View Awards
This listing provides recent information about external funding awarded to KSU faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences.
The listing has been updated through Q4 of FY24.
For more recent activity, see the Award Activity Reports posted by the Office of Sponsored Programs.
For additional information, contact Cathy Lowe (; Web Profile)
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- Africana Studies
Arts & Sciences
Biological Sciences
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Geography - History
Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute
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Modern & Classical Language Studies
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Psychological Sciences
Sociology & Criminology
Wick Poetry Center
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Gooden, Amoaba | Pan-African Studies | Other Sponsored Activity | Mid-American Conference | Empowering Project: Students, Faculty and Community Promoting Engagement to Effect Change | 07/31/2018 | $10,000 |
Gooden, Amoaba | Pan-African Studies | Other Sponsored Activity | Burton D. Morgan Foundation | 妻友社区's Diversity Education and Training Workshops | 09/01/2020 | $2,000 |
Kumah-Abiwu, Felix | Africana Studies | Other Sponsored Activity | Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation | Creating Career Pathways in Medicine and Health Sciences for underrepresented Students | 09/01/2022 | $8,790 |
Kumah-Abiwu, Felix | Africana Studies | Research | Subaward U.S. Embassy South Africa & University of Fort Hare /U.S. Department of State | Heritage Ubuntu Research between South Africa and the United States | 10/01/2021 | $50,000 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Bebber, Michelle | Anthropology | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Searching for North America's First Stone Age Americans at Stow Rockshelter, Ohio | 9/1/2021 | $24,000 |
Bliss-Schryer, Michael | Anthropology | Research | American Society of Primatologists | In Search of Adrenarche: Spider Monkeys & their Implications in Human Evolution | 5/14/2023 | $1,985 |
Chaney, Morgan | Anthropology | Research | Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society | Comparing renal expression levels of cyanide-detoxifying enzymes among three species of lemur | 1/1/2020 | $820 |
Chaney, Morgan | Anthropology | Research | American Society of Primatologists | Interrogating expression levels of cyanide-detoxifying enzymes in the liver of Hapalemur griseus | 7/1/2018 | $1,500 |
Cimino, Aldo | Anthropology | Research | Pennsylvania State University | Hidden Event-Specific Variability in Fraternity Hazing Severity: The Role of Pledge Class and Chapter Attributions (Pilot Study) | 11/15/2023 | $1,620 |
Cimino, Aldo | Anthropology | Research | North American Interfraternity Council | Rites of Passage: Motivations and Predictors Among Fraternities and Men's Athletic Teams | 03/12/2024 | $10,000 |
Cimino, Aldo | Anthropology | Research | Pennsylvania State University | Ritual Fungibility in Modern Fraternities: Pilot Study | 11/3/2022 | $1,518 |
Edler, Melissa | Biomedical Sciences/Anthropology | Research | National Institute on Aging | 1/1/2023 | $315,381 | |
Edler, Melissa | Biomedical Sciences/Anthropology | Research- Continuation | National Institute on Aging | 1/1/2024 | $279,087 | |
Edler, Melissa | Biomedical Sciences/Anthropology | Research- Additional | National Institute on Aging | 1/1/2024 | $31,010 | |
Eren, Metin | Anthropology | Research | Ohio History Connection | Berlin Lake Archaeological Survey | 5/1/2017 | $2,500 |
Eren, Metin | Anthropology | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2021 | $80,145 | |
Eren, Metin | Anthropology | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2017 | $78,653 | |
Eren, Metin | Anthropology | Research | Subcontract Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division /U.S. Department of Energy | Compass Project: Field, Measurements, and Experiments | 03/01/2023 | $24,994 |
Eren, Metin | Anthropology | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Higher Education | Ohio I-Corps Program: Primal Points | 05/01/2021 | $12,500 |
Eren, Metin | Anthropology | Research | Portage County Educational Service Center | Tinkers Creek Greenway Project Phase I: Archaeological Investigation | 06/13/2019 | $10,000 |
Raghanti, Mary Ann | Anthropology | Research | Subaward The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center /National Institute on Aging | Alzheimer's Disease Pathology in a Primate Model | 02/15/2021 | $239,328 |
Raghanti, Mary Ann | Anthropology | Research- Continuation | Subaward The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center /National Institute on Aging | Alzheimer's Disease Pathology in a Primate Model | 02/02/2022 | $203,824 |
Raghanti, Mary Ann | Anthropology | Research- Continuation | Subaward The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center /National Institute on Aging | Alzheimer's Disease Pathology in a Primate Model | 02/15/2023 | $227,378 |
Raghanti, Mary Ann | Anthropology | Research- Continuation | Subaward The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center /National Institute on Aging | Alzheimer's Disease Pathology in a Primate Model | 02/15/2024 | $200,519 |
Raghanti, Mary Ann | Anthropology | Research | Subaward Florida International University /National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences | Cholinergic Neuron Degeneration in Mn Neurotoxicity | 04/01/2019 | $143,625 |
Raghanti, Mary Ann | Anthropology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Florida International University /National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences | Cholinergic Neuron Degeneration in Mn Neurotoxicity | 04/01/2020 | $99,307 |
Raghanti, Mary Ann | Anthropology | Research | National Science Foundation | 05/15/2019 | $205,527 | |
Raghanti, Mary Ann | Anthropology | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 05/15/2020 | $104,472 | |
Raghanti, Mary Ann | Anthropology | Research | Subaward MD Anderson Cancer Center /National Institutes of Health | The National Center for Chimpanzee Care | 09/01/2019 | $211,926 |
Takeshita, Rafaela | Anthropology | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/15/2021 | $300,000 | |
Takeshita, Rafaela | Anthropology | Research | The Wenner-Gren Foundation | Uncovering Adrenarche: neuroendocrine basis of human longevity | 7/1/2021 | $20,000 |
Tosi, Anthony | Anthropology | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2017 | $49,593 | |
Tosi, Anthony | Anthropology | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2018 | $89,870 | |
Tosi, Anthony | Anthropology | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2018 | $69,527 | |
Tosi, Anthony | Anthropology | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2019 | $30,000 | |
Tosi, Anthony | Anthropology | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2019 | $298,686 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Kessler, Chaya | Arts & Sciences/ Jewish Studies | Other Sponsored Activity | Youngstown Area Jewish Federation | Jewish Studies Study Abroad Program and Spiegelman Lecture | 3/1/2018 | $7,600 |
Merryman, Molly | Arts & Sciences/ School of Peace and Conflict Studies | Other Sponsored Activity | U.S. Department of State | Resilience During the Pandemic: LGBTQ+ Stories | 5/16/2022 | $35,000 |
Solomon, Johanna | Arts & Sciences/ School of Peace and Conflict Studies | Research | American Psychological Association | North Hill Community Dialogue Project | 6/1/2018 | $1,375 |
West, John | Arts & Sciences | Research | Subcontract Aerodynamic Technologies, LLC /U.S. Office of Naval Research | Development of High-Resolution Global Wall Shear Stress Measurement Technique for use in Hypersonic Flow Studies | 6/22/2020 | $42,000 |
West, John | Arts & Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Akron /National Science Foundation | Type II: The University of Akron I-Corps Site - Liquid Crystal Fabric Sensors (F19-019) | 10/04/2019 | $2,500 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Bade, Darren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward Bowling Green State University & The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Higher Education | Investigating the environmental drivers of saxitoxins production in recreational and drinking source waters | 4/4/2018 | $26,000 |
Bade, Darren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Higher Education | ODHE Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative FY20 and 21 | 07/01/2021 | $139,289 |
Bahlai, Christine | Biological Sciences | Research | U. S. Department of Interior National Park Service | Butterfly community analysis in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park | 03/08/2024 | $25,850 |
Bahlai, Christine | Biological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 06/01/2021 | $220,731 | |
Bahlai, Christine | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 06/01/2022 | $318,061 | |
Bahlai, Christine | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 06/01/2023 | $162,268 | |
Bahlai, Christine | Biological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 10/1/2018 | $175,624 | |
Bahlai, Christine | Biological Sciences | Research | Mozilla Foundation | How do you know? A podcast exploring the numbers behind our beliefs, and everything in between | 9/1/2020 | $12,000 |
Bahlai, Christine | Biological Sciences | Research | Greenacres Foundation | Novel monitoring strategies to assess forest recovery processes | 9/1/2023 | $175,863 |
Bahlai, Christine | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Connecticut /National Science Foundation | RCN: An International Network to Assess the Status of Insects | 8/1/2022 | $2,832 |
Bahlai, Christine | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Connecticut /National Science Foundation | RCN: An International Network to Assess the Status of Insects | 8/1/2023 | $2,917 |
Baldarelli, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Garden Club of America | How Does Soil Type and Associated Elevation Affect the Abundance and Distribution of Biocrusts in the Sonoran Desert, Arizona: An Effort to Understand How to Conserve These Critical Dryland Organisms | 4/1/2020 | $4,000 |
Bedont, Joseph | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | 9/19/2023 | $249,000 | |
Blackwood, Christopher | Biological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/15/2018 | $162,335 | |
Blackwood, Christopher | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 6/15/2021 | $20,700 | |
Blackwood, Christopher | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Akron /National Science Foundation | Type II: The University of Akron I-Corps Site: BioBlack | 10/04/2019 | $2,500 |
Brown, Megan | Biological Sciences | Research | Ohio Biological Survey Inc. | Maternal Effects and Allelopathy: Does mother "know" best? | 1/1/2020 | $500 |
Caldwell, Heather | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 7/1/2018 | $450,000 | |
Caldwell, Heather | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 1/2/2023 | $456,000 | |
Case, Andrea | Biological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2020 | $439,635 | |
Case, Andrea | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2022 | $9,000 | |
Clements, Robert | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 9/21/2020 | $446,115 | |
Clements, Robert | Biological Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | The Sisler McFawn Foundation | Creating and evaluating affordable and effective online 3D immersive experiences for enhancing STEM education in Economically Challenged Schools | 1/05/2017 | $7,500 |
Clements, Robert | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering | 8/7/2018 | $73,394 | |
Clements, Robert | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering | 6/1/2019 | $74,906 | |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholar Program at 妻友社区 | 05/20/2021 | $81,714 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholar Program at 妻友社区 | 06/01/2022 | $107,143 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholar Program at 妻友社区 | 07/01/2022 | $163,429 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholar Program at 妻友社区 | 05/01/2023 | $68,571 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Instruction-Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholar Program at 妻友社区 | 06/01/2023 | $214,286 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Instruction-Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholar Program at 妻友社区 | 07/01/2023 | $68,571 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Instruction-Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholar Program at 妻友社区 | 07/01/2023 | $245,143 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program for Applied and Technical Programs at 妻友社区 | 05/01/2024 | $100,000 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Research | USA Medical Research Acquisition Activity | Determining Sensory Plasticity and Developing Recovery for Sexual Dysfunction in Chronic Spinal Cord Injured Male Rats | 03/20/2020 | $255,784 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Research | Craig H. Neilsen Foundation | Determining Spinal Alterations in Sexual Reflex Control | 01/31/2019 | $199,992 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Craig H. Neilsen Foundation | Determining Spinal Alterations in Sexual Reflex Control | 01/31/2020 | $199,992 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Craig H. Neilsen Foundation | Determining Spinal Alterations in Sexual Reflex Control | 01/31/2021 | $199,902 |
Coolen, Lique | Brain Health Research Institute/ Biological Sciences | Research | USA Medical Research Acquisition Activity | Dopamine D3 Agonists: Developing Treatments for Sexual Dysfunction in Chronic Spinal Cord-Injured Male Rats | 08/15/2021 | $760,000 |
Costello, David | Biological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 09/01/2020 | $650,711 | |
Costello, David | Biological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 09/01/2021 | $56,808 | |
Costello, David | Biological Sciences | Research | U.S. Geological Survey | Measuring cyanobacterial response to trace metal enrichment | 5/01/2017 | $20,987 |
Costello, David | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | U.S. Geological Survey | Measuring cyanobacterial response to trace metal enrichment | 2/01/2018 | $30,339 |
Costello, David | Biological Sciences | Research | Subcontract UT-Battelle Oakridge National Laboratory /U.S. Department of Energy | Nutrient analysis of cotton strips from SPRUCE | 4/27/2023 | $7,342 |
Costello, David | Biological Sciences | Research | World Business Council for Sustainable Development | Tire road wear particles (TRWP) in stormwater at 妻友社区 | 6/10/2021 | $10,392 |
Damron, Derek | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Institutes of Health | Infrared Neuromodulation Reveals a New Understanding of Ganglion Organization | 6/8/2018 | $60,776 |
Damron, Derek | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Institutes of Health | Infrared Neuromodulation Reveals a New Understanding of Ganglion Organization | 9/1/2018 | $231,552 |
Dyne, Eric | Biomedical Sciences | Research | Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society | GPNMB: a novel candidate for autophagy resolution in a chronic wound model | 01/07/2019 | $600 |
Johnson, John | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Mental Health | 6/1/2018 | $450,000 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute on Aging | 05/15/2022 | $377,200 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute on Aging | 05/01/2023 | $371,540 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute on Aging | 05/01/2024 | $372,165 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research-Continuation | National Institute of Nursing Research | 4/1/2017 | $328,403 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research-Supplement | National Institute of Nursing Research | 4/1/2017 | $36,491 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research-Continuation | National Institute of Nursing Research | 4/1/2018 | $327,454 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Institute of Nursing Research | 4/1/2018 | $36,385 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Nursing Research | 4/1/2019 | $362,693 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Institute of Nursing Research | 9/18/2018 | $367,000 | |
Kim, Min-Ho | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Akron /National Science Foundation | Type II: The University of Akron I-Corps Site | 2/1/2018 | $2,496 |
Kim, Woo-Yang | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Mental Health | 7/1/2023 | $557,050 | |
Kim, Woo-Yang | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | 9/15/2018 | $250,000 | |
Kim, Woo-Yang | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | 9/15/2018 | $20,078 | |
Kim, Woo-Yang | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | 03/01/2019 | $329,239 | |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | City of Kent, Ohio | City of Kent Internship for 妻友社区 Biology Student | 01/01/2019 | $11,429 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Tennessee /National Science Foundation | Collaborative Research: Biological and geochemical controls on phosphorus bioavailability in arctic tundra | 11/01/2019 | $323,774 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Natural Resources | H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Program | 06/22/2020 | $95,590 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Natural Resources | H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Program | 07/01/2021 | $187,679 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research- Additional | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Natural Resources | H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Program | 07/01/2021 | $105,409 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Natural Resources | H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Program | 01/01/2023 | $92,697 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Natural Resources | H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Program 2023-2024 | 07/01/2023 | $291,075 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Natural Resources | H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Program 2023-2024 | 07/01/2024 | $439,215 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University & The Ohio Department of Natural Resources/ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Sensor Infrastructure & Capacity | 10/01/2022 | $845,380 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Kent Environmental Council | Kent Crowd Hydrology: Implementing Citizen Science to Support Local Water Stewardship and Global Hydrology Research | 03/01/2019 | $1,000 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University / Ohio Department of Natural Resources/ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Kent: Sandusky Bay Monitoring and Data Phase 2 | 6/1/2018 | $41,120 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | U.S. Department of Agriculture | NRCS-RCPP-AFA Pilot Watershed | 8/12/2022 | $90,000 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Lake Erie Commission | Nutrient Biogeochemistry Consequences of Beneficial Re-use of Dredge Material (Sandusky-Bay) | 4/1/2018 | $13,745 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Water Development Authority | Predictive Modeling of Nutrient and Carbon Processing in Wetlands - Linking Hydrology, Water Quality and Microbial Processes | 12/28/2017 | $65,000 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | U.S. Department of Energy | Rewriting the Redox Paradigm: Dynamic Hydrology Shapes Nutrient and Element Transformations in a Great Lakes Coastal Estuary | 09/01/2021 | $297,959 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Sampling Sandusky Bay Sediments for Phosporus Biogeochemistry Analysis | 07/01/2017 | $4,500 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Sandusky Bay Initiative Integrated Monitoring and Data Assessment | 02/01/2017 | $40,550 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research- Additional | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Sandusky Bay Initiative Integrated Monitoring and Data Assessment | 02/01/2017 | $500 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Sandusky Bay Monitoring and Data Assessment 2020-2022 | 07/01/2020 | $52,817 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Sandusky Bay Research Initiative, Round 3 | 02/01/2019 | $17,000 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Sandusky Bay initiative monitoring & data collection phase 4 | 07/01/2021 | $52,339 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward Bowling Green State University & The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Higher Education | Translating wetland monitoring to better restoration and management: development of a novel simulation-optimization framework for nutrient reduction wetlands | 8/1/2022 | $16,534 |
