GRAD CHRONICLE: November 19, 2024
November 2024 Graduate College Programming
Check out the fun and educational events we have planned for you this November. Hope to see you soon!
- Career Drop-In: Tuesdays: 2:30 pm-4:30 pm in University Library 314
- The Write Place: Thursdays from 12 pm-3 pm in University Library 314
- First-Generation Graduate Student Roundtable Discussion: November 4th from 3 pm-4:30 pm in University Library 352 and via Microsoft Teams
- Graduate Student Writing Affinity Group: November 7th from 2 pm-4 pm in University Library 352 and via Microsoft Teams
- Graduate Student Self-Care Affinity Group: November 19th from 2 pm-3 pm in University Library 352 and via Microsoft Teams
- Graduate Student Writing Affinity Group: November 21st from 2 pm-4 pm in University Library 352 and via Microsoft Teams
- Research Writing Retreat: November 22nd from 8 am-5:30 pm and November 23rd from 9 am-5 pm on the 3rd Floor of the University Library
*We are commited to accessibile and inclusive events. If you need disability accommodations, please contact Sekhar Mamidi at*
December 2024 Graduate College Programming
Check out the fun and educational events we have planned for you this December. Hope to see you soon!
- Career Drop-In: Tuesday (12/3/24): 2:30 pm-4:30 pm in University Library 314
- The Write Place: Thursday (12/5/24) from 12 pm-3 pm in University Library 314
*We are commited to accessibile and inclusive events. If you need disability accommodations, please contact Sekhar Mamidi at*
Career Drop-In
The Graduate College is partnering with every Tuesday beginning August 27. Join a Career Exploration and Development staff member to get assistance and information about programs and careers, resumes and cover letters, increasing your networking skills, learning interviewing tips and more! The sessions will be held from 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in University Library 314. Students are welcome to join whenever they are able!
The Write Place
The Graduate College is offering the Write Place every Thursday beginning August 29. Join your fellow graduate students for weekly writing accountability groups. The sessions will be held from 12 p.m.-3 p.m. on Thursdays in University Library 314. In collaboration with the , a will be present during every session to assist students as needed. Students are welcome to join whenever they are able!
Graduate College Affinity Groups
Are you interested in building community with other graduate students? The Graduate College has three affinity groups you join to develop community in your choice of areas. There is a first-generation graduate student affinity group, a graduate student self-care group affinity group, and a graduate student writing affinity group. Depending on the group(s) you choose to join, there will be at least 1 monthly meeting to build a community with other graduate students. Join by either scanning the QR code or using the link . We hope to see you join and participate!
2024-2025 Graduate Student Award Winners
During the next several issues of the Kent State Grad Chronicle, we will highlight the 2024-2025 Graduate College Award Winners. Here are 3 award recipients we would like to recognize and highlight for their accomplishment. Congratulations to all of our Graduate Student Award Winners for the 2024-2025 Academic Year!
University Fellowship Award Winner: Jessica Smith-Ricketts (Health Sciences)
Graduate Student Leadership Role(s) Served:
- Research
- Graduate Assistant
Description of Research:
- I explore behavioral strategies that may increase motivation to participate in physical activity, specifically in the older adult population. I am currently examining gamified fitness applications with the goal of creating an application specific to the older adult population.
Description of Leadership Experiences as a Graduate Student:
- I am a fourth year doctoral candidate within the Exercise Physiology department. I currently serve as a graduate assistant within this department where I am instructor of record for Exercise Leadership for the Older Adult and conduct research under the advisement of Dr. Jacob Barkley.
David B. Smith Scholarship Winner: Elizabeth Cousins-Whitus (Psychological Sciences)
Graduate Student Leadership Role(s) Served:
- Graduate Assistant
Description of Leadership Experiences as a Graduate Student:
- I am a fourth year graduate student in Clinical Psychology and a member of the neuropsychology lab. I was lucky enough to teach Psychology of Everyday Life for two semesters while designing an undergraduate study. In addition to coordinating this recent study and completing a placement with Coleman Professional Services, I am also a health psychology trainee at University Hospitals.
Mary Ann Stephens and John R. Graham Award Winner: Jennifer Rivera (Health Sciences)
Graduate Student Leadership Role(s) Served:
- Research
- Graduate Assistant
Description of Research:
- Much of my research interest revolves around examining the pro- and anti-inflammatory responses to resistance exercise in order to elicit proper skeletal muscle repair, decrease the risk of skeletal muscle injury and improve athletic performance. Moreover, I am interested in the application of recovery modalities and their effects on the repair process following resistance exercise, which may manipulate strength adaptations and functional performance.
​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹Description of Leadership Experiences as a Graduate Student:
- I am a fourth year Doctoral Candidate within the Exercise Science and Exercise Physiology program. Since arriving to Kent back in 2021, I have had the privilege and responsibility of instructing undergraduate students in the program's courses as well as through research. I have also had the honor of proving service to the university and my profession, specifically for the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). I have served as a mentor for new PhD students who have just started our Exercise Science and Exercise Physiology program at Kent State, I have completed Leadership, Diversity, and Equity Training programs and I am currently serving on the Diversity Equity and Inclusion committee within the NSCA.
