Sports and Recreation
Kent State Women's Bowling Club
Welcome to the Women's Bowling Club! The club offers competitive and noncompetitive opportunities for KSU female students! We hold memberships with USBC, AHBA, & OBC. We also offer open bowling events for anyone who wants to have a fun night out.
Center for Student Involvement
Kent State Archery Club
Kent State Archery Club promotes archery as a stress free sport for students who are looking for a fun way to stay active and learn archery. All experience levels are welcome, no experience is necessary! Come join us, make friends, and learn a new skill!
Center for Student Involvement
Kent State Club Baseball
We are a part of the NCBA and we play baseball against other NCBA schools.
Center for Student Involvement
Kent Men's Lacrosse Club
The competitive team representing Kent State for men's college lacrosse. Play part time in the Fall and/or full time in the Spring as we compete in another year in the National Collegiate Lacrosse League (NCLL). Contact us: Twitter/Instagram @Kentstmlax
Center for Student Involvement
Kent State Ladies Lift
To assist and help teach girls at Kent state the proper weight lifting techniques. As well as how to feel comfortable and confident in a gym setting and to build a community of strong women while doing it.
Center for Student Involvement
Kent State Bass Fishing
An organization of students interested in bass fishing.
Center for Student Involvement
Musical Theatre Student Organization
The organization shall promote awareness of Musical Theatre as a performance genre and to provide support, fellowship, and performance opportunities for students interested in Musical Theatre.
Center for Student Involvement
Students for Environmental Change
The Students for Environmental Change primarily focuses on appreciating the parks, environment, and the wildlife around us.
Center for Student Involvement
Flashes Elite Dance Team
The Flashes Elite Dance Team provides opportunities for dancers to improve and expand upon their technical, performance, and choreography skills through classes and performances.
Center for Student Involvement
KSU Badminton Club
A group of students who love playing badminton
Center for Student Involvement