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Bowling Green State University & The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Higher Education | Translating wetland monitoring to better restoration and management: development of a novel simulation-optimization framework for nutrient reduction wetlands | 7/1/2023 | $16,700 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Career Pathways in STEM-Life Sciences: Advancing the human condition with technology | 7/1/2017 | $67,500 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Career Pathways in STEM-Life Sciences: Advancing the human condition with technology | 7/1/2018 | $101,250 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Career Pathways in STEM-Life Sciences: Advancing the human condition with technology | 7/1/2019 | $135,000 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Career Pathways in STEM-Life Sciences: Advancing the human condition with technology | 7/1/2020 | $168,750 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Career Pathways in STEM-Life Sciences: Advancing the human condition with technology | 7/1/2021 | $165,000 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Career Pathways in STEM-Life Sciences: Advancing the human condition with technology | 7/1/2022 | $125,000 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Career Pathways in STEM-Life Sciences: Advancing the human condition with technology | 7/1/2023 | $65,000 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Integrated Science Training for Northeast Ohio's Future Biomedical and Biotechnology Workforce - Legacy program | 7/1/2017 | $51,700 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Integrated Science Training for Northeast Ohio's Future Biomedical and Biotechnology Workforce - Legacy program | 7/1/2018 | $34,000 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Integrated Science Training for Northeast Ohio's Future Biomedical and Biotechnology Workforce - Legacy program | 7/1/2019 | $25,500 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Integrated Science Training for Northeast Ohio's Future Biomedical and Biotechnology Workforce - Legacy program | 7/1/2020 | $7,840 |
Kooijman, Edgar | Biological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2018 | $423,000 | |
Koski, Gary | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Army | Correcting the Anti-HER-2 CD4 Th1 Response in Breast Cancer Therapy to Prevent Recurrence | 9/30/2017 | $345,576 |
Koski, Gary | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Lee Moffitt Cancer Center/ U.S. Department of Army | Correcting the Anti-HER-2 CD4 Th1 Response in Breast Cancer Therapy to Prevent Recurrence | 9/30/2018 | $355,135 |
Koski, Gary | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Lee Moffitt Cancer Center/ U.S. Department of Army | Correcting the Anti-HER-2 CD4 Th1 Response in Breast Cancer Therapy to Prevent Recurrence | 9/30/2019 | $366,581 |
Koski, Gary | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Lee Moffitt Cancer Center/ U.S. Department of Army | Correcting the Anti-HER-2 CD4 Th1 Response in Breast Cancer Therapy to Prevent Recurrence | 9/30/2020 | $377,665 |
Koski, Gary | Biological Sciences | Research | Werner-Henle Charitable Trust | Feasibility study of immunologically-targeting pancreatic cancer | 9/1/2017 | $25,000 |
Koski, Gary | Biological Sciences | Research | Cellular Technology Limited | Hyperimmunized Mouse Spleens Research Services | 4/21/2022 | $81,000 |
Krieger, Jess | Biological Sciences | Research | New Harvest Inc. | Vascular Tissue Engineering and Bioreactor Design Optimization | 6/1/2017 | $105,000 |
Krieger, Jess | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | New Harvest Inc. | Vascular Tissue Engineering and Bioreactor Design Optimization | 1/1/2018 | $25,763 |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research | National Cancer Institute | 8/1/2018 | $75,000 | |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Cancer Institute | 8/1/2019 | $75,000 | |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Drug Resistance and Lipid Metabolism in Breast Cancer | 9/1/2020 | $24,000 |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research | National Cancer Institute | 02/01/2021 | $445,431 | |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research | National Cancer Institute | 9/1/2017 | $75,000 | |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Cancer Institute | 8/1/2018 | $75,000 | |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute on Aging | 5/1/2023 | $203,991 | |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute on Aging | 2/1/2024 | $206,110 | |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute on Aging | 5/1/2024 | $22,902 | |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research | Mary Kay Foundation | Targeting the fatty acid transporter CD36 in HER2 positive breast cancer | 5/15/2018 | $50,000 |
Kurokawa, Manabu | Biological Sciences | Research | National Cancer Institute | 4/1/2024 | $84,433 | |
Lamichhaney, Sangeet | Biological Sciences | Research | International Atomic Energy Agency | Computational and laboratory analysis focused on understanding sex ratio control in the Avian Vampire Fly Philornis downsi | 7/1/2022 | $20,581 |
Lamichhaney, Sangeet | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 4/1/2024 | $456,000 | |
Leff, Laura | Biological Sciences | Research | Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. | Phase 1: Biofilms and cranberries | 02/01/2019 | $6,894 |
Leff, Laura | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. | Biofilms and cranberries | 09/01/2019 | $20,000 |
Lehman, Michael | Brain Health Research Institute / Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward West Virginia University /National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | Role of NKB in the control of GnRH secretion by ovarian steroids | 3/1/2019 | $313,231 |
Lehman, Michael | Brain Health Research Institute / Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward West Virginia University /National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | Role of NKB in the control of GnRH secretion by ovarian steroids | 3/1/2020 | $191,423 |
Mendonca, Raissa | Biological Sciences | Research | Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | Metal Oxides in Surface Sediment Control Nickel Bioavailability to Benthic Macroinvertebrates | 01/01/2019 | $5,000 |
Miller, Tony | Biological Sciences | Research | Ohio Biological Survey Inc. | What causes geographic structuring of sex ratios in gynodioecious Lobelia siphilitica? | 3/01/2017 | $500 |
Mintz, Eric | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 9/1/2019 | $446,500 | |
Moore, Aleisha | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 01/01/2019 | $74,520 | |
Moore, Aleisha | Biological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 01/01/2019 | $924 | |
Moore, Aleisha | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 09/01/2019 | $113,014 | |
Moore, Aleisha | Biological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 09/01/2020 | $56,806 | |
Moore, Aleisha | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 03/05/2021 | $249,000 | |
Moore, Aleisha | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 03/01/2022 | $184,464 | |
Moore, Aleisha | Biological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 03/01/2022 | $24,016 | |
Moore, Aleisha | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 03/01/2023 | $231,663 | |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University/ United States Department of Treasury | CARES Act: State of Ohio Wastewater SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance Project | 08/01/2020 | $92,200 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio State University/ United States Department of Treasury | CARES Act: State of Ohio Wastewater SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance Project | 01/01/2021 | $136,165 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /United States Department of Treasury | Dormitory wastewater monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 at Universities and Colleges in the State of Ohio (CARES) | 12/01/2020 | $108,970 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Ohio Sea Grant College Program R/PS-054: Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the source and finished public waters in Northeast Ohio | 2/1/2018 | $30,000 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research- Additional | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Ohio Sea Grant College Program R/PS-054: Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the source and finished public waters in Northeast Ohio | 2/1/2018 | $30,000 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Ohio Sea Grant College Program R/PS-054: Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the source and finished public waters in Northeast Ohio | 2/1/2019 | $60,000 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward from University of Akron and The Ohio State University /Ohio Department of Higher Education | Removing Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water Plants: Best Strategy for When Saxitoxin and Anatoxin-a Present Alone or with Microcystin | 1/1/2020 | $64,023 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | State of Ohio wastewater SARS-CoV-2 surveillance subaward | 7/1/2021 | $272,935 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | State of Ohio wastewater SARS-CoV-2 surveillance subaward | 7/1/2021 | $354,308 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subcontract Ohio Department of Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | State of Ohio wastewater SARS-CoV-2 surveillance subaward | 9/19/2022 | $295,069 |
Mou, Xiaozhen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subcontract Ohio Department of Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | State of Ohio wastewater SARS-CoV-2 surveillance subaward (Campus Wastewater Monitoring 妻友社区) | 7/01/2023 | $345,896 |
Mueller, Devin | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward Ponce Medical School Foundation, Inc. (PMSF) /National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities | Effects of early-life neglect and cocaine use on PTSD-like behaviors | 8/1/2019 | $115,607 |
Mueller, Devin | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward Ponce Medical School Foundation, Inc. (PMSF) /National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities | Effects of early-life neglect and cocaine use on PTSD-like behaviors | 3/1/2020 | $153,540 |
Mueller, Devin | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward Ponce Medical School Foundation, Inc. (PMSF) /National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities | Effects of early-life neglect and cocaine use on PTSD-like behaviors | 3/1/2021 | $105,204 |
Mueller, Devin | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward Ponce Medical School Foundation, Inc. (PMSF) /National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities | Effects of early-life neglect and cocaine use on PTSD-like behaviors | 3/1/2022 | $23,343 |
Mueller, Devin | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward Ponce Medical School Foundation, Inc. (PMSF) /National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities | Effects of early-life neglect and cocaine use on PTSD-like behaviors | 3/1/2023 | $23,343 |
Mueller, Devin | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute on Drug Abuse | 11/16/2018 | $313,742 | |
Mueller, Devin | Biological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute on Drug Abuse | 08/21/2019 | $326,059 | |
Novak, Colleen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward Northeast Ohio Medical University /USA Medical Research Acquisition Activity | Exercise Effects on Synuclein Aggregation, Neuroinflammation, and Neurodegeneration | 6/1/2022 | $10,000 |
Novak, Colleen | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | 3/1/2020 | $447,126 | |
Novak, Colleen | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | 7/1/2024 | $458,899 | |
Palacios Bustos, Diana Catalina | Biological Sciences | Research | Society for the Study of Evolution | Workshop on Evolutionary Genomics: Analysis of Genomic and Transcriptomic | 5/1/2023 | $2,000 |
Piet, Richard | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 4/5/2023 | $342,000 | |
Piet, Richard | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 2/1/2024 | $307,800 | |
Piet, Richard | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 2/1/2024 | $30,780 | |
Piontkivska, Helen | Biological Sciences | Research | California State University Chico Research Foundation | Bioinformatics analysis of RNA-seq Mimulus Sample | 4/1/2017 | $300 |
Piontkivska, Helen | Biological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2022 | $199,786 | |
Piontkivska, Helen | Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Florida /National Institute on Aging | Mechanisms of Gonadotropin Action on Cognition and Neuronal Remodeling in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease | 4/15/2021 | $74,456 |
Piontkivska, Helen | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Florida /National Institute on Aging | Mechanisms of Gonadotropin Action on Cognition and Neuronal Remodeling in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease | 4/15/2021 | $16,309 |
Piontkivska, Helen | Biological Sciences | Research | Northeast Ohio Medical University | RNA-seq analysis of spike expression (with NEOMED) | 5/9/2023 | $4,000 |
Plonski, Noel-Marie | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Mental Health | ADAR-editing landscape dysregulation in neuropsychiatric disorders | 9/1/2020 | $29,830 |
Plonski, Noel-Marie | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Mental Health | ADAR-editing landscape dysregulation in neuropsychiatric disorders | 9/1/2021 | $30,346 |
Rocha, Oscar | Biological Sciences | Research | Geauga Park District | Developing strategies for the management of Tamarack populations in Kelso Lake: The impact of changes in hydrology on tree growth and survival and selection of seed sources for re-introductions | 4/1/2017 | $6,000 |
Rush, Harlee | Biological Sciences | Research | Geauga Park District | Home-field advantage: the effects of litter type, microclimate, and arthropod diversity on leaf-litter decomposition in oak forests of Northeastern Ohio | 5/1/2022 | $3,000 |
Rush, Harlee | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Geauga Park District | Home-field advantage: the effects of litter type, microclimate, and arthropod diversity on leaf-litter decomposition in oak forests of Northeastern Ohio | 11/2/2022 | $2,573 |
Showalter, Loral | Biological Sciences | Research | Elsa U. Pardee Foundation | A novel immunopharmacological approach for pancreatic cancer | 10/01/2021 | $109,872 |
Smith, Gemma Casadesus | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute on Aging | 8/1/2019 | $224,484 | |
Smith, Gemma Casadesus | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute on Aging | 6/1/2020 | $186,969 | |
Smith, Gemma Casadesus | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute on Aging | 4/1/2017 | $1,524,443 | |
Smith, Gemma Casadesus | Biological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute on Aging | 4/1/2017 | $334,634 | |
Vijayaraghavan, Srinivasan | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health & Human Development | 8/1/2022 | $76,000 | |
Vijayaraghavan, Srinivasan | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health & Human Development | 8/1/2023 | $76,000 | |
Vijayaraghavan, Srinivasan | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health & Human Development | 7/1/2017 | $187,316 | |
Vijayaraghavan, Srinivasan | Biological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 08/27/2018 | $75,000 | |
Vijayaraghavan, Srinivasan | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 8/1/2019 | $75,000 | |
Ward, David | Biological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2019 | $380,650 | |
Ward, David | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2020 | $226,841 | |
Ward, David | Biological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2021 | $174,509 | |
Ward, David | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 7/01/2022 | $19,622 | |
Ward, David | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 7/01/2022 | $16,622 | |
Ward, David | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2023 | $19,793 | |
Ward, David | Biological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2023 | $15,000 | |
Ward, David | Biological Sciences | Research | The Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio | Problem Plants of Ohio | 10/15/2019 | $500 |
Welshhans, Kristy | Biological Sciences | Research | Jerome Lejeune Foundation, USA | Adhesion mechanisms contributing to the Down syndrome phenotype | 12/11/2019 | $22,259 |
Welshhans, Kristy | Biological Sciences | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Neural Development in Health and Disease | 9/1/2018 | $24,000 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Abeysirigunawardena, Sanjaya | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 9/15/2023 | $454,805 | |
Abeysirigunawardena, Sanjaya | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 9/15/2020 | $454,624 | |
Abeysirigunawardena, Sanjaya | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Supplement | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 9/15/2022 | $100,000 | |
Dunietz, Barry | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Post-Marcus Theory and Simulation of Interfacial Charge Transfer Dynamics in Organic Semiconducting Materials | 9/15/2017 | $463,837 |
Dunietz, Barry | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Post-Marcus Theory and Simulation of Interfacial Charge Transfer Dynamics in Organic Semiconducting Materials | 9/15/2018 | $421,798 |
Dunietz, Barry | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Post-Marcus Theory and Simulation of Interfacial Charge Transfer Dynamics in Organic Semiconducting Materials | 9/15/2020 | $378,082 |
