3 - 01.1

Administrative policy and procedure regarding academic requirements, course specifications, and course offerings

  1. Academic requirements.
    1. The student’s academic requirements for graduation are based on the university catalog year that is assigned initially to the student’s first term of enrollment in a degree or certificate program at Kent state university. The student’s catalog year identifies the university catalog that contains the requirements for the student’s academic program.
    2. Students are permitted to complete an academic program (major, minor, certificate) under a more recent catalog year. When changing catalog year, students must comply with all the requirements relevant to their program in the newer university catalog. After a catalog year is updated, students are not permitted to revert to an older catalog year.
    3. The university reserves the right to change academic requirements to keep programs in compliance with accreditation, certification, licensure or industry standards. Implementation of these changes may require that students update to a more recent catalog year.
    4. The university reserves the right to change academic requirements due to financial urgency, unavailability of faculty or unavailability of other instructional resources.
    5. Where programmatic changes are required that do not alter the core academic requirements of the university, the students’ college dean will identify available alternatives for currently enrolled students to complete their declared programs(s).
  2. Courses.
    1. Course specifications such as title, credit hours, prerequisites, status (e.g., Kent core), etc., are based on the term for which the student registered for the course. If a course is revised after the student completed it, the student does not gain or lose anything with that revision. If a course is revised before a continuously enrolled student has attempted the course—a prerequisite for example—and the revision substantially disadvantages the student in completing the student’s declared academic program, the college administering the student’s program may authorize a course substitution, waiver or some other appropriate alternative.
    2. The university reserves the right to change course specifications; cancel a scheduled course; and change the time, location or delivery of class meetings for a scheduled course. If a course is canceled, every attempt will be made to contact the registered students. Students registered in canceled courses will be given the opportunity to change to another course with seats available.
  3. Policies.
    1. Additional academic policies of Kent state university not otherwise published in the Kent state university policy register shall be published in the university catalog prior to their effective date. In the event of a conflict in the policies provided for in the university catalog and the university policy register, the policies provided for in the university policy register shall control.
    2. Students are governed by the academic policies in the university catalog in effect for the current academic year, regardless of students’ first term of enrollment.
Policy Effective Date:
Aug 27, 2020
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 10/5/1979, 11/22/1982, 8/14/1985, 4/11/1990, 6/1/2007, 8/21/2012, 8/25/2014, 3/1/2015, 9/8/2015