Marianne Martens, Ph.D., School of Library and Information Science, is author of an invited chapter titled “Reading the Readers: Tracking Visible Online Reading Audiences” in P. M. Rothbauer, K.I. Skjerdingstad, L.E.F. McKechnie, and K. Oterholm (Eds.), Plotting the Reading Experience: Theory/Practice/Politics. (2016). Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Marianne Martens, School of Library and Information Science

New Face
bobby brown
Compliance Investigator
Office of Compliance and Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
Kent Campus
University hosts its annual Homecoming celebration on Oct. 1
Josh Cribbs, a three-time NFL Pro Bowler and 2010 graduate of , will return to his alma mater to serve as the Homecoming Parade Grand Marshal at the university’s annual Homecoming on Oct. 1.
Many academic buildings on the Kent Campus will undergo improvements to make them more accessible to people with disabilities. The buildings, many of which were built decades ago, will be enhanced with features that go above the minimum standards required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
We all know the importance of conserving energy in the workplace, but there are certain days when energy conservation efforts can have a significant impact on energy costs. Frank Renovich, Kent State’s associate director of energy operations, says there are 10 to 15 days a year designated by the utility companies as “peak load days.” These days correspond to times when electricity consumption is at a peak on the electric grid. The dates and times can occur anytime, but often take place during hot afternoons or early evenings between June and September.
Mail Services has added two new options for mailing packages that are available through FlashPac, the department’s online shipment service. First, a carrier has been added for packages going to international destinations, including locations abroad. DHL specializes in international shipments and is now one of the options to select as a carrier in FlashPac.

employees are reaping benefits from the university's OneWellU program, which offers services and resources designed to support faculty and staff physically, mentally and emotionally.

For the second straight year, five athletic programs are being recognized by the NCAA with Public Recognition Awards for outstanding academic performance.

alumnus and NFL Pro Bowler Josh Cribbs is coming home for Kent State's 2016 Homecoming celebration on Oct. 1. Join Cribbs, and thousands of other Golden Flashes, for all the fun and exciting events.

The state’s only wine degree programs, offered by at Ashtabula, has hired Edward Trebets to lead the future development of the degrees and serve as a full-time faculty member in the two associate degree programs.

employees shared some of their favorite summer vacation and staycation photos with e-Inside.
The Board of Trustees today established a comprehensive, national search to recruit and select the university’s 13th president.
The events of May 4, 1970, placed in an international spotlight after a student protest against the Vietnam War and the presence of the Ohio National Guard ended in tragedy with four students losing their lives and nine others being wounded. From a perspective of nearly 50 years, Kent State remembers the tragedy and leads a contemporary discussion and understanding of how the community, nation and world can benefit from understanding the profound impact of the event.