Goncalves Schmidt, Diana | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Restorable ECM for in vitro 3D tumor models | 9/1/2024 | $24,000 |
Huang, Songping | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | 1/19/2023 | $89,153 | |
Huang, Songping | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | 1/1/2024 | $69,810 | |
Huang, Songping | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2023 | $50,000 | |
Huang, Songping | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Science Foundation | NSF I-Corps Hub: Great Lakes Region | 6/10/2022 | $1,000 |
Leeper, Thomas | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 7/1/2017 | $162,377 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2023 | $385,767 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2024 | $199,044 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | Subcontract University of Southern Denmark /Lundbeck Foundation | Isolating amyloid peptide oligomers at a single-molecule level | 7/1/2021 | $77,908 |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Cancer Institute | 04/01/2023 | $341,588 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | National Cancer Institute | 04/01/2024 | $300,117 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Additional | National Cancer Institute | 04/01/2024 | $16,672 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Supplement | National Cancer Institute | 05/01/2024 | $65,548 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Science Foundation | 08/15/2019 | $320,000 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 08/15/2021 | $14,000 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Cancer Institute | 09/01/2018 | $344,481 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | National Cancer Institute | 09/01/2019 | $305,731 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | National Cancer Institute | 09/01/2020 | $315,186 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | National Cancer Institute | 09/01/2021 | $319,224 | |
Mao, Hanbin | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Continuation | National Cancer Institute | 09/01/2022 | $308,882 | |
Sampson, Paul | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Department of Higher Education | FY19 Memorandum of Understanding by and between 妻友社区 and the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Network | 7/1/2018 | $8,000 |
Sampson, Paul | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Department of Higher Education | FY20 Memorandum of Understanding by and between 妻友社区 and the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Network | 7/1/2019 | $11,000 |
Sampson, Paul | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Public Service | Subaward Wright State University /Department of Higher Education | Memorandum of Understanding by and between 妻友社区 and the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Network with Wright State University as Fiscal Agent - FY18 | 7/1/2017 | $8,000 |
Shen, Hao | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Fully Adjustable Chiral-Induced Spin Selectivity on Coronazymes | 9/1/2023 | $24,000 |
Tubergen, Michael | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Workforce Training for Ohio's STEM Industries | 7/1/2017 | $36,000 |
Tubergen, Michael | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Workforce Training for Ohio's STEM Industries | 7/1/2018 | $54,000 |
Tubergen, Michael | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Workforce Training for Ohio's STEM Industries | 7/1/2019 | $72,000 |
Tubergen, Michael | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Workforce Training for Ohio's STEM Industries | 7/1/2020 | $90,000 |
Tubergen, Michael | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Workforce Training for Ohio's STEM Industries | 7/1/2021 | $71,500 |
Tubergen, Michael | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Workforce Training for Ohio's STEM Industries | 7/1/2022 | $60,500 |
Tubergen, Michael | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Workforce Training for Ohio's STEM Industries | 7/1/2023 | $38,500 |
Twieg, Robert | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Science Foundation | 10/1/2019 | $549,480 | |
Twieg, Robert | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 08/08/2018 | $100,000 | |
Twieg, Robert | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | Facebook Technologies, LLC | Low Birefringence Liquid Crystalline Photoreactive Polymer | 9/01/2020 | $199,985 |
Zheng, Yaorong | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Cancer Institute | 1/15/2021 | $454,646 | |
Zheng, Yaorong | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 04/01/2024 | $434,148 | |
Zheng, Yaorong | Chemistry & Biochemistry | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Mitochondria-Targeted Platinum-Based Anticancer Agents Designed to Eliminate Cancer Stem Cells and Overcome Drug Resistance in Ovarian Cancer | 9/1/2018 | $24,000 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2023 | $568,627 | |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2024 | $10,000 | |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2023 | $270,000 | |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2022 | $44,773 | |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 11/01/2022 | $500,000 | |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 11/01/2022 | $10,000 | |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research | Subcontract Los Alamos National Security LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | Develop, Improve and Perform Research with the Open Sourced Tool PFSEF1 Related to Error Propagation | 8/10/2018 | $79,873 |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research- Continuation | Subcontract Triad National Security, LLC/ U.S. Department of Energy | Develop, Improve and Perform Research with the Open Sourced Tool PFSEF1 Related to Error Propagation | 9/01/2019 | $161,866 |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research- Additional | Subcontract Triad National Security, LLC/ U.S. Department of Energy | Develop, Improve and Perform Research with the Open Sourced Tool PFSEF1 Related to Error Propagation | 5/13/2019 | $80,000 |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2022 | $574,640 | |
Guan, Qiang | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2023 | $10,000 | |
Jin, Ruoming | Computer Science | Research | Subcontract New Jersey Institute of Technology /Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. | Detecting Human Behaviors from Smartphones using Federated Machine Learning in the Wild | 4/1/2020 | $8,000 |
Jin, Ruoming | Computer Science | Research | Subcontract New Jersey Institute of Technology /Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. | Detecting Human Behaviors from Smartphones using Federated Machine Learning in the Wild | 9/1/2021 | $10,000 |
Jin, Ruoming | Computer Science | Research | ILAMBDA Inc. | Developing Real-Time Recommendation and Personalization Techniques for eCommerce Applications | 2/1/2018 | $111,515 |
Jin, Ruoming | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/15/2021 | $79,999 | |
Jin, Ruoming | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2020 | $75,000 | |
Khan, Javed | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 5/1/2022 | $400,000 | |
Khan, Javed | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2024 | $500,000 | |
Khan, Javed | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2019 | $383,734 | |
Khan, Javed | Computer Science | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First CS Scholarships: Building High Demand 21st-Century Workforce Development in Big-Data, Cyber Security & Privacy, AI, Smart Systems and Devices, and other cutting edge Computer Science | 4/1/2020 | $147,466 |
Khan, Javed | Computer Science | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First CS Scholarships: Building High Demand 21st-Century Workforce Development in Big-Data, Cyber Security & Privacy, AI, Smart Systems and Devices, and other cutting edge Computer Science | 4/1/2021 | $294,933 |
Khan, Javed | Computer Science | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First CS Scholarships: Building High Demand 21st-Century Workforce Development in Big-Data, Cyber Security & Privacy, AI, Smart Systems and Devices, and other cutting edge Computer Science | 4/1/2023 | $442,399 |
Khan, Javed | Computer Science | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First CS Scholarships: Building High Demand 21st-Century Workforce Development in Big-Data, Cyber Security & Privacy, AI, Smart Systems and Devices, and other cutting edge Computer Science | 6/1/2023 | $589,866 |
Kim, Jungyoon | Computer Science | Research | AIV | Abnormal Detection in Video Streaming Image Data for Surface inspection | 12/08/2021 | $80,000 |
Kim, Jungyoon | Computer Science | Research | Youngsan University | Development of spinal curvature measuring device with flexible sensor and analysis of effects of trunk stabilization according to lumbar curvature | 09/01/2019 | $8,299 |
Kim, Jungyoon | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | Youngsan University | Development of spinal curvature measuring device with flexible sensor and analysis of effects of trunk stabilization according to lumbar curvature | 09/01/2019 | $254 |
Kim, Jungyoon | Computer Science | Research | Youngsan University | Smart Device to Predict Dementia Based on Big Data and Activity of Daily Living | 09/01/2019 | $5,722 |
Kim, Jungyoon | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | Youngsan University | Smart Device to Predict Dementia Based on Big Data and Activity of Daily Living | 09/01/2019 | $210 |
Kim, Kwangtaek | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/15/2021 | $517,000 | |
Kim, Kwangtaek | Computer Science | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 9/15/2022 | $166,500 | |
Kim, Kwangtaek | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 9/15/2023 | $10,000 | |
Kim, Kwangtaek | Computer Science | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 9/15/2023 | $166,500 | |
Kim, Kwangtaek | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 9/15/2024 | $10,000 | |
Lian, Xiang | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 10/01/2022 | $101,020 | |
Maletic, Jonathan | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2020 | $397,848 | |
Maletic, Jonathan | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 5/01/2021 | $10,000 | |
Maletic, Jonathan | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2022 | $10,000 | |
Maletic, Jonathan | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2023 | $447,250 | |
Maletic, Jonathan | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2017 | $290,610 | |
Maletic, Jonathan | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2018 | $10,000 | |
Maletic, Jonathan | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2019 | $10,000 | |
Maletic, Jonathan | Computer Science | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2020 | $10,000 | |
Melton, Austin | Computer Science | Other Sponsored Activity | Stark State College/ Ohio Department of Higher Education | NE Ohio RAPIDS-OMIC 3 | 07/01/2018 | $21,301 |
Melton, Austin | Computer Science | Public Service | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Ohio Means Internships and Co-ops 4: Northeast Ohio Central Region: 妻友社区 | 7/01/2017 | $285,833 |
Melton, Austin | Computer Science | Public Service | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Regionally Aligned Priorities in Developing Skills (RAPIDS) for 妻友社区 | 3/20/2018 | $137,400 |
Sharma, Gokarna | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 02/01/2021 | $193,429 | |
Sharma, Gokarna | Computer Science | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 02/01/2023 | $119,818 | |
Sharma, Gokarna | Computer Science | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 02/01/2024 | $123,367 | |
Sharma, Gokarna | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 10/01/2019 | $199,977 | |
Sharma, Gokarna | Computer Science | Research | Subaward University of Akron /National Science Foundation | NSF I-Corps Hub: Great Lakes Region | 02/25/2022 | $1,000 |
Xu, Lei | Computer Science | Research | Subaward California State University, Northridge /U.S. Department of Homeland Security | Enhancing Border Security using Heterogeneous UV Swarm with AI and Graph Theory | 07/07/2023 | $10,000 |
Xu, Lei | Computer Science | Research | Subaward University of Texas Rio Grande Valley /National Science Foundation | PFI-TT: A Novel Device for Improved Mobility for Blinds and Persons with Visual Impairment | 07/01/2023 | $20,000 |
Zhao, Ye | Computer Science | Research | Subcontract Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | Full Stack Development for Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization | 05/28/2019 | $14,348 |
Zhao, Ye | Computer Science | Research- Continuation | Subcontract Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | Full Stack Development for Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization | 05/29/2019 | $3,000 |
Zhao, Ye | Computer Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2017 | $500,000 | |
Zhao, Ye | Computer Science | Research | Subcontract Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | Using Visualization for Explainable Machine Learning | 05/16/2019 | $13,000 |
Zhao, Ye | Computer Science | Research- Continuation | Subcontract Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | Using Visualization for Explainable Machine Learning | 05/16/2019 | $3,000 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Chaudhary, Kuldeep | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward AquaNRG Consulting Inc. /National Science Foundation | SBIR Phase I: Data-Driven Simulation Module for Prediction of Physical-Chemical Properties of Porous Material (SBIR Subaward) | 02/01/2019 | $15,000 |
Feldmann, Rodney | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 2/15/2018 | $11,032 | |
Fernandez-Perez, Tatiana | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward Columbia University /National Science Foundation | U.S. Science Support Program Office Associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP) | 08/01/2023 | $19,999 |
Fernandez-Perez, Tatiana | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward Columbia University /National Science Foundation | U.S. Science Support Program Office Associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP) | 12/01/2022 | $6,815 |
Gallagher, Timothy | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 01/01/2023 | $349,676 | |
Gallagher, Timothy | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Texas at Austin /National Science Foundation | EAGER SitS: Studying soil biotic and abiotic processes through continuous, high-precision monitoring of soil CO2 an O2 concentrations | 09/01/2021 | $10,319 |
Gallagher, Timothy | Earth Sciences | Research | American Chemical Society | Understanding Organic Matter Linkages and Transformations across a Cretaceous Terrestrial- Marine Interface | 09/01/2022 | $110,000 |
Gray, Rachael | Earth Sciences | Research- Additional | Subaward Columbia University /National Science Foundation | U.S. Science Support Program Office associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP) | 01/01/2024 | $7,935 |
Gray, Rachael | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward Columbia University /National Science Foundation | U.S. Science Support Program Office associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP) | 04/01/2024 | $20,000 |
Herndon, Elizabeth | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2018 | $107,507 | |
Herndon, Elizabeth | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2018 | $244,056 | |
Herndon, Elizabeth | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 11/01/2019 | $907,462 | |
Herndon, Elizabeth | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Water Development Authority | Concentration-discharge behavior of dissolved and particulate metals in a mining impacted stream | 3/1/2017 | $31,548 |
Holm, Daniel | Earth Sciences | Research | Herbert W. Hoover Foundation | Acquisition of a dual spectrometer for measurement of irradiance, radiance, and surface reflectance | 05/01/2021 | $30,000 |
Jefferson, Anne | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2018 | $236,633 | |
Jefferson, Anne | Earth Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2020 | $4,320 | |
Jefferson, Anne | Earth Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2021 | $12,000 | |
Jefferson, Anne | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Dynamics of plastic pollution in Lake Erie urban tributaries and beaches | 08/01/2020 | $10,000 |
Jefferson, Anne | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2020 | $339,063 | |
Jefferson, Anne | Earth Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2022 | $15,700 | |
