Austin Melton
Research Areas:
Category theory, Galois Connections, many-valued mathematics, programming language semantic, semantic web, security, software engineering, topological systems
Research Description:
I use questions and results from programming language semantics to motivate research in many-valued mathematics, and I use many-valued mathematics and category theory to extend and clarify results in topological systems and Galois connections. My work in software engineering includes trying to understand cohesion, coupling, and nesting, and how these internal characteristics relate to external characteristics such as testing and maintainability to refactoring. I'm also interest in software measurement, especially the foundations of software measurement. My current main semantic web inters is in ontologies including non-web applications of ontologies. My main security interests are integrity and privacy.
Dr. Melton also serves the Computer Science Department as Industrial Affiliates Coordinator, overseeing the internship program.