When cities and universities work together, incredible things can happen. Like any good partnership, and the city of Kent have spent years building and strengthening their relationship, and it has paid off.

Kent State will host the 2025 International Town and Gown Association Conference.
Having the physical sites of the conference both at the university and in the city is a new approach for the International Town and Gown Association.

Todd Kamenash, assistant dean of students and director of student conduct, led a planning group comprising administrators and staff from across the university and the city to put in a bid for the conference. In February 2024 the bid attempted to demonstrate that the university has the infrastructure, expertise and deep partnerships with the Kent community to host something of this magnitude. And the university won.
Kamenash told Kent State Today that the 2025 conference is going to be unique.
“What we feature that is different from any other place that has hosted is that we’re going to have the conference both on campus and off campus,” he said. “No place else has done that.”
The is a professional association made up of members who are university and town leaders who are highly involved with their community. This includes numerous professionals from university presidents to city managers who reside in a town that has a college or institution.
These conferences are held annually at different universities and consist of professional sessions and presentations. Past locations for the conference include Clemson University and University of Colorado Boulder.
The will span two and a half days, highlighting both the university and the city.
Kamenash said the relationship between Kent State and the city of Kent remains solid due in part to the quality of communication between the two entities.
“The city manager and the president meet on a regular basis,” he said. “We have other meetings that occur regarding economic understanding, development and where we’re headed.”
Kamenash said the upcoming conference is being planned by a committee, the ITGA 2025 Core Planning Committee, which is a balance of individuals from the university and city.
“We don’t want it to just be the Kent State show,” he said. “Although we trust that we can put on a great show, we need it to be collaborative.”
Kamenash feels that hosting this conference will demonstrate the importance of the university working with the city.
“We’re committed to each other in a positive way,” Kamenash said. “We’ve shown and proven that we can lean on each other for things that are especially mutually beneficial.”
The conference will begin with a pre-conference followed by two and a half days of professional development sessions. Kamenash gave Kent State Today readers a glimpse into what would be taking place June 4-6.
Day One
The first day of the conference will kick off with leadership speakers from town and gown, including Kent State President Todd Diacon and Kent City Manager Dave Ruller, followed by break-out sessions for attendees, lunch and sharing of experiences. The day will conclude with a cocktail hour that will occur in the Museum.
Day Two
The second full day of the conference will include sessions by first responders, additional breakout sessions and an “on your own” lunch so attendees can explore downtown Kent.
“What we’re going to be doing is working with the community to provide vouchers to go to local places in our community so they can explore and eat downtown,” Kamenash said.
Later in the evening, the current president of the association, Cooper Healey, will be hosting an English pub quiz at North Water Brewing Company in honor of her United Kingdom roots.
“We’re going to do it in a proper pub situation, so people can relax and enjoy,” he said.
Day Three
The final half-day will include a keynote speaker followed by concurrent sessions and a lunch to wrap up the conference at the Hotel and Conference Center.

Kamenash said having the conference at Kent State this summer is an exciting opportunity for both Kent State and the Kent community.
“I feel like this is just a win-win,” he said, “I hear President Diacon talk about find the early wins, find the ways you can get the wins, and I feel like this is a win for us.”
The conference is currently accepting proposals for conference presentations through Feb. 21. Registration is open for members, nonmembers and students.
WRITTEN BY: Camille Duber, Flash Communications