Jefferson, Anne | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Cleveland Metropolitan Park District | Hydrology Monitoring, West Creek Reservation | 2/18/2018 | $49,273 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward University of the Virgin Islands /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Application of UAV and Satellite based optical sensors to help preserve the coral reefs of the US Virgin Islands | 1/1/2023 | $142,368 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Herbert W. Hoover Foundation | Automating the Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms using Google Earth Engine and Google Cloud Platform | 9/1/2021 | $100,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | National Geographic Society | Capacity Building for Ocean Color Remote Sensing in Support of Fisheries Management in the Northern Benguela Current | 5/1/2020 | $30,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Herbert W. Hoover Foundation | Cover crop impacts on soil carbon inferred by modeling and soil optical properties | 9/1/2022 | $257,826 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Herbert W. Hoover Foundation | CyanoHAB identification in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida | 5/1/2017 | $73,692 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Kent Environmental Council | Environmental Science and Design Research Initiative Symposium | 3/1/2019 | $500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Herbert W. Hoover Foundation | Field-scale estimates of soil carbon based on modeling and soil optical properties | 1/1/2021 | $175,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research-Supplement | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ground Data Acquisition and Processing for Hyperspectral Imaging of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) | 12/4/2017 | $15,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research-Supplement | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ground Data Acquisition and Processing for Hyperspectral Imaging of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) | 12/5/2017 | $34,200 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Herbert W. Hoover Foundation | Monitoring Lake Okeechobee Toxic Blooms: Google Earth Engine and KSU Spectral Decomposition Method | 9/1/2018 | $180,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Campus Allotment | 8/29/2017 | $2,633 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Campus Allotment | 09/01/2018 | $2,200 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Campus Allotment | 08/18/2019 | $2,200 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Campus Allotment AY21/22 | 8/18/2021 | $2,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Campus Allotment | 7/1/2022 | $2,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Education Scholarship Fall 2022 | 8/15/2022 | $2,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Education Scholarship Fall 2022 | 8/15/2022 | $2,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Education Scholarship AY21/22 | 8/15/2021 | $2,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Education Scholarships for AY24/25 - Denman, Grasse | 8/15/2024 | $4,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Internship for Spring, 2022 - Rohrbaugh | 1/18/2022 | $15,300 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Internship - Summer, 2023 - Heestand | 6/12/2023 | $9,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Internship - Summer 2024 - Verderico & Redding Sieh | 5/28/2024 | $18,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Junior/Senior Scholarships | 8/25/2017 | $9,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Junior/Senior Scholarships | 8/19/2018 | $9,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Junior/Senior Scholarships | 8/21/2019 | $9,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Junior/Senior Scholarships AY20/21 | 8/17/2020 | $9,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Junior/Senior Scholarships and Internships - AY21/22 | 8/15/2021 | $7,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Master's Fellowship for 2023-2024 - Sipahioglu | 8/18/2023 | $10,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Master's Fellowship for 2023-2024 - Taylor | 8/18/2023 | $10,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Master's Fellowship for 2024-2025 - Schofield | 8/15/2024 | $20,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Master's Fellowship for 2024-2025 - Sharkey | 8/15/2024 | $10,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Master's Fellowship for 2024-2025 - Vederico | 8/15/2024 | $23,400 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium State-Funded Fellowship | 1/1/2020 | $20,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium/ Ohio Department of Higher Education | Ohio Space Grant Consortium State-Funded Fellowship | 08/15/2020 | $20,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium/ Ohio Department of Higher Education | Ohio Space Grant Consortium State-Funded Fellowships | 08/15/2022 | $20,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium State-Funded Scholarships | 1/1/2020 | $10,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium State-Funded Scholarships | 8/17/2020 | $3,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium STEM Scholarships Fall 2022 | 8/15/2022 | $7,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium STEM Scholarship 2023-2024 - Maller, Horn, Wimer | 8/18/2023 | $7,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium STEM Scholarship 2023-2024 - Schofield | 8/18/2023 | $2,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium STEM Scholarships 2024-2025 - Hefler, Shenal, Colbrunn | 8/15/2024 | $10,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium - Matar | 8/18/2023 | $2,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium AY 24/25 Fellowship - Baird | 8/15/2024 | $20,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Summer 2022 Internship | 5/23/2022 | $7,300 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction- Additional | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium / Ohio Department of Higher Education | Ohio Space Grant Consortium State-Funded Scholarships | 9/01/2020 | $9,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium / Ohio Department of Higher Education | Ohio Space Grant Consortium State-Funded Scholarships - Wallbrown | 8/17/2020 | $2,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Instruction | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium / Ohio Department of Higher Education | Ohio Space Grant Consortium State-Funded Scholarships - AY21/22 | 8/15/2021 | $3,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Ohio Space Grant Consortium State-Funded Scholarships - Fall 2022 | 8/15/2022 | $3,500 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio Space Grant Consortium /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Ohio Space Grant Consortium Summer Internship 2021 | 05/12/2021 | $9,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Remote Sensing Research for Harmful Algal Blooms in Inland Waters | 6/1/2018 | $59,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Remote Sensing Research for Harmful Algal Blooms in Inland Waters | 9/1/2019 | $3,116 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | Remote sensing validation of benthic cover in Biscayne Bay | 05/03/2021 | $60,380 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward Ocean Research and Conservation Association (ORCA) /St Johns River Water Management District | Satellite Algae Bloom and Nutrient Sources Tracking | 08/01/2021 | $140,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | The Hoover Company | Science In Support of Management and Restoration In Biscayne National Park | 1/1/2018 | $140,000 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward Ohio Space Grant Consortium /Ohio Department of Higher Education | State-funded Spring 2021 Internship | 1/1/2021 | $14,400 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward College of Charleston /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Using NASA's Ocean Color Sensors to Identify Effects of Watershed Development and Climate Change on Coastal Marine Ecosystems of the U.S. Virgin Islands | 01/01/2017 | $31,574 |
Ortiz, Joseph | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward College of Charleston /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Using NASA's Ocean Color Sensors to Identify Effects of Watershed Development and Climate Change on Coastal Marine Ecosystems of the U.S. Virgin Islands | 01/01/2018 | $31,503 |
Singer, David | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2017 | $126,459 | |
Singer, David | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /U.S. Geological Survey | OSU water resources application for WRRI USGS 104(b) annual grant program | 9/1/2022 | $28,375 |
Singh, Kuldeep | Earth Sciences | Research | American Chemical Society | How the Surface Roughness Contributes to Wettability and its Alteration of Geologic Minerals | 9/1/2021 | $110,000 |
Singh, Kuldeep | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward AquaNRG Consulting Inc. /U.S. Department of Energy | SBIR Phase II Subaward through AquaNRG: PoreStudio: First Cloud-based Reactive Flow Simulator | 6/1/2020 | $34,000 |
Smith, Alison | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2020 | $14,559 | |
Smith, Alison | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2021 | $8,931 | |
Smith, Alison | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2022 | $8,931 | |
Smith, Alison | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2017 | $10,727 | |
Smith, Alison | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2018 | $8,675 | |
Smith, Alison | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2019 | $13,923 | |
Smith, Alison | Earth Sciences | Research | Bournemouth University | Peopling of the Tularosa Playa during the Last Glacial Maximum | 6/1/2023 | $2,500 |
Smith, Alison | Earth Sciences | Research- Continuation | Bournemouth University | Peopling of the Tularosa Playa during the Last Glacial Maximum | 6/1/2024 | $15,352 |
Smith, Chelsea | Earth Sciences | Research | National Geographic Society | From surface to sediment: Investigating the spatial variability of carbon stabilization in Arctic lake sediments | 5/1/2024 | $20,000 |
Tessin, Allyson | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 5/1/2023 | $248,140 | |
Tessin, Allyson | Earth Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 11/1/2023 | $334,856 | |
Tessin, Allyson | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward Columbia University /National Science Foundation | U.S. Science Support Program Office associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP) | 2/1/2022 | $39,820 |
Tessin, Allyson | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward Columbia University /National Science Foundation | U.S. Science Support Program Office associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP) | 10/1/2022 | $18,000 |
Tessin, Allyson | Earth Sciences | Research | Subaward Columbia University /National Science Foundation | U.S. Science Support Program Office associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP) | 2/1/2024 | $48,500 |
Williams, Jeremy | Earth Sciences | Research | Institute for Citizens and Scholars | 2021 Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty: Understanding Trade and Economies of Pre-Historic Americans in the Midwest through Geochemical Techniques | 6/1/2021 | $15,000 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Bracher, Mark | English | Other Sponsored Activity | The Teagle Foundation | Cultivating Knowledge of Human Interconnectedness as a Pathway to Freedom | 12/1/2022 | $15,000 |
Bracher, Mark | English | Other Sponsored Activity | The Teagle Foundation | KSU Liberation Learners | 12/1/2023 | $250,000 |
Harrison, Denise | English | Other Sponsored Activity | John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Inc. | Tech Capacity Building | 01/06/2022 | $10,000 |
Hamrick, Philip | English | Research | Subaward Georgetown University /Tourette Association | Is procedural memory enhanced in Tourette Syndrome? | 10/1/2017 | $19,800 |
Hamrick, Philip | English- Continuation | Research | Subaward Georgetown University /Tourette Association | Is procedural memory enhanced in Tourette Syndrome? | 10/1/2018 | $19,714 |
Miller, Ryan | English | Other Sponsored Activity | Al Quds Open University | Building the Capacity of the University English Teachers in Updated English Methods | 11/19/2018 | $100,000 |
Miller, Ryan | English | Research- Continuation | Subaward Carnegie Mellon University /Qatar National Research Foundation | Enhancing technical and professional writing instruction and student performance through action research | 2/1/2018 | $13,611 |
Miller, Ryan | English | Research- Continuation | Subaward Carnegie Mellon University /Qatar National Research Foundation | Enhancing technical and professional writing instruction and student performance through action research | 7/30/2018 | $8,166 |
Miller, Ryan | English | Research- Continuation | Subaward Carnegie Mellon University /Qatar National Research Foundation | Enhancing technical and professional writing instruction and student performance through action research | 7/30/2019 | $5,428 |
Miller, Ryan | English | Research | Subaward Carnegie Mellon University /Qatar National Research Foundation | SLATEQ: Scaffolding Literacy in Academic and Tertiary Environments: The Case of Communication in Information Systems | 2/4/2017 | $13,110 |
Miller, Ryan | English | Research- Continuation | Subaward Carnegie Mellon University /Qatar National Research Foundation | SLATEQ: Scaffolding Literacy in Academic and Tertiary Environments: The Case of Communication in Information Systems | 8/18/2017 | $13,110 |
Raabe, Wesley | English | Research | Harriet Beecher Stowe Center | Uncle Tom's Cabin for Collected Works of Harriet Beecher Stowe | 6/1/2020 | $2,080 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Assal, Timothy | Geography | Research | U.S. Geological Survey | Assessment of environmental benefits of Agricultural Lands with Space-based Observations | 11/21/2019 | $37,000 |
Assal, Timothy | Geography | Research | U.S. Geological Survey | Monitoring the Vegetation Dynamics of Shrubland Ecosystems with Respect to Ecological Disturbance and Management Actions | 09/23/2019 | $45,500 |
Assal, Timothy | Geography | Research- Supplement | U.S. Geological Survey | Monitoring the Vegetation Dynamics of Shrubland Ecosystems with Respect to Ecological Disturbance and Management Actions | 09/23/2021 | $27,531 |
Assal, Timothy | Geography | Research | U.S. Geological Survey | Vulnerability of low-elevation aspen forests to climate altered disturbance regimes | 03/10/2021 | $89,603 |
Bhungalia, Lisa | Geography | Research | American Council of Learned Societies | "From the American People" Aid, War, and the US Security State in Palestine | 06/01/2020 | $40,000 |
Curtis, Andrew | Geography | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Florida /National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | Cholera Transmission and Evolution in Port-au-Prince, Haiti | 7/01/2017 | $58,728 |
Curtis, Andrew | Geography | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Florida /National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | Cholera Transmission and Evolution in Port-au-Prince, Haiti | 7/01/2018 | $61,228 |
Curtis, Jacqueline | Geography | Research | Water Institute of the Gulf | COAST (Coastal Advocacy through Science and Training) Project | 11/22/2017 | $10,000 |
Kaplan, David | Geography | Research | Society of Women Geographers | Regional diaspora engagement between Galicia, Spain and Buenos Aires, Argentina: Aims, outcomes, and benefits of a transitional coalition | 9/1/2018 | $11,500 |
Lee, Cameron | Geography | Research | Subaward University of Maryland /National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | CISESS: Advancing GOES-R GLM and MALMA Science | 8/1/2023 | $83,919 |
Lee, Cameron | Geography | Research | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Developing extreme event climate change indicators related to human thermal comfort | 9/1/2017 | $269,456 |
Lee, Cameron | Geography | Research | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Excess Heat and Excess Cold Factors: Establishing a unified duration-intensity metric for monitoring hazardous temperature conditions in North America | 4/1/2022 | $125,624 |
Lee, Cameron | Geography | Research- Continuation | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Excess Heat and Excess Cold Factors: Establishing a unified duration-intensity metric for monitoring hazardous temperature conditions in North America | 4/1/2023 | $123,488 |
Lee, Cameron | Geography | Research- Continuation | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Excess Heat and Excess Cold Factors: Establishing a unified duration-intensity metric for monitoring hazardous temperature conditions in North America | 4/1/2024 | $102,330 |
Lee, Cameron | Geography | Research | Electric Power Research Institute | Using Weather Pattern Classification to Assess Projected Changes in Tornadoes | 12/1/2023 | $20,984 |
Mapes, Jennifer | Geography | Research | Subaward Ohio Humanities /National Endowment for the Humanities | Mapping May 4th: Voices of a Community | 11/01/2019 | $20,000 |
Sheridan, Scott | Geography | Research | Case Western Reserve University | Case Western Reserve University Internship for 妻友社区 Geography Student | 08/15/2019 | $16,000 |
Sheridan, Scott | Geography | Other Sponsored Activity | Davey Resource Group | Davey Resource Group Internship for 妻友社区 Geography Student Andrews Boateng | 1/1/2018 | $24,666 |
Sheridan, Scott | Geography | Research- Continuation | Davey Resource Group | Davey Resource Group Internship for 妻友社区 Geography Student Andrews Boateng | 9/1/2018 | $21,547 |
Sheridan, Scott | Geography | Research- Continuation | Davey Resource Group | Davey Resource Group Internship for 妻友社区 Geography Student Andrews Boateng | 9/1/2019 | $8,080 |
Sheridan, Scott | Geography | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The Development of a Water Clarity Index for the Great Lakes as a Climate Indicator | 5/1/2017 | $181,773 |
Sheridan, Scott | Geography | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The Development of a Water Clarity Index for the Great Lakes as a Climate Indicator | 5/1/2018 | $96,165 |
Sheridan, Scott | Geography | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The Development of a Water Clarity Index for the Great Lakes as a Climate Indicator | 5/1/2018 | $91,645 |
Sheridan, Scott | Geography | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Using a synoptic climatological framework to assess predictability of anomalous coastal sea levels in NOAA high priority areas | 9/1/2017 | $95,644 |
Sheridan, Scott | Geography | Research- Supplement | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Using a synoptic climatological framework to assess predictability of anomalous coastal sea levels in NOAA high priority areas | 9/1/2018 | $95,644 |
Ward, Aimee | Geography | Other Sponsored Activity | Subaward Portage County Health District /Ohio Department of Health | Student Technical Services for Portage County Health Department | 1/16/2024 | $62,400 |
Yin, He | Geography | Research | Subcontract Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory /U.S. Department of Energy | Cropland Abandonment Map | 9/3/2020 | $21,909 |
Yin, He | Geography | Research | Subcontract Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory /U.S. Department of Energy | Cropland Abandonment Mapping in the United States | 10/22/2020 | $20,000 |
Yin, He | Geography | Research | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The effects of the Syrian civil war on cropland in the eastern Mediterranean region | 04/21/2021 | $61,707 |
Yin, He | Geography | Research- Additional | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The effects of the Syrian civil war on cropland in the eastern Mediterranean region | 04/21/2021 | $6,098 |
Yin, He | Geography | Research- Additional | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The effects of the Syrian civil war on cropland in the eastern Mediterranean region | 04/21/2022 | $55,609 |
Yin, He | Geography | Research- Additional | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The effects of the Syrian civil war on cropland in the eastern Mediterranean region | 04/21/2023 | $102,227 |
Yin, He | Geography | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The effects of the Syrian civil war on cropland in the eastern Mediterranean region | 04/21/2023 | $47,742 |
Yin, He | Geography | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The effects of the Syrian civil war on cropland in the eastern Mediterranean region | 04/21/2024 | $71,612 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Crawford, Matthew | History | Research | Ohio History Connection | Liquid Crystal Oral History Project | 8/1/2022 | $16,000 |
Parsons, Elaine | History | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Humanities Council | Women in Kent: Creativity, Gender, Situatedness | 8/20/2018 | $3,500 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Oculus VR, LLC | 3D Holographic Alignment of LC and Potential Optical Elements | 10/01/2018 | $252,500 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Meta Platforms Technologies LLC | A single layer SLM have both phase and amplitude modulation | 4/1/2023 | $39,000 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Additional | Meta Platforms Technologies LLC | A single layer SLM have both phase and amplitude modulation | 12/1/2023 | $39,000 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Additional | Subcontract Defense Engineering Corporation /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Advances in Vertically Aligned Pancharatnam Phase Devices (VA PPDs) | 10/01/2022 | $23,000 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | Subcontract Defense Engineering Corporation /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Advances in Vertically Aligned Pancharatnam Phase Devices (VA PPDs) | 10/01/2022 | $22,000 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Subcontract Defense Engineering Corporation /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Beam Steering Demonstration | 10/01/2020 | $42,000 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Additional | Subcontract Defense Engineering Corporation /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Beam Steering Demonstration | 11/09/2020 | $42,000 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Facebook Technologies, LLC | Gradient Index Liquid Crystal (GRIN LC) Lens: Discrete Electrode Design | 7/01/2020 | $100,000 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Facebook Technologies, LLC | Gradient Index Liquid Crystal: Discrete Electrode Design | 6/01/2021 | $100,000 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC | Gradient Index Liquid Crystal (GRIN LC) Lens: Discrete Electrode Design | 7/01/2022 | $66,250 |