Teaching Recognition Awards
The Center for Teaching and Learning offers Teaching Recognition Awards to
all instructors at Kent State, including graduate students and faculty of all appointment types (TT, NTT, adjunct). The objective of the teaching development awards program is to recognize actions that enhance teaching and learning at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø. The program allows instructors to earn tiered awards (bronze, silver, gold & platinum) for their efforts to learn about, implement, evaluate and investigate evidence-based instructional practices. To learn more about these awards, visit the .
Forecasted Notice of Funding Opportunity for Dissertation Research
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has long supported rigorous dissertation research by advanced doctoral students addressing policy relevant issues. We are excited to announce that the Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE) has forecasted funding opportunities for fiscal year 2025 for dissertation research on key topics of interest to ACF. Please visit for the , , and forecasts to view descriptions, estimated application due dates, and to subscribe to email notifications regarding these award opportunities visit the ACF website to view previously awarded projects under , , and Grant Programs. We encourage regular visits to ACF’s Grants for information about applying. Please circulate this information to any interested parties. Note: These forecasted award opportunities are contingent on available funds and the continued interest of the federal government.
Writing Commons Graduate Consultations
Graduate consultants are available in the Writing Commons on the 4th Floor of the University Library to help graduate students with their writing 7 days a week during the following times:
- Monday: 9 am-9 pm
- Tuesday: 9 am-3 pm
- Wednesday: 9 am-3 pm
- Thursday: 9 am-3 pm
- Friday: 11 am-4 pm
- Saturday: 12 pm-2 pm
- Sunday: 6 pm-9pm
Visit their or scan the QR code in the flyer to schedule an appointment!
Kent State Education Abroad Info Session & Panel: November 22, 2024
Interested in Studying Abroad as a Grad Student? As a part of International Education Week, this semester's graduate intern for Education Abroad, Brie Brullo, will be hosting an information session & panel for graduate students who may be interested in studying abroad. You can ask questions to graduate students who have studied abroad about their experience and debunk myths about studying abroad as a grad student! This info session & panel will be on Friday, November 22nd from 12-1 in Bowman 218.
Laura Bassi Scholarship Winter 2024 Funding: November 25, 2024
The Laura Bassi Scholarship was established in 2018 with the aim of providing assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed. The scholarships are open to every discipline and the next round of funding will be awarded in Winter 2024, and the details are listed below:
- Winter 2024
- Application Deadline: November 25, 2024
- Results: December 11, 2024
All currently enrolled master's and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply as are academics in the first five years of full-time employment. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form along with their CV through the application portal by the relevant deadline. Further details, including previous winners, and the application portal can be found at: .
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): Fall 2024 Workshops & Skills Series
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers single- and multiple-session workshops on 14 different mental health and wellness topics, either virtually or in-person. All of their workshops are offered at no cost to students, though they do require that they register through their website. More information and our registration pages can be found at their website: .
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): Fall 2024 Understanding Self & Others (USO) Therapy Groups
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers two therapy groups called Understanding Self & Others (USO) that are especially suitable for students whose concerns have an interpersonal component (loneliness, anxiety, relationships, etc.). Interested students should call CAPS at their number to schedule a consultation appointment, or they can contact Dr. Jen Grzegorek, the coordinator of CAPS' group services directly with their questions. Information about their USO groups can be found on their website .
PNC Bank Fall 2024 Financial Ed Webinars
PNC offers a wide range of financial ed webinars throughout the school year; view free financial webinars at . Improve your financial health this school year! Be sure to join free financial education workshops provided by PNC. Find the full fall schedule of webinars and registration at . The information for October's student webinar is listed below:
Student Webinar:
Date: November 21, 2024 at 7 pm ET
Description: Understand how credit scores and reports work to help you keep your finances healthy and achieve your financial goals, such as buying a new home, leasing a car, or paying off debt.
Here are some helpful links that might be useful for you.
PNC Student Solution Scholarship
You have a chance to win a scholarship that can help cover your expenses. There is no essay or minimum GPA that is required, but is important to read the details for it.
- Visit
- Create a free Financial Literacy account
Opt in for your chance to win
NEOMED's NEOvations Bench to Bedside Competititon
The NEOvations Bench to Bedside Competition, which is open to graduate students, provides them with an opportunity to work with industry professionals to develop and refine their ideas and research, leading up to a showcase for the chance to win up to $10k in funding to support their innovation.
For more information and to sign up to participate, please use the .
The Cleveland Orchestra has two ways for students to save on tickets through the Student Advantage Card or the Frequent Fan Card at both Severance Hall & Blossom Music Center! |
Mental Health Support
The new is live! Here you'll find all mental health and well-being services that support the ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø community across any of our campuses and abroad. This site will help you identify support for yourself or others and empowers you with educational resources.
Additionally, we have compiled a list of graduate student support resources.