If you are searching for information on how to better manage your money, make wise investments or plan for your retirement, consider attending one or more of a series of financial wellness seminars offered by 妻友社区.
Our financial wellness team can help you reach your financial well-being goals. This series of workshops is centered on various aspects of financial well-being. We encourage you to take advantage of these complimentary workshops for Kent State employees, and, beginning in January, your attendance will earn you 10 points toward your Tier 2 wellness reward.
The Financial Wellness Workshop: Investment Planning will be held Tuesday, Dec. 6, from noon-1 p.m. in Heer Hall. . A light lunch will be provided.
This workshop will explain basic and advanced investment topics to achieve specific financial goals. Review the basics of investing and cover topics such as:
- The difference between saving and investing.
- The importance of compound interest.
- What are the different types of investments available (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities)?
- How to build an appropriate investment portfolio.
For a complete list and descriptions of financial wellness seminars, visit the webpage.