Bos, Philip | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Facebook Technologies, LLC | Liquid Crystal Based Polarization Volume Holograms | 7/01/2020 | $188,000 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Intel Corporation | Liquid Crystal-based Optical Components for 3D User Interface Systems | 8/22/2017 | $30,000 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Subaward Defense Engineering Corporation /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Phase Control Element (PCE) Fabrication | 7/1/2019 | $41,000 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Subaward Air Force Research Laboratory /Defense Engineering Corporation | Programmable, High Efficiency Liquid Crystal Based Beam | 3/1/2018 | $50,000 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward Defense Engineering Corporation / Air Force Research Laboratory | Programmable, High Efficiency Liquid Crystal Based Beam | 10/1/2018 | $20,000 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Additional | Subaward Defense Engineering Corporation / Air Force Research Laboratory | Programmable, High Efficiency Liquid Crystal Based Beam | 10/1/2018 | $10,000 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Additional | U.S. Department of Army | Research of Liquid Crystal Properties for Micro-Photonic Devices | 10/1/2017 | $47,000 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Army | Research of Liquid Crystal Properties for Micro-Photonic Devices | 11/1/2017 | $33,000 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Oculus VR, LLC | Tunable Hybrid LC Lenses | 10/01/2018 | $232,500 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Supplement | Oculus VR, LLC | Tunable Hybrid LC Lenses | 12/02/2019 | $112,000 |
Bos, Philip | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Valeo Vision | Use of Fast Switching Shutters between Switchable Polarizers | 5/15/2017 | $40,000 |
Chien, L.C. | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter | Active Colloids with Order | 3/1/2018 | $10,000 |
Chien, L.C. | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Seurat Technologies, Inc. | Fast-switching light valves with polymerized liquid crystal photoalignment | 08/25/2022 | $298,787 |
Chien, L.C. | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | General Motors Holdings LLC | Liquid Crystal Device for Speckle Reduction (Speckle Reduction Component) | 10/01/2018 | $149,598 |
Chien, L.C. | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Industry Partner | Smart High-Contrast Liquid Crystal Windows | 01/01/2020 | $30,561 |
Chien, L.C. | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Industry Partner | Smart Liquid Crystal Windows Stage II | 07/01/2020 | $90,000 |
Chien, L.C. | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Industry Partner | Smart Liquid Crystal Windows Stage III | 07/01/2021 | $117,391 |
Chien, L.C. | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Industry Partner | Smart Liquid Crystal Windows Stage IV | 07/01/2022 | $136,956 |
Chien, L.C. | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Industry Partner | Smart Liquid Crystal Windows Stage V | 07/01/2023 | $80,216 |
Chien, L.C. | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Industry Partner | Smart Liquid Crystal Windows Stage V | 07/01/2024 | $59,670 |
Min, Gao | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute | Research | Facebook Technologies, LLC | Liquid Crystal Polymer Microscopy Study | 11/30/2020 | $32,500 |
Hegmann, Elda | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Biological Sciences | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Biodegradable and Biocompatible Liquid Crystal Elastomers as bio-inks for 3D printable tissues | 9/01/2021 | $24,000 |
Hegmann, Elda | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Biological Sciences | Research | Subcontract UES. Inc. /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Liquid Crystal based Hydrazine Detector | 3/23/2021 | $9,500 |
Hegmann, Elda | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Biological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Akron /National Science Foundation | Type II: The University of Akron I-Corps Site: Toxic Gas Detector (SU19-010) | 6/25/2019 | $2,500 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Subaward University of Manitoba /Canadian Institutes for Health Research | Development of Magnetic Tumor-Killing Nanoparticles to Break Through the Blood-Brain Barrier | 10/01/2017 | $60,750 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/15/2018 | $330,000 | |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Microgravity Studies of Nanoparticles and Topological Defects in Liquid Crystal Thin Films | 12/2/2017 | $4,711 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Microgravity Studies of Nanoparticles and Topological Defects in Liquid Crystal Thin Films | 12/2/2018 | $20,000 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Microgravity Studies of Nanoparticles and Topological Defects in Liquid Crystal Thin Films | 12/2/2018 | $7,500 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemistry | Research- Additional | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Microgravity Studies of Nanoparticles and Topological Defects in Liquid Crystal Thin Films | 12/2/2019 | $4,937 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute | Research- Continuation | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Microgravity Studies of Nanoparticles and Topological Defects in Liquid Crystal Thin Films | 12/2/2020 | $7,500 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute | Research- Additional | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Microgravity Studies of Nanoparticles and Topological Defects in Liquid Crystal Thin Films | 12/2/2020 | $6,000 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute | Research- Additional | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Microgravity Studies of Nanoparticles and Topological Defects in Liquid Crystal Thin Films | 12/2/2020 | $8,636 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Respivant Sciences, Inc. | Microscopy Investigations of Cromolyn Sodium Formulations | 12/01/2018 | $20,694 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemistry | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2020 | $611,260 | |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemistry | Research | Ohio Department of Higher Education | MRI: Acquisition of an ultrasmall-, small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering instrument for multidisciplinary advanced materials and soft matter research and education | 7/15/2020 | $130,984 |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemistry | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2021 | $550,000 | |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemistry | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2019 | $319,840 | |
Hegmann, Torsten | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2017 | $360,000 | |
Hegmann, Torsten | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2021 | $395,810 | |
Jakli, Antal | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Subcontract Aerodynamic Technologies, Inc. /U.S. Office of Naval Research | Development of High-Resolution Global Wall Shear Stress Measurement Technique for use in Hypersonic Flow Studies - Phase I Option | 8/18/2022 | $329,722 |
Jakli, Antal | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2022 | $201,970 | |
Jakli, Antal | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2023 | $239,595 | |
Jakli, Antal | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | NewSight Reality, Inc. | Nano-PDLCs for optical applications | 03/01/2022 | $247,887 |
Jakli, Antal | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | NewSight Reality, Inc. | Nano-PDLCs for optical applications | 03/01/2023 | $142,590 |
Jakli, Antal | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | NewSight Reality, Inc. | Nano-PDLCs for optical applications (Amendment) | 09/01/2023 | $83,219 |
Jakli, Antal | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | New photosensitive polymers with embedded intelligence | 04/20/2023 | $125,832 |
Jakli, Antal | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | New photosensitive polymers with embedded intelligence | 04/20/2024 | $153,765 |
Jakli, Antal | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Subaward University of Akron /National Science Foundation | Type II: The University of Akron I-Corps Site - Fast Optical Switch | 02/22/2019 | $2,500 |
Jakli, Antal | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Subaward University of Akron /National Science Foundation | Type II: The University of Akron I-Corps Site: Male Fertility Kit (SU19-011) | 06/25/2019 | $2,500 |
Jakli, Antal | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Valeo Vision | Use of Dye Doped Anti-Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals to Achieve Fast Switching Time | 5/15/2017 | $40,000 |
Jakli, Antal | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Valeo Vision | Use of Dye Doped Anti-Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals to Achieve Fast Switching Time | 5/15/2018 | $60,000 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 08/15/2022 | $113,018 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research-Supplement | National Science Foundation | 08/15/2023 | $33,479 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 07/01/2021 | $161,191 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 07/01/2023 | $80,471 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Facebook Technologies, LLC | Continuous Beam-Steering by Oblique Helicoidal Cholesteric Liquid Crystals | 09/01/2020 | $240,000 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 01/01/2020 | $3,994 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 04/20/2020 | $59,999 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2017 | $500,000 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/15/2021 | $438,605 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | CareGlance Srl | Fast switching electrooptical cells | 9/01/2021 | $92,974 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2024 | $599,979 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | CareGlance Srl | Nematic cells for fast electro-optic switching | 9/01/2022 | $20,000 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Subaward University of Akron /National Science Foundation | Type II: The University of Akron I-Corps Site: Photoaligned Cell Tissue Growth (SU19-012) | 6/25/2019 | $2,500 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Valeo Vision | Use of Dual Frequency Liquid Crystals to Achieve Fast Switching | 5/18/2017 | $40,000 |
Li, Quan | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Subcontract UES /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Dynamic Soft Matter Constructs | 1/25/2017 | $46,700 |
Li, Quan | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Additional | Subcontract UES /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Dynamic Soft Matter Constructs | 1/25/2017 | $65,800 |
Li, Quan | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Subcontract UES /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Dynamic Soft Matter Constructs | 1/25/2018 | $70,000 |
Li, Quan | Liquid Crystal Institute | Research- Continuation | Subcontract UES /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Dynamic Soft Matter Constructs | 06/01/2018 | $41,500 |
Li, Quan | Liquid Crystal Institute | Research | Subaward Azimuth Corporation /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Well-defined Light-responsive Chiral Liquid Crystal Materials for Tunable Photonics | 03/01/2019 | $82,000 |
Li, Quan | Liquid Crystal Institute | Research- Continuation | Subaward Azimuth Corporation /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Well-defined Light-responsive Chiral Liquid Crystal Materials for Tunable Photonics | 01/01/2020 | $92,500 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Mathematics | Research | U.S. Office of Naval Research | A high power tunable light source for new photomechanical materials development | 07/20/2020 | $70,695 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Mathematics | Research | Subaward AlphaMicron & Parallax Advanced Research /Ohio Federal Research Network | Electronically Dimmable Electronic Eyewear | 10/28/2021 | $13,500 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Mathematics | Research- Continuation | Subaward AlphaMicron & Parallax Advanced Research /Ohio Federal Research Network | Electronically Dimmable Electronic Eyewear | 10/28/2022 | $121,500 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Mathematics | Research | Subaward AlphaMicron /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Electronically Dimmable Eye Protection Devices (EDEPD) | 5/09/2019 | $35,000 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Mathematics | Research | Subaward AlphaMicron /U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory | Electronically Dimmable Eye Protection Devices (EDEPD) Phase II | 06/01/2020 | $100,000 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Subcontract Zymergen Inc. /Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Molecular Design of Liquid Crystals for Agile Optical Filter Applications | 5/23/2017 | $392,318 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Subcontract Zymergen Inc. /Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Molecular Design of Liquid Crystals for Agile Optical Filter Applications | 5/23/2018 | $167,861 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Subcontract Zymergen Inc. /Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Molecular Design of Liquid Crystals for Agile Optical Filter Applications | 5/23/2019 | $120,000 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Subcontract Zymergen Inc. /Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Molecular Design of Liquid Crystals for Agile Optical Filter Applications | 11/1/2019 | $162,554 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Subaward University of Massachusetts, Amherst /U.S. Office of Naval Research | Photomechanical Material Systems: From Molecules to Devices | 6/1/2018 | $230,000 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Massachusetts, Amherst /U.S. Office of Naval Research | Photomechanical Material Systems: From Molecules to Devices | 6/1/2019 | $240,000 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Mathematics | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Massachusetts, Amherst /U.S. Office of Naval Research | Photomechanical Material Systems: From Molecules to Devices | 6/1/2020 | $240,000 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Mathematics | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Massachusetts, Amherst /U.S. Office of Naval Research | Photomechanical Material Systems: From Molecules to Devices | 6/1/2021 | $240,000 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Mathematics | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Massachusetts, Amherst /U.S. Office of Naval Research | Photomechanical Material Systems: From Molecules to Devices | 6/1/2022 | $240,000 |
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | Subaward University of Akron /National Science Foundation | Type II: The University of Akron I-Corps Site - Shear Force Mat | 02/22/2019 | $2,500 |
Prevot, Marianne | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystals Institute | Research | FACE Foundation | Emissive twist bend liquid crystal devices containing clustomesogens | 09/01/2022 | $10,000 |
Prevot, Marianne | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystals Institute | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Printing the next generation of functional polarized optical devices | 09/01/2024 | $24,000 |
Prevot, Marianne | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystals Institute | Research | Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation | Zero-power, easily customizable, and wearable toxic gas and vapor sensors enabling enhanced safety for Ohio's first responders | 07/01/2023 | $591,704 |
Selinger, Jonathan | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | U.S. Office of Naval Research | Develop a theoretical model to calculate the expected temperature change by controlling the orientational order of plasmonic nanorods | 12/14/2017 | $50,000 |
Selinger, Robin | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Liquid Crystal Physics in Interactions between Living Cells | 10/01/2023 | $25,350 |
Selinger, Robin | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2017 | $140,000 | |
Wei, Qi-Huo | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2017 | $300,000 | |
Wei, Qi-Huo | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 5/3/2018 | $16,000 | |
Wei, Qi-Huo | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 5/17/2019 | $8,000 | |
Yang, Deng-Ke | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | The Sherwin-Williams Company | Near Infrared Reflector Based on Cholesteric Liquid Crystals | 09/01/2019 | $180,000 |
Yang, Deng-Ke | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | BOE Technology Group Co. LTD | Novel Liquid Crystal Displays | 05/10/2019 | $270,000 |
Yang, Deng-Ke | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. | Two Side Waveguide Liquid Crystal Display | 1/27/2021 | $110,000 |
Yang, Deng-Ke | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. | Phase II: Two Side Waveguide Liquid Crystal Display | 02/01/2022 | $90,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research | TOYOTech, LLC | Development of novel reliability evaluation technology for smart windows | 01/01/2019 | $240,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Additional | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2017 | $40,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Additional | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2017 | $20,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Chemical Physics | Research- Additional | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2017 | $30,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Additional | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2018 | $40,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Additional | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2018 | $40,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2019 | $25,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Additional | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2019 | $30,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2020 | $50,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2020 | $44,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2020 | $21,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2021 | $40,000 |
