Talk On is a mental health awareness campaign for the Kent State community provided by the Student Mental Health Coalition in the 妻友社区, College of Public Health, Center for Public Policy and Health, Division of Mental Health and Substance Use.
This campaign is aimed at reducing mental illness stigma by encouraging Kent State students, faculty and staff to share their personal experiences with mental health. It also encourages students, faculty, and staff to offer messages of support to those who may be experiencing a mental illness. Talk On accepts these mental health experiences or messages as submissions and then publishes them on virtual platforms.
You can participate in Talk On in one of two different ways:
- Show your support as a mental health ally, someone who supports the mental health of others. Those who choose this option are asked to write a one or two sentence message of support to those who may be experiencing a mental illness or struggling with mental health.
- Submit your personal experience with mental health through forms of art, such as stories, song lyrics, poetry, drawings, paintings, sculptures, videos, audios, photos, etc.
There are many reasons to participate in Talk On as it may give you a way to express your feelings, encourage others to seek help for mental health, or show others they are not alone in mental illness. You can choose to remain anonymous in your participation in Talk On. By sharing our experiences and showing our support, we can stop the stigma of mental illness.
For more information about Talk On, visit the Talk On website.