Parents and Families

You are an important partner in your student’s career development process. The Career Services Office in the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship offers career preparation resources to help your student navigate the path from college to career.

Career Development

Our Career Services Office and Team believes in career development as a lifelong process and skillset. We believe it is important to engage with students early and throughout their education experience at the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship. An early focus on exploration and discovery rolls into learning and experiencing within careers. A great first step is encouraging your student to meet with career services. We offer career exploration assessments, one-on-one coaching appointments, workshops and events!  

Ways You Can Support Your Student’s Career

There are many ways to help support your student’s career journey, but we will share 6 that can have a significant impact! These suggestions will allow you to be an engaged supporter of your student, while allowing them to steer the ship. 

Encourage your student to visit with career services

Whether a freshman or a senior, Career Services is here to support them on their journey. We work with students on all career development, from career exploration and discovery, to applying, to gaining experiences! We focus on meeting the students where they are in this process, making each meeting tailored and supportive to the individual student.

Ask questions, be engaged, but let your student make decisions

Involvement in the career development process of your student can be a teeter-totter. Asking questions about majors and career interests is great and encouraged. However, too much prodding can lead to shutting you out. It’s important to allow your student to follow their interests as they progress. Career development can sometimes be intimidating, so your support as they explore and hone in their interests can change their experience! 

Be familiar with career events

Our career services office hosts a wide array of events. Every semester, we organize larger events like career fairs to connect your student to employers. We also bring in employers as much as possible to table, present to students, and network. We provide educational workshops too! Check out upcoming events here

Encourage your student to get involved at Kent State

Experiential Learning is critical in the career development process. While internships are important, before doing an internship, students can build skills and networks through student involvement in groups/organizations! Students can and should consider getting involved with a business organization and one that is based on personal interests! 

Explore student organizations

Share your experiences and help with networking

Sharing your experiences with jobs, interviews, networking, and other career areas provides amazing insight to your student. These topics aren’t often a focus at dinner, but they can be – especially when students return home for breaks and holidays! If you can assist your student with connecting to people who are in jobs they are interested in; they may be able to have successful discussions that lead to learning and experiencing career opportunities.

Recruit our Golden Flashes

Are you or the company you work for interested in recruiting our business students? Families, friends, and parents of Golden Flashes can extend their support by recruiting current college students for roles. Our career team is happy to help with this entire process. You can find more information here