Yokoyama, Hiroshi | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Structure and Dynamics of Monodisperse Liquid Crystal Domains Created on Suspended, Molecularly-Thin Smectic Films Using Sub-Femtolitre Inkjet Technology | 12/30/2022 | $120,000 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Gordon, Peter | Mathematical Sciences | Research | Simons Foundation | Reaction-diffusion systems and their applications | 08/21/2017 | $23,115 |
Gordon, Peter | Mathematical Sciences | Research | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Studies in Combustion of Gas-Permeable Solid Explosives | 10/01/2017 | $16,230 |
Gordon, Peter | Mathematical Sciences | Research | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Studies in Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Unconfined Systems | 10/01/2021 | $15,350 |
Gordon, Peter | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Studies in Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Unconfined Systems | 10/01/2022 | $14,059 |
Gordon, Peter | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Studies in Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Unconfined Systems | 10/01/2023 | $14,059 |
Gordon, Peter | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Studies in Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Unconfined Systems | 10/01/2024 | $13,332 |
Jaye, Benjamin | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2017 | $40,478 | |
Kracht, Darci | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Security Administration | Pi Mu Epsilon National Meeting Student Travel Funding 2020-2021 | 03/12/2020 | $25,000 |
Kracht, Darci | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Security Administration | Pi Mu Epsilon National Meeting Student Travel Funding 2023 | 01/01/2023 | $25,000 |
Kracht, Darci | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Security Administration | Pi Mu Epsilon National Student Travel | 03/19/2018 | $14,000 |
Kracht, Darci | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Security Administration | Pi Mu Epsilon National Student Travel | 03/19/2019 | $14,000 |
Li, Jun | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2019 | $34,967 | |
Li, Jun | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2020 | $32,066 | |
Li, Jun | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2021 | $32,967 | |
Nazarov, Fedor | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/01/2017 | $70,200 | |
Nazarov, Fedor | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/01/2018 | $77,200 | |
Nazarov, Fedor | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/01/2022 | $222,051 | |
Nazarov, Fedor | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2019 | $43,474 | |
Nazarov, Fedor | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2020 | $76,065 | |
Nazarov, Fedor | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2021 | $75,425 | |
Reichel, Lothar | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 9/1/2017 | $150,000 | |
Ryabogin, Dmitry | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2023 | $365,144 | |
Ryabogin, Dmitry | Mathematical Sciences | Research | Simons Foundation | On Busemann-Petty problems and other questions on projections and sections of convex bodies | 9/1/2019 | $42,000 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Education | CCP Math Teachers Credentialing at KSU | 11/19/2019 | $356,154 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Education | CCP Teacher Credentialing Grant | 3/1/2024 | $182,275 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Careers in Mathematics and Computer Science | 7/1/2017 | $324,500 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Careers in Mathematics and Computer Science | 7/1/2018 | $486,750 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Careers in Mathematics and Computer Science | 7/1/2019 | $649,000 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Careers in Mathematics and Computer Science | 7/1/2020 | $811,250 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Careers in Mathematics and Computer Science | 7/1/2021 | $580,350 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Careers in Mathematics and Computer Science | 7/1/2022 | $373,650 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Careers in Mathematics and Computer Science | 7/1/2023 | $190,800 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Success in Mathematics - Legacy Program | 7/1/2017 | $236,000 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Success in Mathematics - Legacy Program | 7/1/2018 | $153,400 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Success in Mathematics - Legacy Program | 7/1/2019 | $76,700 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Instruction- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: Success in Mathematics - Legacy Program | 7/1/2020 | $17,183 |
Soprunova, Evgenia | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 5/1/2017 | $259,200 | |
Tonge, Andrew | Mathematical Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Strong Start to Finish CLASS Grant | 4/16/2019 | $19,000 |
Tonge, Andrew | Mathematical Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Strong Start to Finish CLASS Grant Round II | 12/12/2019 | $19,000 |
Tsai, Tsung-Heng | Mathematical Sciences | Research | NEOMED/ National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | Mitochondrial acetylation and acetylome dynamics in alcoholic liver disease assessed with heavy water | 09/20/2022 | $4,747 |
Tsai, Tsung-Heng | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | NEOMED/ National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | Mitochondrial acetylation and acetylome dynamics in alcoholic liver disease assessed with heavy water | 09/01/2023 | $4,890 |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 09/01/2018 | $25,000 | |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 09/01/2018 | $5,000 | |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Convex and integral geometry and its relations to harmonic analysis and representation theory | 10/1/2019 | $18,935 |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Convex and integral geometry and its relations to harmonic analysis and representation theory | 10/1/2020 | $21,026 |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Convex and integral geometry and its relations to harmonic analysis and representation theory | 10/1/2021 | $21,371 |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Convex and integral geometry and its relations to harmonic analysis and representation theory | 10/1/2022 | $18,725 |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research | Simons Foundation | Functional Inequalities in Convex Geometry | 9/1/2019 | $42,000 |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2018 | $100,000 | |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 6/1/2020 | $296,100 | |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research | Brown University | ICERM Harmonic Analysis and Convexity Research Fellow | 9/7/2022 | $25,000 |
Zvavitch, Artem | Mathematical Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 10/1/2019 | $30,000 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Baer, Brian | Modern & Classical Language Studies | Instruction | National Security Administration | KSU STARTALK: Chinese Student Academy | 3/21/2017 | $12,868 |
Baer, Brian | Modern & Classical Language Studies | Instruction- Additional | National Security Administration | KSU STARTALK: Chinese Student Academy | 3/21/2017 | $77,132 |
Baer, Brian | Modern & Classical Language Studies | Instruction | National Security Administration | KSU STARTALK Russian and Chinese Student Academy | 4/10/2018 | $90,000 |
Baer, Brian | Modern & Classical Language Studies | Instruction | National Security Administration | KSU STARTALK Russian and Chinese Student Academy | 4/26/2019 | $90,000 |
Baer, Brian | Modern & Classical Language Studies | Instruction | National Security Administration | KSU STARTALK: Russian Student Academy | 3/21/2017 | $12,868 |
Baer, Brian | Modern & Classical Language Studies | Instruction- Additional | National Security Administration | KSU STARTALK: Russian Student Academy | 3/21/2017 | $77,132 |
Baer, Brian | Modern & Classical Language Studies | Other Sponsored Activity | National Security Administration | STARTALK Principles in Action: From Knowing to Doing | 4/26/2018 | $81,829 |
Massardier-Kenney, Francoise | Modern & Classical Language Studies | Other Sponsored Activity | Gawlicki Family Foundation | The Gawlicki Family Foundation On-Line Master of Arts in Translation Program | 3/21/2017 | $1,008,000 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Almasan, Carmen | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2019 | $469,101 | |
Almasan, Carmen | Physics | Research-Supplement | National Science Foundation | 04/27/2018 | $26,350 | |
Balci, Hamza | Physics | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 5/01/2018 | $437,617 | |
Balci, Hamza | Physics | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 4/01/2022 | $454,327 | |
Balci, Hamza | Physics | Research-Supplement | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 4/01/2023 | $84,981 | |
Dexheimer, Veronica | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2018 | $85,000 | |
Dexheimer, Veronica | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2019 | $85,000 | |
Dexheimer, Veronica | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2020 | $85,000 | |
Dexheimer, Veronica | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2021 | $85,000 | |
Dexheimer, Veronica | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2021 | $85,000 | |
Dexheimer, Veronica | Physics | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2021 | $39,999 | |
Dexheimer, Veronica | Physics | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2023 | $84,999 | |
Dexheimer, Veronica | Physics | Research | U.S. Department of Energy | Dense and Hot Matter Equation of State: Connecting Heavy-Ion Collisions to Neutron Stars | 6/1/2024 | $139,000 |
Dexheimer, Veronica | Physics | Research | Subaward University of Illinois /National Science Foundation | Frameworks: MUSES, Modular Unified Solver of the Equation of State | 10/1/2021 | $440,138 |
Dzero, Maxim | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2020 | $215,465 | |
Dzero, Maxim | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2022 | $112,719 | |
Dzero, Maxim | Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Connecticut /U.S. Department of Energy | RIXS investigations of correlated and topological phases of F-Electron Materials | 8/1/2017 | $27,416 |
Ellman, Brett | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2018 | $499,282 | |
Fregoso, Benjamin | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 1/1/2021 | $208,499 | |
Fregoso, Benjamin | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 1/1/2023 | $95,634 | |
Fregoso, Benjamin | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 1/1/2024 | $95,867 | |
Gleeson, James | Physics | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 8/15/2018 | $69,000 | |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy Ion Collisions over a Range of Relativistic Energies | 4/1/2017 | $467,000 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy Ion Collisions over a Range of Relativistic Energies | 4/1/2018 | $467,000 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy Ion Collisions over a Range of Relativistic Energies | 4/1/2019 | $422,000 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy Ion Collisions over a Range of Relativistic Energies | 4/1/2020 | $467,000 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy Ion Collisions over a Range of Relativistic Energies | 4/1/2021 | $400,000 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy Ion Collisions over a Range of Relativistic Energies | 4/1/2022 | $410,000 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy Ion Collisions over a Range of Relativistic Energies | 4/1/2023 | $400,000 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research | Subcontract Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | Supporting and Augmenting the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) Upgrade of the STAR Detector Via Software Improvements | 4/14/2020 | $65,126 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research | Subcontract Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | Supporting and Augmenting the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) Upgrade of the STAR Detector Via Software Improvements | 3/29/2024 | $58,294 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research | Subcontract Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | To Support and Augment the Inner Time Projection Chamber (iTPC) Upgrade of the STAR Detector Via Software Improvements | 6/9/2017 | $54,239 |
Keane, Declan | Physics | Research- Continuation | Subcontract Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | To Support and Augment the Inner Time Projection Chamber (iTPC) Upgrade of the STAR Detector Via Software Improvements | 10/01/2018 | $53,684 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 07/01/2019 | $540,030 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Physics | Research | U.S. Department of Energy | Command of active and responsive elastomers by topological defects and patterns | 8/1/2018 | $440,000 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Command of active and responsive elastomers by topological defects and patterns | 8/1/2019 | $310,000 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Advanced Materials Liquid Crystal Institute/ Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Command of active and responsive elastomers by topological defects and patterns | 8/1/2020 | $325,000 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | AMLCI/ Physics | Research- Supplement | U.S. Department of Energy | Command of active and responsive elastomers by topological defects and patterns | 8/1/2020 | $55,285 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 08/15/2019 | $450,000 | |
Lavrentovich, Oleg | AMLCI/ Physics | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 08/15/2020 | $52,049 | |
Lussem, Bjorn | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 02/15/2018 | $500,000 | |
Lussem, Bjorn | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2017 | $360,265 | |
Lussem, Bjorn | Physics | Research-Continuation | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Vertical Organic Light Emitting Transistors | 10/1/2017 | $22,500 |
Lussem, Bjorn | Physics | Research-Continuation | United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation | Vertical Organic Light Emitting Transistors | 10/1/2018 | $22,500 |
Manley, Mark | Physics | Research-Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Investigations of Baryon Spectroscopy via Electromagnetic and Hadronic Scattering | 8/15/2017 | $123,000 |
Manley, Mark | Physics | Research-Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Investigations of Baryon Spectroscopy via Electromagnetic and Hadronic Scattering | 8/15/2018 | $112,000 |
Manley, Mark | Physics | Research-Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Investigations of Baryon Spectroscopy via Electromagnetic and Hadronic Scattering | 8/15/2019 | $114,000 |
Mann, Elizabeth | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2017 | $137,430 | |
Mann, Elizabeth | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2018 | $121,265 | |
Mann, Elizabeth | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2019 | $124,927 | |
Mann, Elizabeth | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment | 1/17/2023 | $187,714 |
Mann, Elizabeth | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment | 1/17/2024 | $194,790 |
Mann, Elizabeth | Physics | Research | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Temperature Dependent Surface Tension Measurements of Green Propellants | 4/15/2018 | $59,921 |
Margetis, Spyridon | Physics | Research | U.S. Department of Energy | Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment with the U.S. Department of Energy | 11/01/2021 | $224,474 |
Margetis, Spyridon | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Continuation of IPA with the U.S. Department of Energy | 11/01/2022 | $457,978 |
Petratos, Gerassimos | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/15/2017 | $190,000 | |
Petratos, Gerassimos | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 8/15/2018 | $167,000 | |
Petratos, Gerassimos | Physics | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 8/15/2018 | $24,307 | |
Petratos, Gerassimos | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 8/31/2019 | $167,000 | |
Schmidt, Thorsten-Lars | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 4/01/2021 | $86,444 | |
Schmidt, Thorsten-Lars | Physics | Research | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 9/01/2021 | $368,816 | |
Schmidt, Thorsten-Lars | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 7/01/2022 | $373,551 | |
Schmidt, Thorsten-Lars | Physics | Research- Supplement | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 7/01/2022 | $250,000 | |
Schmidt, Thorsten-Lars | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 7/01/2023 | $373,384 | |
Schmidt, Thorsten-Lars | Physics | Research- Continuation | National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 7/01/2024 | $373,211 | |
Sprunt, Samuel | Physics | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2019 | $573,103 | |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research | Subaward Wayne State University /National Science Foundation | CSSI: Frameworks: X-Ion Collisions with a Statistically and Computationally Advanced Program Envelope (X-SCAPE) | 07/01/2020 | $1,500 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward Wayne State University /National Science Foundation | CSSI: Frameworks: X-Ion Collisions with a Statistically and Computationally Advanced Program Envelope (X-SCAPE) | 07/01/2021 | $132,495 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward Wayne State University /National Science Foundation | CSSI: Frameworks: X-Ion Collisions with a Statistically and Computationally Advanced Program Envelope (X-SCAPE) | 07/01/2022 | $1,500 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward Wayne State University /National Science Foundation | CSSI: Frameworks: X-Ion Collisions with a Statistically and Computationally Advanced Program Envelope (X-SCAPE) | 07/01/2023 | $1,500 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research | Subaward Texas A&M University /U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy-Flavor Theory (HEFTY) for QCD Matter | 01/15/2023 | $48,662 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | Subaward Texas A&M University /U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy-Flavor Theory (HEFTY) for QCD Matter | 01/15/2024 | $93,060 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Quark Gluon Plasma | 03/01/2017 | $152,000 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Quark Gluon Plasma | 03/01/2018 | $156,000 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Quark Gluon Plasma | 03/01/2019 | $182,000 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Quark Gluon Plasma | 03/01/2020 | $219,418 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Quark Gluon Plasma | 03/01/2021 | $190,582 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Quark Gluon Plasma | 03/01/2022 | $115,000 |
Strickland, Michael | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Quark Gluon Plasma | 03/01/2023 | $230,000 |
Tandy, Peter | Physics | Research-Continuation | National Science Foundation | 7/1/2017 | $100,000 | |
