
6 - 07.3

Administrative policy and procedures regarding the classification plan for classified civil service staff who are not in a recognized bargaining unit

  1. The associate vice president for human resources shall assign all classified civil service employees who are not in a recognized bargaining unit to a classification in the university classification plan for classified civil service staff.
  2. A list of classification titles and a classification specification for each classification included in the university classification plan are maintained by the personnel department. The classification specifications document the basic function and responsibility, characteristics job duties, reporting relationships, working conditions, and qualifications for each classification.
  3. Each classification is assigned a four digit code. Related classifications, which may form a career progression, are grouped into a classification series. The first three digits of the classification code denote the classification series to which a classification is assigned.
  4. The associate vice president for human resources establishes and maintains a comprehensive job evaluation plan. A single point-factor evaluation assessment is used to determine the overall value of each classification and position in relation to other classifications and positions. The evaluation plan includes eleven significant factors used to determine the value of jobs. The eleven factors are:
    1. Knowledge required;
    2. Experience required;
    3. Freedom of action;
    4. Mental complexity;     
    5. Impact of actions;
    6. Internal contacts;
    7. External contacts;
    8. Supervision exercised;
    9. Physical effort;
    10. Physical work environment;
    11. Interpersonal work environment.
  5. The associate vice president for human resources determines, or his/her designee, may initiate and make continuing audits, inspections, and investigations of classified positions. When the associate vice president for human resources  determines that a position is improperly classified, the position will be reallocated to the proper classification within the compensation plan.
  6. Following implementation of the classification plan contained herein, no classified employee shall be reduced by reassignment to a classification with a lower pay grade or to a lower compensation rate. However, voluntary written agreement by an employee to a demotion or reduction shall be considered a satisfactory basis for such action, subject to approval by the associate vice president for human resources.
  7. Newly created positions may be assigned to a classification and pay grade by the associate vice president for human resources before the position can be filled. To initiate the classification of a new position, a position description questionnaire (PDQ) must be completed and submitted, with all the required signatures, to the personnel department, in accordance with the procedures described in paragraph (I) of this rule and the Administrative Code.
  8. Once a position has been classified, it will remain in that classification unless there are substantial changes in the requirements and responsibilities imposed on the position. It is the responsibility of each department head to ensure employees function within the expectations of their assigned duties and responsibilities of a classified position, to the extent that it would impact upon the classification assignment of a position, is delegated to each respective vice president/provost. No dean, director, department head or supervisor shall assign duties and responsibilities justifying a pay grade higher than the current pay grade without prior written approval from the appropriate vice president/provost.
  9. If substantial changes do occur, the incumbent or department head may initiate a request for a classification review in accordance with the procedures described below. Such a request for a classification review in accordance with the procedures described below. Such request may not be submitted more than once every twelve months for the same position. Classification reviews will not be performed on positions of probationary incumbents or incumbents for which layoff or displacement is under consideration.
  10. Procedures for requesting a classification review:
    1. A request for a classification review must be submitted to the compensation unit with a completed position description questionnaire (PDQ). The content of the position description questionnaire (PDQ) must be certified by the incumbent and the supervisor, and routed for a review and signature by other administrative supervisors in the reporting channel up to and (including the vice president/provost) before it is submitted to the compensation unit. If the position is vacant, it is the responsibility of the supervisor to complete, certify the content, and route the position description questionnaire (PDQ).
    2. Upon receipt of the completed position description questionnaire (PDQ), including all appropriate signatures, a notice will be sent to the department head/college dean and executive officer to whom the position is charged.  The compensation unit then will conduct an audit and evaluation of the position. After gathering any supplementary data necessary to achieve a detailed understanding of the position, which may include telephone or on-site interviews with the incumbent and supervisor(s), the position will be evaluated in conformity with the job evaluation plan. The position will be assigned to the most appropriate classification as indicated by the information and statements submitted regarding duties currently performed.
    3. The audit and evaluation process shall be completed when the associate vice president for human resources approves the classifications assignment and written notification of the result is sent to the department head and the incumbent (if applicable). If the audit indicates a need to reclassify the position, a summary will be delivered to the executive officer to whom the position is charged.
    4. Upon receipt of the audit summary, the executive officer to whom the position is charged will either approve the position reclassification or not approve the position reclassification. If the executive officer approves the position reclassification, the effective date will be the first day of the pay period immediately following written notification of the classification change.  In such case that the position reclassification is not approved, the employee will be paid for work conducted and returned to the established position for which they are currently classified. A written outline will be issued by the compensation unit detailing those duties currently being undertaken by the employee that must be eliminated so as to conform with the current classification.
  11. Appeals process:
    1. Should the incumbent disagree with the classification decision by the compensation unit, a written appeal may be submitted to the classification appeals committee. The appeal must be signed by the incumbent, and received by the associate vice president for human resources within ten working days of the issuance of the written notification. However, the incumbent cannot appeal the their executive officer's decision to not approve the position reclassification, as set forth in paragraph (J)(2) of this rule.
    2. The classification appeals committee will meet as necessary to consider appeals. The committee will consist of five to seven members selected and appointed by the vice president for human resources from the university's classified civil service and unclassified administrative staff. The committee will be chaired by the manager of compensation or his/her designee.
    3. An employee with a pending appeal will be notified when the classification appeals committee will meet, and will have opportunity to submit factual job information for the committee's consideration.
    4. The classification appeals committee will either reaffirm the classification assigned or forward to the associate vice president for human resources a recommendation specifying the basis of fact and judgment upon which the committee considers the results of the classification review to be erroneous.
    5. The associate vice president for human resources will consider the action of the committee and notify the affected parties of his/her decision. The effective date of an appeal determination will remain the first day of the pay period immediately following the date of the original letter of notification.
    6. An incumbent whose appeal has been denied through the university appeal process may submit an appeal to the state personnel board of review within thirty calendar days after receiving notice of the results of the university appeal process.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
6/30/1991, 6/1/2007, 11/12/2010