Spectrum – Journal of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), 68(1), 45-57.
Meghan Harper, School of Library and Information Science
Trevor Watkins, University Libraries, Cameron Hughes and Tracey Hughes, presented “A Little Artificial Intelligence Help With Syslog” at the Ohio Linuxfest 2017 in Columbus, Ohio, on Sept. 30.
Richard (Rick) Feinberg, Department of Anthropology, presented “Cross-Cultural Fieldwork: The Heart of Anthropological Research” at Field Research in Anthropology: Unity and Diversity, sponsored by the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Androgagy, Palacky University in Olomouc, Moravia, Czech Republic, on Oct. 3, 2017.

President Beverly Warren delivered the State of the University Address on Tuesday, Oct. 17. She inspired the university community to embrace the upcoming academic year as the “Year of Innovation.”

New Face
cory Boveington
Associate Applications Developer
University College, Information Technology
Kent Campus
is now offering a unique ride-sharing system called Gohio Commute sponsored by the Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS) and Kent State’s Office of Sustainability.
SOME DAYS you’ll wake up and know your life has purpose
This is who you are - who you want to be - a nurse
will recognize members of the university community for supporting diversity, equity and inclusion at the university during the Harambee Awards celebration on Friday, Nov. 3, at the Hotel and Conference Center. The Harambee Awards celebration, formerly known as the Social Responsibility and Diversity Awards, recognizes students, faculty, alumni and community supporters who provide outreach support and programs focused on increasing the success of underrepresented and/or underserved students at Kent State.
As we approach Thanksgiving and the holiday season, e-Inside would like to know what you are thankful for. You can share a list of the things, people, places, events, etc., that you are grateful for.
Please send your submissions to einside@kent.edu by Tuesday, Nov. 14, with the subject line “Thanksgiving,” and, depending on the number of entries that we receive, they will be published in an upcoming issue.
Encourage your undergraduate students to submit abstracts of their research, professional practice inquiry or creative endeavors for showcase in the fifth annual Undergraduate Symposium on Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity to be held on April 5.
Submissions will be collected from Nov. 1 through Feb. 15.
For more information and to submit an abstract, visit www.kent.edu/student_research/undergraduate-research-symposium.
The Board of Trustees today established a comprehensive, national search to recruit and select the university’s 13th president.
The events of May 4, 1970, placed in an international spotlight after a student protest against the Vietnam War and the presence of the Ohio National Guard ended in tragedy with four students losing their lives and nine others being wounded. From a perspective of nearly 50 years, Kent State remembers the tragedy and leads a contemporary discussion and understanding of how the community, nation and world can benefit from understanding the profound impact of the event.