Mamoun Alzoubi, Department of English, presented a paper, “Richard Wright and Transnationalism: A Reading of Pagan Spain,” at the American Literature Association Annual Conference, May 26-29, 2016, in San Francisco, California.
Mamoun Alzoubi, Department of English

Familiar Face
carmen frank roberts
Senior Business Manager
Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Kent Campus

Looking for a suitable venue to host a holiday celebration? Faculty, staff, students and parents are eligible for a 5 percent discount at the Hotel and Conference Center. Rates vary depending on dates and occupancy. For more information and to book reservations, visit or call 330-346-0100.
We are pleased to remind you that University Health Services will hold an additional walk-in flu vaccine clinic on Thursday, Dec. 14, from 3-5 p.m. Walk-ins will be handled first come, first served, with no appointment necessary.

will hold its Fall Commencement ceremonies for the Kent Campus on Friday, Dec. 15, and Saturday, Dec. 16, at the Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center (MAC Center).

at Tuscarawas student and councilman-at-large Eric Harmon, 19, is currently the youngest elected official in the state of Ohio.

The Airport's Props-4-Paws initiative supports local animal shelters and has surpassed its goal each year since the project started.
Dear Colleagues:
Prior to the start of the current academic year, we shared a communication about ways the university is balancing its Fiscal Year 2018 budget, including several cost-saving strategies. One such program is the Comprehensive Office Print Initiative, or COPI for short. The purpose of this initiative is to assess office copier/printer practices across all Kent State campuses and identify potential efficiencies by modifying current equipment and printing practices.
Over the last few months, University Dining Services has been reviewing customer feedback from on-campus dining locations and making enhancements. Here are a few examples:
Before you leave for winter break, do not forget to “Unplug, Shutdown and Set Back!”
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The Board of Trustees today established a comprehensive, national search to recruit and select the university’s 13th president.
The events of May 4, 1970, placed in an international spotlight after a student protest against the Vietnam War and the presence of the Ohio National Guard ended in tragedy with four students losing their lives and nine others being wounded. From a perspective of nearly 50 years, Kent State remembers the tragedy and leads a contemporary discussion and understanding of how the community, nation and world can benefit from understanding the profound impact of the event.