
Mary Ann Devine, Ph.D., and professor in the Recreation, Park and Tourism Management program, recently authored a book titled, “Inclusive Leisure: A Strengths-based Approach.”
EHHS Professor Authors Book on Inclusion of People with Disabilities
Mary Ann Devine, Ph.D., and professor in the Recreation, Park and Tourism Management program, recently authored a book titled, “Inclusive Leisure: A Strengths-based Approach.”Image

Joanne Caniglia (left) and Rhonda Hylton in The School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies have been awarded a Statewide Mathematics and Literacy Tutoring Grant from the Ohio Department of Education.
EHHS Awarded Statewide Tutoring Grant
Joanne Caniglia (left) and Rhonda Hylton in The School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies have been awarded a Statewide Mathematics and Literacy Tutoring Grant from the Ohio Department of Education.Image

The time has come! The College of Education, Health and Human Services welcomes students back to school! We hope you have an enjoyable year!
EHHS Back to School Video
The time has come! The College of Education, Health and Human Services welcomes students back to school! We hope you have an enjoyable year!Image

Lecturer Olivia Krise ( pictured left) and associate professor Jamie McCartney were awarded a $50,000 grant from the Ohio Deans Compact.
ASL/English Interpreting Faculty Awarded Ohio Deans Compact Grant
Lecturer Olivia Krise ( pictured left) and associate professor Jamie McCartney were awarded a $50,000 grant from the Ohio Deans Compact.Image

Several literacy professors and current and former students from the School of Teaching Learning and Curriculum Studies were published in the summer/fall 2022 issue of the "Ohio Journal of English Language Arts."
Kent State Faculty, Students Published in State Journal
Several literacy professors and current and former students from the School of Teaching Learning and Curriculum Studies were published in the summer/fall 2022 issue of the "Ohio Journal of English Language Arts."Image

Congratulations! to seven doctoral candidates enrolled in the Curriculum & Instruction (Literacy) Ph.D. program, whose study: “Oral Reading Fluency of College Graduates: Toward a Deeper Understanding of College Ready Fluency,” will appear in the Journal of Adolescent…
Doctoral Students’ Study Published in Top Notch Journal
Congratulations! to seven doctoral candidates enrolled in the Curriculum & Instruction (Literacy) Ph.D. program, whose study: “Oral Reading Fluency of College Graduates: Toward a Deeper Understanding of College Ready Fluency,” will appear in the Journal of Adolescent…Image

The College of Education, Health and Human Services has formed a rock-solid relationship with Cleveland-based JACK Entertainment.
JACK Entertainment and EHHS - A Safe Bet
The College of Education, Health and Human Services has formed a rock-solid relationship with Cleveland-based JACK Entertainment.Image

On June 3, 2022, James Heddens (third from left), beloved former Kent State professor and icon in the field of mathematics education, passed away.
In Memoriam, James W. Heddens, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus
On June 3, 2022, James Heddens (third from left), beloved former Kent State professor and icon in the field of mathematics education, passed away.Image

Muhammed Salih Taşdemir, a participant in the Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement in Media Literacy program, was featured in the spring 2022 issue of The Turkish Fulbright Commission Newsletter.
Visiting EHHS Scholar Featured in Fulbright Newsletter
Muhammed Salih Taşdemir, a participant in the Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement in Media Literacy program, was featured in the spring 2022 issue of The Turkish Fulbright Commission Newsletter.Image

Congratulations! to Andrew Lepp, Ph.D., a recipient of the President’s Faculty Excellence Award.