Christine Hudak, Ph.D., School of Library and Information Science, has been accepted as a contributing author to the book (tentatively) titled The Handbook of Continuing Professional Development for the Health IT Professional, to be published by HIMSS in 2017. Her chapter, “The Many Facets of Continuing Education,” will appear in the section on “The Importance of Lifelong Learning.”
Christine Hudak, School of Library and Information Science
Rebecca Meehan, School of Library and Information Science, authored an online journal article "Electronic Health Records in Long-Term Care: Staff Perspectives" on, Oct. 12, 2015.
Summary: Her study used one-on-one interviews of direct care nurses in a Midwest United States long-term post-acute care (LTPAC) setting to describe patterns of use and areas to improve.
Web link:
Ralph Lorenz, School of Music, presented "Cymatics: Germanic Sound Study with Implications for Advances in Medical Treatments" at the German Studies Association 39th Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 3, 2015.
Brian Kelley, Department of Political Science, has been appointed president of GMIS International. Established in 1971, GMIS International is the most inclusive Government IT Association worldwide. With more than 500 member agencies representing, city, county, state and K-20 agencies across America, GMIS International represents the largest professional association of public sector IT leaders in the United States.
KSUMobile, ’s mobile application for faculty, staff and students, has been updated to include access to Gmail accounts, a GPA calculator and a redesigned homepage.
The KSUMobile app was first developed in 2009, and has undergone numerous changes since its initial launch.

All are invited to come and honor America’s veterans at this year’s Veterans Day program, "Honoring All Who Serve," on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 11 a.m. on the Student Green at Risman Plaza.
The outdoor program will include a flag-raising ceremony conducted by a joint color guard from the Army and Air Force ROTC programs, remarks from Kent State President Beverly Warren and guest speaker and alumnus, retired Air Force Col. Richard “Rex” Ray, '67.

Students in Lydia Rose’s Researching Society class at at East Liverpool are using more than textbooks and notes for their lessons this semester.
Yes, provides the Employee Assistance and Work/Life program through Impact Solutions.
The IMPACT program can assist with problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, child management, marital concerns or substance abuse. It also can provide assistance for child or elder care, financial or legal matters. All resources are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. IMPACT services are confidential and provided by credentialed professionals. All faculty, staff and their family members are eligible to use IMPACT services.
Iris Harvey, Division of University Relations, presented “Leadership: Lean in With Purpose — Power Will Follow” at the Greater Akron Chamber’s KNOW luncheon on Oct. 28 at Portage Country Club in Akron, Ohio. KNOW is a personal and professional development program for business women in the Greater Akron region. The mission is to cultivate the talent within each other by reaching out to today’s women executives and tomorrow’s leaders.
The Board of Trustees today established a comprehensive, national search to recruit and select the university’s 13th president.
The events of May 4, 1970, placed in an international spotlight after a student protest against the Vietnam War and the presence of the Ohio National Guard ended in tragedy with four students losing their lives and nine others being wounded. From a perspective of nearly 50 years, Kent State remembers the tragedy and leads a contemporary discussion and understanding of how the community, nation and world can benefit from understanding the profound impact of the event.