The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) at celebrated its 100 years of founding with a centennial gala on April 19, 2024, at the Kent Student Center Ballroom.

With around 180 attendees, faculty, staff, students, and alumni honored the history of the organization founded in 1924 and those who paved the way for what USG is today.
“This was the first time we had something like the gala,” said Brian Johnson, director of programming for USG. “Which is why it was so monumental for us.”
Johnson mentioned that President Diacon, the keynote speaker for the event, gave an inspirational speech. During the event, different initiatives USG helped bring to campus were highlighted, such as the Student Legal Services, SPIN scooters, and products.
“We celebrated the work we’ve been doing of putting students first for 100 years,” Johnson said.
The organization works closely with different areas across campus. Johnson mentioned that USG works with students’ feedback to understand their needs and acts as a liaison between the university administration and the student body to advocate on their behalf and advance the university community.
He added that the organization is only as good as its student body and that the requests USG receives from them to present to the administration make the organization create the impact that it does.
“[In the event,] we highlighted our success as an organization,” he said. “But also our legacy for those who come after us.”
The incoming elected officials of USG were sworn into office during the event and are currently the acting members of the organization.