Mamoun Alzoubi, Department of English, presented a paper, “Richard Wright and Transnationalism: A Reading of Pagan Spain,” at the American Literature Association Annual Conference, May 26-29, 2016, in San Francisco, California.
Mamoun Alzoubi, Department of English

The annual fashion show, “FS²: Crescendo,” highlighted the outstanding talents of the Fashion School’s design and merchandising students.

at Stark faculty and staff gathered in the Campus Center to recognize the 2016 Staff Excellence Award recipients.
Many international student-athletes say that ’s Department of Intercollegiate Athletics has gone above and beyond to make their transition to the U.S. as comfortable as possible.

is competing against employers across the country in the On The Move Challenge, a 12-week corporate fitness challenge promoting more movement throughout the workday.

Associate Professor Mark Kershner, Ph.D., believes it is important for students to begin conducting research during their undergraduate careers.

What happens when you recycle something on campus? Here at Kent State, we take pride in our campus and the environment by recycling our used resources.
Catherine L. Smith, Ph.D., School of Library and Information Science, is co-author of a paper titled “Exploring the Use of Query Auto Completion: Search Behavior and Query Entry Profile,” presented at the Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, in March 2016.
Susanna Fein, Department of English, presented “Surreal Realms of Grief in the Book of the Duchess” at the Canada Chaucer Conference, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on April 16, 2016.
Carol Bersani, Professor Emerita, and Terri Cardy, School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies, authored “School-Wide Research as Professional Development” in Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Exchange, 22(4), (2015), 10-19.
Renovation of the Schwartz Center (R12) lot and Kent Student Center Visitor Parking lot is set to begin this summer. Both parking lots will be closed beginning May 16 through mid-August.
Additionally, the R10 lot between Lake Hall and the Memorial Athletic and Convocation (MAC) Center will be closed throughout summer to all vehicles, except those with disability permits. This lot closure also will begin May 16 to allow for reconstruction of Williams Drive, which will connect to the newly designed Risman Drive.
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