Tandy, Peter | Physics | Research | Subcontract UChicago Argonne LLC /U.S. Department of Energy | Dyson-Schwinger Equations | 7/2/2018 | $38,866 |
Xu, Zhangbu | Physics | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Energy | Heavy Ion Collisions over a Range of Relativistic Energies | 4/1/2024 | $360,000 |
Xu, Zhangbu | Physics | Research | Subaward Brookhaven National Laboratory /U.S. Department of Energy | Joint Appointment Overarching Agreement | 6/3/2024 | $72,480 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Cassell, Mark | Political Science | Research | National Science Foundation | 09/01/2022 | $83,960 | |
Cassell, Mark | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Department of Higher Education | KSU Washington Program in National Issues FY22-23 | 07/01/2021 | $100,000 |
Cassell, Mark | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Department of Higher Education | KSU Washington Program in National Issues FY24-25 | 07/01/2023 | $75,000 |
Cassell, Mark | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Washington Program in National Issues FY20 & FY21 | 07/01/2020 | $40,000 |
Cassell, Mark | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity- Additional | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Washington Program in National Issues FY20 & FY21 | 07/01/2020 | $5,000 |
Chand, Daniel | Political Science | Research | Russell Sage Foundation | Detained Immigrants and Parole Decisions: Does Legal Aid Make a Difference? | 06/01/2019 | $32,825 |
Chand, Daniel | Political Science | Research | Southern Methodist University | Serving Immigrant Communities: Immigration Nonprofits in a Time of Heightened Enforcement | 10/03/2018 | $4,500 |
Cooper, Chris | Ohio Employee Ownership Center/Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity | The Cleveland Foundation | Greater Cleveland Business Succession Planning/ Employee Ownership Conversions Program | 03/01/2022 | $190,956 |
Cooper, Chris | Ohio Employee Ownership Center/Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity | The Kendeda Fund | Kendeda Fund - Employee Ownership Reflections | 11/01/2022 | $40,000 |
Cooper, Chris | Ohio Employee Ownership Center/Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity | Burton D. Morgan Foundation | Succession Planning Outreach Program | 3/25/2024 | $20,000 |
Messing, Roy | Political Science | Public Service | U.S. Department of Agriculture | The Cooperative Development Center at 妻友社区 | 10/1/2017 | $200,000 |
Messing, Roy | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity | U.S. Department of Agriculture | The Cooperative Development Center at 妻友社区 | 01/01/2019 | $120,000 |
Molina, Anthony | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Department of Higher Education | KSU Columbus Program - FY 23-25 | 07/01/2023 | $75,000 |
Nickels, Ashley | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity | American Political Science Association | Growing Democracy: Community Conversations and Workshop Series | 11/01/2018 | $12,500 |
Nickels, Ashley | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity- Continuation | American Political Science Association | Growing Democracy: Community Conversations and Workshop Series | 01/01/2020 | $12,500 |
Patton, Wendy | Columbus Program in Intergovernmental Issues/Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Department of Higher Education | KSU Columbus Program - FY 22-23 | 07/01/2021 | $100,000 |
Robyns, Richard | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activityn | Ohio Department of Higher Education | Washington Program in National Issues FY20 & FY21 | 07/01/2019 | $50,000 |
Sykes, Vernon | Political Science | Public Service-Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | KSU Columbus Program | 7/1/2017 | $50,000 |
Sykes, Vernon | Political Science | Other Sponsored Activity- Continuation | Ohio Department of Higher Education | KSU Columbus Program | 7/1/2018 | $50,000 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | University of Minnesota Press | Further Development of the MMPI-2-RF/MMPI-3 | 7/1/2017 | $130,000 |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | University of Minnesota Press | Further Development of the MMPI-2-RF/MMPI-3 | 7/1/2018 | $135,000 |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | University of Minnesota Press | Further Development of the MMPI-2-RF/MMPI-3 | 7/1/2019 | $144,023 |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | University of Minnesota | Further Development of the MMPI-3 | 7/1/2020 | $127,847 |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | University of Minnesota | Further Development of the MMPI-3 | 7/1/2021 | $125,000 |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | University of Minnesota | Further Development of the MMPI-3 | 7/1/2022 | $136,698 |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | University of Minnesota | Further Development of the MMPI-3 | 7/1/2023 | $148,927 |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | University of Minnesota | Further Development of the MMPI-3 | 7/1/2024 | $118,384 |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Houston-Clear Lake /University of Minnesota Press | Using Presurgical Psychological Assessments to Predict Psychopathology and Weight Loss Outcomes Five Years after Bariatric Surgery | 7/1/2018 | $5,414 |
Ben-Porath, Yossef | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Houston-Clear Lake /University of Minnesota Press | Using Presurgical Psychological Assessments to Predict Psychopathology and Weight Loss Outcomes Five Years after Bariatric Surgery | 7/1/2019 | $12,182 |
Black, Sarah | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Mental Health | 8/1/2023 | $426,610 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Mental Health | 4/1/2018 | $594,230 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Mental Health | 1/1/2019 | $569,073 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Mental Health | 1/1/2020 | $573,248 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Institute of Mental Health | 08/05/2020 | $139,969 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Mental Health | 01/01/2021 | $480,047 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Mental Health | 01/01/2021 | $117,632 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute of Mental Health | 01/01/2021 | $53,244 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute of Mental Health | 01/01/2021 | $13,166 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Mental Health | 01/01/2022 | $390,247 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Mental Health | 01/01/2022 | $92,756 | |
Coifman, Karin | Psychological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Institute of Mental Health | 01/01/2022 | $53,668 | |
Davis, Martale | Psychological Sciences | Research | American Psychological Association | The efficacy of a musical cognitive restructuring mobile app for Black adolescent girls | 10/01/2017 | $2,000 |
Delahanty, Douglas | Psychological Sciences | Research-Continuation | Subaward University of Akron /Conquer Chiari Foundation | Biomarkers of Surgical Success in Females with Chiari Malformation Type l | 9/1/2017 | $11,000 |
Delahanty, Douglas | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Akron /Conquer Chiari Foundation | Cognitive Neuroscience Research in Chiari Malformation | 3/1/2019 | $32,852 |
Delahanty, Douglas | Psychological Sciences | Research | Conquer Chiari Foundation | Does coaching effect the impact of online acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain in a sample of people with CM? | 7/1/2022 | $74,111 |
Delahanty, Douglas | Psychological Sciences | Research | Conquer Chiari Foundation | Does coaching effect the impact of online acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain in a sample of people with CM? | 3/1/2023 | $10,660 |
Delahanty, Douglas | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Mental Health | 8/8/2018 | $459,129 | |
Delahanty, Douglas | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron /Kulas Foundation | Impact of Music Therapy Interventions on Maternal Stress in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit | 01/01/2019 | $84,422 |
DeLuca, Haylee | Psychological Sciences | Research | American Psychological Foundation | Henry P. David Research Grant / Haylee DeLuca | 4/6/2017 | $1,500 |
Dunlosky, John | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 12/01/2019 | $552,145 | |
Dunlosky, John | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 11/01/2020 | $48,937 | |
Flessner, Christopher | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward HabitAware, Inc. /National Institute of Mental Health | Technology Assisted Treatment for Trichotillomania | 2/1/2022 | $47,191 |
Flessner, Christopher | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward HabitAware, Inc. /National Institute of Mental Health | Technology Assisted Treatment for Trichotillomania | 1/1/2023 | $100,302 |
Flessner, Christopher | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward HabitAware, Inc. /National Institute of Mental Health | Technology Assisted Treatment for Trichotillomania | 1/1/2024 | $254,297 |
Flessner, Christopher | Psychological Sciences | Research- Supplement | Subaward HabitAware, Inc. /National Institute of Mental Health | Technology Assisted Treatment for Trichotillomania - supplemental funding | 7/1/2023 | $29,847 |
Flessner, Christopher | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 07/01/2019 | $238,776 | |
Flessner, Christopher | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 07/01/2020 | $196,168 | |
Fresco, David | Psychological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | 9/15/2017 | $61,995 | |
Fresco, David | Psychological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | 9/15/2017 | $12,500 | |
Fresco, David | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | 6/1/2017 | $718,460 | |
Fresco, David | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | 6/1/2018 | $715,830 | |
Fresco, David | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | 6/1/2018 | $61,995 | |
Fresco, David | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Michigan /National Center for Complementary & Integrative Health | Neural Mechanism of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) For Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | 9/01/2019 | $32,344 |
Fresco, David | Psychological Sciences | Research-Continuation | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Institute of Nursing Research | SMART Center: Understanding the Brain-Behavior Link in Self-Management of Health | 07/01/2017 | $21,444 |
Fresco, David | Psychological Sciences | Research-Continuation | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Institute of Nursing Research | SMART Center: Understanding the Brain-Behavior Link in Self-Management of Health | 08/01/2018 | $22,128 |
Fresco, David | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward Case Western Reserve University /National Institute of Nursing Research | SMART Center II Brain Behavior Connections in Self Management Science | 8/01/2018 | $26,168 |
Gilman, Lee | Psychological Sciences | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Assessing how stress hormone (dys)regulation drives excess salt/sucrose intake as a stress coping behavior | 9/01/2023 | $24,000 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research-Continuation | Subaward Neuropsychiatric Research Institute /National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | Alcohol-Related Impairment and Reinforcement After Gastric Bypass Surgery | 7/1/2017 | $11,274 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research-Continuation | Subaward Sanford Research /National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | Alcohol-Related Impairment and Reinforcement After Gastric Bypass Surgery | 7/1/2018 | $11,274 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research | IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center | Computerized Testing to Detect Memory Loss | 6/6/2017 | $25,000 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center | Language Effects of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease | 05/10/2019 | $4,000 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward North Dakota State University /National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | Mechanisms that Predict Weight Trajectory After Bariatric Surgery: The Interactive Roles of Behavior and Biology | 9/1/2017 | $13,012 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward North Dakota State University /National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | Mechanisms that Predict Weight Trajectory After Bariatric Surgery: The Interactive Roles of Behavior and Biology | 9/1/2018 | $12,666 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward North Dakota State University /National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | Mechanisms that Predict Weight Trajectory After Bariatric Surgery: The Interactive Roles of Behavior and Biology | 9/1/2019 | $12,567 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward North Dakota State University /National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | Mechanisms that Predict Weight Trajectory After Bariatric Surgery: The Interactive Roles of Behavior and Biology | 9/1/2020 | $11,830 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Connecticut /National Institute on Drug Abuse | Optimizing evidence-based HIV prevention targeting people who inject drugs on PrEP | 9/1/2022 | $40,730 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Connecticut /National Institute on Drug Abuse | Optimizing evidence-based HIV prevention targeting people who inject drugs on PrEP | 7/1/2023 | $36,878 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute on Drug Abuse | Optimizing evidence-based HIV prevention targeting people who inject drugs on PrEP (Supplemental Funds) | 7/1/2023 | $18,239 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Neurological Research Institute /National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | Post-Surgical Predictors of Depression and Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery | 9/1/2017 | $12,849 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Sanford Research /National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | Post-Surgical Predictors of Depression and Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery | 7/1/2018 | $12,849 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Sanford Research /National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | Post-Surgical Predictors of Depression and Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery | 9/1/2019 | $12,849 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Sanford Research /National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | Post-Surgical Predictors of Depression and Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery | 9/1/2020 | $13,439 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute on Aging | 2/1/2020 | $638,622 | |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute on Aging | 12/15/2020 | $555,274 | |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute on Aging | 12/15/2020 | $61,698 | |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute on Aging | 12/15/2021 | $598,948 | |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Additional | National Institute on Aging | 12/1/2021 | $61,551 | |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute on Aging | 12/1/2022 | $656,645 | |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research | University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center | The utility of AMPAR as a sports-related concussion biomarker in collegiate athletics | 9/10/2018 | $1,500 |
Gunstad, John | Psychological Sciences | Research | Cleveland Brain Health Initiative | Using Automated Speech Analysis to Predict Cognitive Decline and Future Alzheimer's Disease | 11/01/2019 | $20,000 |
Himmelstein, Mary | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward University of Connecticut/ Weight Watchers | A Multi-national Comparison of Weight Stigma, Internalized Bias, and Coping Strategies Among Adults Engaged in Weight Management | 11/01/2019 | $11,760 |
Himmelstein, Mary | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward University of Connecticut/ Weight Watchers | A Multi-national Comparison of Weight Stigma, Internalized Bias, and Coping Strategies Among Adults Engaged in Weight Management | 09/01/2020 | $12,113 |
Hughes, Joel | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward iRxReminder /National Institute of Mental Health | A Novel Tardive Dyskinesia Detection System for Improving Patient Care | 9/5/2017 | $20,010 |
Hughes, Joel | Psychological Sciences | Research | Cleveland Brain Health Initiative | Risk and protective factors for lasting mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic | 7/15/2020 | $10,000 |
Inaba, Carrie Godwin | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward Carnegie Mellon University /National Science Foundation | The Effect of Pictures in Books for Beginning Readers on Attention Allocation, Reading Fluency, and Reading Comprehension in K-2 Students | 8/15/2017 | $116,114 |
Jasnow, Aaron | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Indiana University /National Institute of Mental Health | Adrenal Androgens Regulate Aggression through Novel Actions of Melatonin | 9/01/2018 | $81,582 |
Jasnow, Aaron | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Mental Health | 12/10/2018 | $419,176 | |
Kerns, Kathryn | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 02/01/2019 | $225,000 | |
Kerns, Kathryn | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 02/01/2020 | $187,500 | |
Lechner, William | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward Brown University /National Institute on Drug Abuse | Health Effects of the Standardized Research E-Cigarette for Harm Reduction in Smokers with HIV | 05/01/2019 | $8,722 |
Lechner, William | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute on Drug Abuse | 10/10/2017 | $237,391 | |
Lechner, William | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute on Drug Abuse | 07/01/2018 | $193,870 | |
Martin, Brandon | Psychological Sciences | Research | American Psychological Association of Graduate Students | 2023 APAGS/Psi Chi Junior Scientist Fellowship | 08/15/2023 | $1,000 |
Miller-Cotto, Dana | Psychological Sciences | Research | Brady Education Foundation | Examining effects of assessor identity and context on children's executive function performance | 06/01/2024 | $105,752 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Case Western Reserve University (fiscal agent) /First Year Cleveland | Birthing Beautiful Babies | 12/01/2017 | $20,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Ohio Commission on Minority Health | Birthing Beautiful Communities | 9/15/2017 | $75,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Ohio Commission on Minority Health | Birthing Beautiful Communities | 07/01/2018 | $75,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Sisters of Charity Foundation of Canton | esCentral Interventions: Race, Stress, and Infant mortality in the Central Neighborhood | 04/01/2019 | $50,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Sisters of Charity Foundation of Canton | Race, Stress, and Infant Mortality in the Central Neighborhood of Cleveland | 1/1/2018 | $50,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward Birthing Beautiful Communities /The Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation | Race, Stress, and Infant Mortality in the Central Neighborhood of Cleveland | 1/17/2018 | $5,050 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Akron Community Foundation | SOS Sister Circles: A stress intervention for expectant and postpartum Black Mothers | 04/01/2019 | $15,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Char and Chuck Fowler Family Foundation | Spirit of Motherhood | 07/01/2024 | $50,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | American Psychological Association | Stark Interventions | 01/01/2021 | $15,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Akron Community Foundation | SUN Shine: a stress and anxiety intervention with an app for 7th & 8th grade Black girls | 03/02/2018 | $10,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation, LLC | The Spirit of Motherhood | 01/01/2022 | $100,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation, LLC | The Spirit of Motherhood | 01/01/2024 | $300,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Akron Community Foundation | To Deliver a Brief Trauma Intervention to Expectant and Post-Partum Black Mothers in Summit County | 03/13/2020 | $10,000 |
