I'm Retiring, Faculty
Begin Your Retirement Journey
The information provided in this section is exclusively for all 妻友社区 faculty members who are considering retirement.
Feedback from some of our recent retirees has helped us identify parts of the retirement process that could be made easier for our valued employees to navigate. In response, we have created this website where you will find the forms, applicable polices and contact information that you need to get this process started. In addition, we've included tips and insights from recent retirees based on their own experiences.
We hope that you find this information helpful as you make this important life decision.
Please let us know how we can help by contacting Faculty Affairs at vcourie@kent.edu.
Please Note: Faculty retiring under the University Faculty Separation Plan (UFSP) will have different terms based on their signed UFSP agreement.
- Do not get sick payout (This is paid out as part of the UFSP incentive).
- Returning to work prior to the payout of the UFSP incentive is not allowed.
Step 1
Contact Your Retirement System
We encourage you to contact your retirement system approximately six months to one year in advance of your retirement date to determine what works best for you.
Medicare - Understanding the Basics Guide
Additional Information on State and Alternative Retirement Plans
Please select from the different retirement systems below.
Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP)
Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS)
State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio (STRS)
Step 2
Submit Retirement Notification
As a faculty member, your appointment has been in an academic unit. After you have contacted your retirement system, the next step to initiate the formal retirement process at Kent State is to send written notification 60 days prior to the end of the regular academic year of your intent to retire to the Provost and the administrator of your academic unit (Department Chair, School Director, College Dean or Regional Campus Dean).
- You may prepare a letter of intent to retire or complete, sign, and provide your administrator with a .
- In this letter, please include your actual retirement date and the date of the last day worked at Kent State University.
By receiving this notification, either letter or form, your unit administrator will set a series of processes in motion within the Division of People, Culture and Belonging which will culminate on the date that you selected to retire.
Don't worry, questions while you make this life-changing decision are normal. Staff members in Academic Personnel and the Division of People, Culture and Belonging are here to help you along the way.
Step 3
Contact the Benefits Office
Set up an appointment with a Benefits Coordinator by email at benefits@kent.edu or phone at 330-672-3107 to discuss the following:
- KSU health and life insurance coverage end dates
- FSA/HSA accounts (closing or transferring funds)
- Medicare Verification of Coverage form (if needed)
- Termination of benefits letter
- Supplemental Retirement Options
- Sick leave payout
- If you have 10 years of service or more, you are entitled to be paid one-fourth of your sick leave balance, up to a maximum of 30 days, at your current rate of pay. Upon request, the sick leave conversion would be paid one pay period after your last regular pay according to Administrative Policy (6-11.1 [F]).
- Complete the which allows for your sick leave to be paid out upon retirement. Email the completed form to Academic Personnel at academic_personnel@kent.edu.
- Vacation leave payout
- If you hold a twelve-month appointment, your unused vacation will be paid to you according to the procedures described in Administrative Policy (6-11.7 [3][d]).
- 403(b) or 457(b) contact provider - an approved provider must be utilized.
- Letter for a retiree parking pass and Flashcard ID
- Information about Kent State Retiree and Emeritus benefits
Step 4 - Contact Information Technology
Prepare for Information Technology Changes
- Email accounts of employees who separate from 妻友社区 are deactivated. Exceptions include separating employees who are also students, alumni, or who hold Emeritus status.
- You should not have any personal accounts (banking, insurance, social media, etc.) linked to your kent.edu email. If so, please get all accounts transferred to a personal email account before your last day of work.
- Separating employees will retain access to FlashLine in order to access W2s, paystub information and tax documents.
Complete information regarding information technology for separating employees is available here.
Step 5
Maintaining your KSU Connection
As a Kent State Retiree you have many opportunities to stay connected.
- KSU Retiree FLASHcard: Bring your official written notification of your earned retirement or emeritus status, along with your current FLASHcard to the FLASHcard office (Lower Level Kent Student Center), to get your new Retiree FLASHcard.
- KSU Retiree Parking Pass: Bring your current permit and your retiree FLASHcard to Parking Services to be issued a Retiree permit. When it is time to renew your permit, a letter with instructions for permit renewals will be sent to you. Retiree permit renewals must be done in person at the Parking Services office.
- Join the 妻友社区 Retirees Association (KSURA). Visit the KSURA Website to learn about this organization for Kent State retirees. There you will see a listing of upcoming events and you can sign up for its listserv, which will keep you informed about activities, professional experiences, and retiree news.
- Additional Retiree and Emeritus Benefits
The Office of Academic Personnel
320 Heer Hall