M.S. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations Completed

M.S. Theses Completed

Graduate Students - M.S. 2021

Rahman, FM Arif – Using Satellite Observations to Assess Suspended Sediment, Algal and Cyanobacteria Composition in Lake Ontario (Advisor Joseph Ortiz)

Kyle Smart – Exploring Physical and Chemical Trends in a Chronosequence of Technosols (Advisor David Singer)

Courtney Smith – Grain Size Analysis of a Precursor to a Flying spit in the Western Maumee Basin in NW Ohio, and Comparison to the Presque Isle Flying Spit (Advisor Neil Wells)

Laura Zemanek – A Geochemical and Mineralogical Comparison of Soil Formation on Mine Spoil and Undisturbed Shale and Their Contributions to Pore Water, Huff Run Watershed, Ohio (Advisor David Singer)

Kortney Cole – Secondary Mineral Coating Formation and Metal Sequestration in Soils Developing From Mine Spoil Pre-and-Post Treatment with Lime (Advisor David Singer)

Lucy Dyer – Identifying marine magnetic anomalies using machine learning (Advisor Christopher Rowan)

Chenjian Fu – Global Paleomagnetic Data Analysis: Improved Methods of Reconstructing Plate Motions Using Paleomagnetic Data (Advisors Christopher Rowan and Daniel Holm)

M.S. 2022

Dalton Thompson – Relationships between the marine environment, predation intensity, and bivalve community diversity from the late Cenozoic Tamiami, Chipola, Jackson Bluff, and Bermont formations of Florida, USA (Advisor Rodney Feldmann)

Samantha Hartzell – Extinction and Survival of frog crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Raninoida) from the Early Cretaceous to the present (Advisor Carrie Schweitzer)

Jennifer Miller – Early Paleogene Brachyura and Sedimentology of the Kambühel Formation, Southern Austria (Advisor Carrie Schweitzer)

Joshua Tungate – Systematic analysis of phyllocarid mandibles from the Mississippian Marshal Formation in Southern Michigan and the Late Devonian Silica Formation in Northwestern Ohio in the context of phyllocarid mandibles from throughout the continental United States (Advisor Rodney Feldmann)

Sachini Ranasinghe – Remote Sensing Monitoring the Neuse River Estuary for Potential Water Quality Changes (Advisor Joseph Ortiz)

M.S. 2023

Jacob Bradley – Role of Intra-Pore Geometry and Flow Rate on Length-Scales for the Transition of Non-Fickian to Fickian Contaminant Transport (Advisor Kuldeep Singh)

Clare Helmer – Investigating Eutropication as a Driver of Methanogenesis in the Western Basin of Lake Erie (Advisor Allison Tessin)

Alex Miller – Pore-Scale Sedimentary Structure, Pore-Size Distribution, and Flow Rate Control on the Emergence of the Hydrodynamic Dispersion Phenomenon (Advisor Kuldeep Singh)

Victor Obi – Investigating the Transition from Non-Fickian to Fickian Dispersion with Increasing Length and Flow Rate in Sand Packs: An Experimental Approach (Advisor Kuldeep Singh)

McKenzie Woodman – Field-Validated Inter-Comparison of Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 OLCI Images to Assess Water Quality in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (Advisor Joseph Ortiz)

Emily Helaney – Distribution of Leand (Pb) and Other Trace Metal Concentrations in Soils from Akron, Ohio (Advisor David Singer)

Eric Lloyd – How Sediment Size Heterogeneity Controls the Piping Potential: A Laboratory Study (Advisor Kuldeep Singh)

Alyssa Reinhardt – Seasonal and Environmental Influences on Soil O2 and CO2 Concentrations in Abandoned Mine Tailings (Advisor Timothy Gallagher)

M.S. 2024

Leah Stanevich – Understanding biogeochemical linkages across a Cretaceous terrestrial-marine interface (Advisor Timothy Gallagher)

Zachary Loffer – Geology parts of the Cow Creek and Deep Creek 7.5 minute quadrangles, Garfield County, Utah: Implications for structural and deformational history of the mega-scale Sevier Gravity Slide (Advisor David Hacker)

Nageen Farooq – Prediction of Anthropogenic Macro-Debris and its Association with Geomorphology in US Urban Streams (Advisor Timothy Gallagher)

Negin Mondegari Sharifabad – Impact of Sedimentary Structure and Grain Size Heterogeneity on Darcy to Non-Darcy Flow Characteristics: A Quantitative Analysis of Forchheimer and Izbash Parameters in Pourous Media (Advisor Kuldeep Singh)


Rodney Feldmann and Carrie Schweitzer with graduates at Commencement

Ph.D. Dissertations

Ph.D. 2021

Heedar Bahman – Reevaluating the Miocene Mollusk Systematics, Little Cove Point Member, St. Mary’s Formation, and Examining their Paleoecology, Paleobiodiversity (Advisor Rodney Feldmann)

Ph.D. 2022

Evin Maguire – The effect of volcanic ash deposition on marine environments, invertebrate ecosystems and fossil preservation: integrating field observations and laboratory experiments (Advisor Rodney Feldmann)

Angela Lewis – Characterization and Provenance of Chert Stone Tools Recovered from Central and Northern Ohio (Advisor Jeremy Williams)

Maximillian Barczok – Geochemical controls over phosphorus bioavailability as a function of redox sensitive iron oxides (Advisor David Singer)

Md Abu Raihan Chowdhury – Geochemical Factors Affecting the Transport and Reactivity of Metas and Pyrite Colloids in Coal Mine Spoils (Advisor David Singer)

Jessica Tashman – Utilities of Extinct and Extant Marine Arthropod Cuticle (Advisor Rodney Feldmann)

Ph.D. 2023

Zia Ul Hassan – Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change and Stormwater Management on the Flow Regime of Urban Streams: Case Studies of Cleveland, Ohio and Denver, Colorado (Advisor David Singer)

Ph.D. 2024


POSTED: Friday, March 7, 2025 12:02 PM
Updated: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 03:38 PM
Department of Earth Sciences