Neal-Barnett, Angela | Psychological Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Akron Community Foundation | To support virtual SOS Sister Circles: stress interventions for expectant & postpartum Black Mothers | 04/01/2021 | $9,000 |
Rawson, Katherine | Psychological Sciences | Research | Einstein Institute | Retrieval Practice Principles: A Theory of Learning for Aphasia Rehabilitation | 4/1/2017 | $95,213 |
Rawson, Katherine | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Einstein Institute /National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders | Retrieval Practice Principles: A Theory of Learning for Aphasia Rehabilitation | 4/1/2018 | $72,839 |
Rawson, Katherine | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Einstein Institute /National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders | Retrieval Practice Principles: A Theory of Learning for Aphasia Rehabilitation | 4/1/2019 | $15,178 |
Rawson, Katherine | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward Einstein Institute /National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders | Retrieval Practice Principles: A Theory of Learning for Aphasia Rehabilitation | 4/1/2020 | $39,382 |
Santoro, Antonia | Psychological Sciences | Research | Psi Chi The International Honor Society in Psychology | Investigating the Impact of Self-Compassion Intervention on Health Goals | 3/1/2020 | $1,500 |
Sato, Amy | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 01/17/2019 | $246,070 | |
Sato, Amy | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 01/01/2020 | $171,534 | |
Sato, Amy | Psychological Sciences | Research- Supplement | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | 01/01/2020 | $19,061 | |
Spitznagel, Mary Beth | Psychological Sciences | Research | Zoetis LLC | Caregiver Burden and Treatment Complexity in Owners of Seriously Ill Pets | 1/1/2022 | $25,000 |
Spitznagel, Mary Beth | Psychological Sciences | Research | Zoetis LLC | Caregiver Burden for Pet Owners | 1/1/2020 | $25,000 |
Spitznagel, Mary Beth | Psychological Sciences | Research | Zoetis LLC | Caregiver Burden in Owners of Pets with Chronic Disease | 1/1/2023 | $140,000 |
Spitznagel, Mary Beth | Psychological Sciences | Research | Zoetis LLC | Caregiver Burden in Owners of Pets with Chronic Disease | 12/19/2023 | $65,000 |
Spitznagel, Mary Beth | Psychological Sciences | Research | Zoetis LLC | Caregiver Burden in Owners of Pets with Osteoarthritis | 1/1/2021 | $25,000 |
Spitznagel, Mary Beth | Psychological Sciences | Research | The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Clinical Scholars Cohort Five - 2020: Addressing the Veterinarian Mental Health Crisis through an ACT-Based Program | 09/15/2020 | $432,000 |
Spitznagel, Mary Beth | Psychological Sciences | Research | The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Clinical Scholars Transfer Application: Addressing the Veterinarian Mental Health Crisis through an ACT-Based Program | 12/01/2022 | $36,000 |
Spitznagel, Mary Beth | Psychological Sciences | Research | Dairy Research Institute | The Influence of Glucoregulatory Function in Postprandial Cognition Following Dairy Milk: A Secondary Data Analysis | 3/1/2018 | $6,534 |
Stuart, Kaela | Psychological Sciences | Research | Psi Chi The International Honor Society in Psychology | Mother-Child Attachment Relationships and Emotion Dynamics in Middle Childhood | 5/01/2017 | $1,500 |
Taber, Jennifer | Psychological Sciences | Research | Subaward Cardiff University /Cancer Research UK | RESET Sleep: Regulating Exercise, Substance Use, & Eating Through Sleep | 8/01/2017 | $18,302 |
Thompson, Clarissa | Psychological Sciences | Research | U.S. Department of Education | An Educational Intervention to Combat Whole Number Bias in Risk Perceptions in an Ambiguous Health Context: COVID-19 | 9/01/2020 | $172,372 |
Thompson, Clarissa | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Education | An Educational Intervention to Combat Whole Number Bias in Risk Perceptions in an Ambiguous Health Context: COVID-19 | 9/01/2021 | $27,628 |
Thompson, Clarissa | Psychological Sciences | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | Assessing the Impact of Area and Number Line Models for Learning and Transfer of Fraction Multiplication and Division in Fifth Grade | 9/01/2017 | $24,000 |
Thompson, Clarissa | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio State University /U.S. Department of Education | Cognitive Support for Learning Fractional Magnitudes | 7/01/2017 | $187,190 |
Thompson, Clarissa | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio State University /U.S. Department of Education | Cognitive Support for Learning Fractional Magnitudes | 7/01/2018 | $207,626 |
Thompson, Clarissa | Psychological Sciences | Research- Continuation | Subaward The Ohio State University /U.S. Department of Education | Cognitive Support for Learning Fractional Magnitudes | 7/01/2019 | $101,837 |
Thompson, Clarissa | Psychological Sciences | Research | National Science Foundation | 5/1/2022 | $300,000 | |
Thompson, Clarissa | Psychological Sciences | Research | Prize funds - Luminary Labs, LLC /U.S. Department of Education | Using Number Lines and Analogies to Support Integrated Rational Number Sense: A Digital Rational NUMber (DRUM) Intervention | 11/01/2022 | $25,000 |
Thompson, Clarissa | Psychological Sciences | Research | Top Hat Monocle Corp | Using TopHat Textbook Resources to Provide Student and Instructor Diagnostic Insights | 1/24/2020 | $8,000 |
Wildman, Beth | Psychological Sciences | Research | Akron Children's Hospital | Executive Functioning and Adherence during the Transition of Responsibility among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes | 10/01/2018 | $10,400 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Adams, Richard | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Geisinger Clinic /U.S. Department of Defense | Mental Health Disorders, Suicide Risk, and Treatment-Seeking Among Formerly Deployed National Guard and Reserve Service Members Seen in Non-VA Facilities | 9/1/2018 | $12,000 |
Catto, Rebecca | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward University of Birmingham (England)/ John Templeton Foundation | Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum: Taking a Global Perspective | 1/1/2019 | $112,481 |
Dum, Christopher | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward Bowling Green State University /Attorney General of Ohio | Bail Reform in Ohio: A Mixed Methods Approach to Inform Public Policy | 4/25/2022 | $89,992 |
Dum, Christopher | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Farris Family Fund -妻友社区 Foundation | The Impacts of Inmate Writing on Participants and Society | 9/1/2017 | $24,000 |
Fisk, Susan | Sociology & Criminology | Research | National Science Foundation | 8/1/2020 | $125,062 | |
Fisk, Susan | Sociology & Criminology | Research | National Science Foundation | 10/1/2021 | $205,986 | |
Fisk, Susan | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | National Science Foundation | 10/1/2022 | $101,624 | |
Fisk, Susan | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Supplement | National Science Foundation | 10/1/2022 | $80,874 | |
Fisk, Susan | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward North Carolina State University /National Science Foundation | Collaborative The STARS Aligned: How the STARS Computing Corps Broadens Participation in Computing | 10/01/2020 | $35,000 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services | Attitudes Toward Law Enforcement - 2 | 2/01/2018 | $49,990 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Welborn Baptist Foundation | Early Learning Welborn | 10/22/2018 | $68,840 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services | Fiscal Intermediary, Provider Network Module, Centralized Credentialing, and Single Pharmacy Benefit Manager: Monitoring and Evaluation | 01/07/2022 | $123,648 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward The Ohio State University /Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services | Fiscal Intermediary, Provider Network Module, Centralized Credentialing, and Single Pharmacy Benefit Manager: Monitoring and Evaluation | 07/01/2022 | $14,640 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Health Assessment Resource Center | Health Research and Assessment for Communities | 10/22/2018 | $248,000 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Health Assessment Resource Center | Health Research and Assessment for Communities | 10/22/2019 | $10,000 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Indiana PRAMS | 5/1/2020 | $154,020 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Indiana PRAMS FY22 | 7/1/2021 | $169,570 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Indiana PRAMS | 7/1/2022 | $183,983 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | State of Maine | Maine PRAMS | 9/1/2022 | $68,127 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward Maryland Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Maryland PRAMS | 5/1/2018 | $59,908 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Maryland Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Maryland PRAMS | 5/1/2019 | $123,435 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Supplement | Subaward Maryland Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Maryland PRAMS | 5/1/2019 | $12,500 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Supplement | Subaward Maryland Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Maryland PRAMS: COVID Funds Supplement | 3/1/2021 | $6,065 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward Maryland Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Maryland PRAMS | 5/1/2021 | $61,106 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Maryland Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Maryland PRAMS | 5/1/2022 | $62,328 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Maryland Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Maryland PRAMS | 5/1/2023 | $63,575 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Maryland Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Maryland PRAMS | 4/1/2024 | $32,502 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subcontract State of Minnesota /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Minnesota PRAMS | 7/1/2020 | $57,374 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Additional | Subcontract State of Minnesota /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Minnesota PRAMS | 7/1/2021 | $1,528 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward Office of Criminal Justice Services /U.S. Department of Justice | OCJS Project Stakeholder Survey | 12/1/2022 | $21,672 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey (PRAMS) | 3/1/2017 | $161,500 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Additional | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey (PRAMS) | 3/1/2017 | $7,500 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Additional | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey (PRAMS) | 3/1/2017 | $5,512 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Additional | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey (PRAMS) | 4/1/2017 | $10,080 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey (PRAMS) | 5/1/2019 | $122,389 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey (PRAMS) | 5/1/2019 | $31,631 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Additional | Subaward Indiana Department of Public Health /Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey (PRAMS) | 5/1/2021 | $79,687 |
Gibson, Gregory | Sociology & Criminology | Research | City of Ravenna | Ravenna Parks and Recreation Survey | 3/7/2017 | $16,006 |
Goar, Carla | Sociology & Criminology | Research | National Science Foundation | 3/1/2020 | $16,000 | |
Goar, Carla | Sociology & Criminology | Research | American Sociological Association | Revisiting Race: White Adoptive Parents' Narrative on Children and Race | 8/15/2020 | $6,720 |
Kalkhoff, William | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Maestro Games SPC | Can The Last Maestro Reduce Stress and Aggressive Behavior Elicited by the Enactment of Simulated Violence? | 04/01/2022 | $103,565 |
Kalkhoff, William | Sociology & Criminology | Research | FAAC Incorporated, DBA MILO-LVC | Evaluating the Comparative Effectiveness of the MILO Range Simulation Training System | 10/15/2021 | $48,748 |
Kalkhoff, William | Sociology & Criminology | Research | U.S. Department of Army | Team Perception and Performance Under Threat | 9/11/2017 | $100,000 |
Kalkhoff, William | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Army | Team Perception and Performance Under Threat | 9/11/2018 | $80,000 |
Kalkhoff, William | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Additional | U.S. Department of Army | Team Perception and Performance Under Threat | 9/11/2018 | $50,000 |
Kalkhoff, William | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Army | Team Perception and Performance Under Threat | 9/11/2019 | $40,000 |
Kalkhoff, William | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Army | Team Perception and Performance Under Threat | 9/11/2020 | $90,000 |
Marcussen, Kristen | Sociology & Criminology | Research | National Science Foundation | 7/15/2021 | $213,000 | |
Nader, Elias | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Russell Sage Foundation | The future of work and reentry for emerging adults | 6/1/2023 | $30,000 |
Piatt, Elizabeth | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Education | 妻友社区 McNair Scholars Program | 10/1/2018 | $251,822 |
Piatt, Elizabeth | Sociology & Criminology | Research- Continuation | U.S. Department of Education | 妻友社区 McNair Scholars Program | 10/1/2019 | $263,154 |
Pollock, Joshua | Sociology & Criminology | Research | U.S. Department of Army | Teamwork and Decision-Making Under Threat: Implementing an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment | 6/1/2020 | $72,872 |
Vander Horst, Anthony | Sociology & Criminology | Research | Nurses on Boards Coalition | Nurses on Boards Coalition External Survey | 12/14/2022 | $32,794 |
Faculty Name | Department | Award Type | Sponsor | Proposal Title | Award Year | Amount Awarded |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | American Academy of Poets | Academy of American Poets' Capacity-Building Grant | 1/1/2023 | $10,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Poetry Foundation | Emergency Programming Grant | 1/1/2021 | $20,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Public Service | Ohio Arts Council | Healing Stanzas | 7/1/2017 | $13,745 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Subaward The Ohio State University /Ohio Arts Council | Healing stanzas: Reflective writing for health care workers | 7/1/2021 | $684 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Mapping Akron | 07/01/2023 | $15,556 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Inc. | Mapping Akron: A Poetic Exploration of Home | 01/06/2022 | $135,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Kent Rotary Foundation | Market Stanzas | 6/1/2022 | $4,500 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Park Stanzas | 7/1/2022 | $14,505 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Poetry Foundation | Poetry Foundation Renewal and Recovery | 08/01/2022 | $7,500 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Poetry Foundation | Poetry Foundation Support | 05/01/2023 | $25,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Poets for Science | 10/07/2020 | $2,829 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | National Endowment for the Arts | River Stanzas: A Collective Dreaming of the Cuyahoga through Poetry, Art, and Design | 06/01/2018 | $90,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | National Endowment for the Arts | The Healing Stanzas Poetry Series | 6/1/2022 | $18,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Inc. | The Traveling Stanzas Listening Wall | 7/13/2018 | $50,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Traveling Stanzas | 7/1/2019 | $8,740 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Traveling Stanzas Listening Wall | 7/1/2018 | $10,974 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Traveling Stanzas Mobile Makerspace | 10/15/2020 | $16,900 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Traveling Stanzas Mobile Makerspace | 07/01/2021 | $13,072 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Traveling Stanzas Mobile Makerspace: Mapping Home | 07/01/2022 | $12,945 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Traveling Stanzas Mobile Makerspace FY24 | 07/01/2023 | $16,292 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Public Service | John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Inc. | Traveling Stanzas Presentation at the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers Conference | 6/15/2017 | $5,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Poetry Foundation | Wick Poetry Center 40th Anniversary | 3/1/2024 | $10,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | American Academy of Poets | Wick Poetry Center Literary Arts Emergency Fund (COVID 19) | 10/1/2020 | $10,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | American Academy of Poets | Wick Poetry Center: Literary Arts Emergency Fund 2021 | 7/1/2022 | $15,000 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Public Service | Ohio Arts Council | Wick Poetry Center Operating Support FY18 | 7/1/2017 | $18,480 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Wick Poetry Center Operating Support FY 2019 - Sustainability Grant | 7/1/2018 | $20,527 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Wick Poetry Center Operating Support FY 2020 - Sustainability Grant | 7/1/2019 | $22,999 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Wick Poetry Center Operating Support FY 2021 | 7/1/2020 | $20,805 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Wick Poetry Center Operating Support FY 2022 | 7/1/2021 | $32,260 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Wick Poetry Center Operating Support FY 2023 - Sustainability Grant | 7/1/2022 | $29,239 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Wick Poetry Center Operating Support FY 2024 - Sustainability Grant | 7/1/2023 | $30,030 |
Hassler, David | Wick Poetry Center/ Arts and Sciences | Other Sponsored Activity | Ohio Arts Council | Wick Poetry Center Park Stanzas | 7/1/2021 | $14,507 |