Beth G. Wildman
Research Area:
Research Interests:
Research focuses on adherence, both by pediatricians to best practices and adherence by parents and children to prescribed medical regimens. I am especially interested in improving pediatrician adherence to best practices, especially identification and intervention for children with behavioral problems by primary care pediatricians. As part of our focus on treatment adherence, we have research projects which examine the relationship between parent and provider perception of physician communication and adherence, and the association between stress, treatment responsibility (e.g., parent or child) and adherence. My graduate students and I are collaborating with the medical teams in various services at a regional pediatric hospital. We work closely with the sickle cell program, developmental and behavioral pediatrics, and recently completed a project with the cystic fibrosis program. Our research is guided by applying theories of adoption of health behaviors and change to understanding pediatrician practice and parent and youth adherence.
Courses Frequently Taught:
- Child Psychotherapy (graduate)
- Child Assessment (graduate)
- Behavioral Assessment
- Advanced Topics: Changing People's Behavior-Use of Applied Behavior Analysis (undergraduate)
- Integrated Life Sciences Seminar (undergraduate)
- *Wilson, S.M.,* Smith, A.W., Wildman, B.G. (2015) Teachers’ Perceptions of Youth with Obesity in the Classroom. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. 8, 231-243.
- *Dempster, N.R., Duby, J. & Wildman, B.G. (2015). Primary care pediatricians’ perception of mental health services’ effectiveness, acceptability, and availability. Journal of Child Health Care, 19, 195-205.
- *Dempster, R., Davis, D.W., Faye Jones, V, Keating, A., Wildman, B. (2015). The Role of Stigma in Parental Help-Seeking for Perceived Child Behavior Problems in Urban, Low-Income African American Parents. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 22, 265-78.
- *Smith, A.M., *Denzer, A.Q., Wildman, B.G., Anhalt, K. (2013). Teacher Perception of Burden and Willingness to Accommodate Children with Chronic Health Conditions. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. 6, 35-50.
- Wildman, B.G. & Langkamp, D. L. (2013). Impact of Location and Availability of Behavioral Health Services for Children. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 19, 393-400.
- *Dempster, R.M., Wildman B.G., & Keating, A.P. (2013). The Role of Stigma in Parental Help-Seeking for Child Behavior Problems. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 42, 56-67.
- *Dempster, R.M., Wildman, B.G., Langkamp, D., & Duby, J.C. (2012). Pediatrician identification of child behavior problems: The roles of parenting factors and cross-practice differences. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 19, 177-187.
- *Guilfoyle, S,M., *Karazsia, B. T., Wildman, B.G., & Langkamp, D.L. (2012). Supervision to Prevent Childhood Unintentional Injury: Developmental Knowledge and Self-Efficacy Count. Journal of Child Health Care, 141-152.
- *Karazsia, B. T., *Guilfoyle, S,M., & Wildman, B.G. (2012). The mediating role of hyperactivity and inattention on sex differences in pediatric injury risk. Child: Health, Care and Development, 358-365.
- *Masterson, T.L., Wildman, B.G., Newberry, B.H., & Omlor, G.J. (2011). Impact of Age and Gender on Adherence to Medical and Infection Control Guidelines in Cystic Fibrosis. Pediatric Pulmonology, 46, 295-301.
*indicates current or former graduate student