Univeristy News

A student shows off a shirt at the United Greek Council rebrand ceremony

A ‘United’ Council and Community

On Jan. 26, the United Greek Council officially unveiled its new name and logo at a ceremony that welcomed members of the National Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council and National Pan-Hellenic Council executive board members and faculty and staff.

Tags: Univeristy News, Student Life, Students First

Kent State Today

Kathryn Wilson receives Distinguished Teaching Award surprise visit in class

‘You Don’t Learn If You Don’t Ever Fail’

Kathryn Wilson, Ph.D., professor of economics at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø, designs her courses with the intention of having students achieve. Her attention to detail, respect from her students and her passion for teaching have earned her the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award.

Tags: Univeristy News, Profiles, Students First

Kent State Today